
My Daughter's Secret by Nicole Trope

maybekiley's review

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I really wanted to love this book because I loved The Boy in the Photo, but I found the main characters unbearable and the “twist” ending obvious from the start.

nlaustin1's review

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This was a quick read and had me hooked from the first chapter.

Our BBB Book Club Pick for April 2020.

bobbimarquez's review

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I both loved and hated this book!

Nicole is a wonderful author and one of my favourite Australian authors.

You know you have a great book when you don’t have time to finish it in one sitting, but cannot get it out of your head.

kirstreadsbooks_'s review

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I feel like the author got half way through writing and realised she needed a villain then picked one that didn’t make any sense. The main character also was incredibly unlikeable and I don’t understand why she wouldn’t tell the police what happened incase he did it to someone else??

It also ends randomly.

I did feel bad for Julia though but based on the way the daughter was written I don’t think she would’ve ever dove what she did.

Felt like a rushed plot with no idea where the story was going.

carmenna's review

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Un altro incisivo e toccante romanzo di Nicole Trope. In un periodo in cui stavo leggendo meno e più lentamente del solito, ho divorato questo libro, per altro non in italiano, in soli tre giorni. Il tutto grazie allo stile dell'autrice e alla sua capacità di creare delle trame a cui è difficile non appassionarsi.

Questa volta si tratta di una storia molto dolorosa, che non lascia speranze, come invece poteva accadere con Forgotten.
La vicenda si apre con il suicidio di Julia, bellissima ventenne universitaria, trovata impiccata sotto il portico di casa la notte di Halloween. Sua madre, Claire, circa otto anni prima era riuscita a liberare se stessa e i suoi tre bambini da un marito violento, di cui era costante vittima di abusi fisici e psicologici.

Il suicidio della figlia spinge Claire ad interrogarsi di continuo sui propri errori di madre, a scavare nei ricordi e a cercare risposte. Risposte che cominciano a palesarsi in una scatola di lettere trovata nel dormitorio di Julia, e grazie alle quali la donna comincia a mettere insieme i pezzi di un terribile puzzle: la ragazza intratteneva una relazione con un uomo molto più grande di lei che, dopo averla irretita e sedotta, per qualche motivo inizialmente non chiaro, le ha mostrato il suo lato peggiore, spingendola infine al suicidio...

My daughter's secret è un romanzo difficile, crudele, direi. I mostri, qui, sono ben due: il primo marito di Claire e l'uomo di Julia. Non so dire se siano stati più dolorosi i ricordi delle violenze dell'uno, o le lettere e i messaggi dell'altro.
Nel suo incessante torturarsi sui motivi del gesto della figlia, Claire ricorda vari episodi di violenza domestica, che sono un vero pugno nello stomaco e mi hanno più volte spezzato il cuore. D'altro canto, le lettere e i messaggi mi hanno prima provocato disgusto verso un uomo che si stava palesemente approfittando di una giovane ragazza vulnerabile e immatura, poi rabbia profonda, per le sue parole crudeli e l'assenza assoluta non tanto di quell'amore tanto professato, ma del semplice rispetto per la vita umana, e poi dolore per Julia e la situazione insostenibile e tormentosa in cui si era venuta a trovare. Pur essendo ella consenziente, infatti, anch'io, come Claire, che continua a definirla "my little girl", "my beautiful child", non sono riuscita a considerarla altro che una ragazzina, che in quei momenti avrebbe solo avuto bisogno della sua mamma.

Purtroppo l'identità dell'uomo con cui Julia aveva una relazione è stata abbastanza prevedibile, ma mi è piaciuto il modo in cui Claire ne viene finalmente a conoscenza. Da quel punto in poi, però, avrei preferito che la storia scorresse più velocemente. Inoltre, benché alla fine mi sia piaciuto che Claire scelga se stessa, non ho condiviso il fatto che lasci perdere ciò che concerneva Julia: avrei voluto almeno la promessa di una denuncia e di indagini per omicidio o induzione al suicidio (semmai tale reato esista anche in Australia).

Riguardo allo stile della scrittrice, lo definirei "cinematografico". Il suo modo di raccontare, infatti, riesce a creare nella mente del lettore immagini vive e vivide di ciò che accade. Da ricordare in particolare, a questo proposito, la scena in ospedale, quando a Claire viene detto della morte di Julia e tutto il mondo intorno a lei diventa ovattato e sfocato, per poi ripopolarsi di nuovo, a mano a mano, di immagini e suoni.

kiraav's review

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My Daughter's Secret is another amazing mystery thriller by Nicole Trope.

It follows the journey of a mother coming to terms with her daughter's suicide and trying to uncover the reason for the same.

It gripped me completely from the start and I too, just like Claire, was questioning Julia's decision with every turn of the page. My mind went to wherever the author had wanted us to cast our suspiscions and although I did doubt
for a second, it felt too absurd to me to turn out to be the truth.

I was mindblown and also a bit disgusted by the character as a whole. I didn't understand how the relationship could have even started or got to this point and ngl I don't believe Julia to be innocent in all of this.

She was 19 when it started so the burden of responsibility falls on her as well in which she failed spectacularly.

Plus, also didn't like Joel and Claire reconnecting, it seemed like the author put too much focus on him being healed now so suddenly all his past crimes do not matter, i can't condone anyone getting back with an abuser because apparently they've changed.

sarahs_bookish_life's review

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What an opening to a story! Definitely one I won’t forget in a hurry that’s for sure.

The loss of a child is devastating enough but to lose one the way that Claire does, gosh my heart went out to her. In fact I did get quite emotional in places as just the thought of it really hit me hard. The only thing keeping Claire going is her search for answers.

Her search leads Claire on a roller coaster of a journey. I loved how the author takes the reader in one direction to totally do a U turn and send them hurtling towards a different one. I was so sure at times that I knew where it was heading only to be totally wrong.

My Daughter’s Secret was an engrossing, page turner of a read. The author grabbed my attention from the first page and kept me there all the way through. There was certainly a couple of jaw dropping moments that I hadn’t expected, which excited and thrilled me at the same time. Great read and look forward to more from the author.

My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for an advanced readers copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in anyway.

izmirlimelike's review

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On Halloween night Claire finds her 20-year-old daughter, Julia hanging from the front porch. While she is trying to come to terms with her daughter’s suicide she makes some discoveries. Julia was in a secret relationship. Claire digs further into truth to find out who the person was and if he was responsible for Julia’s death.

The novel opened up with Julia’s friends discovering Julia’s body on Halloween night. That opening chapter was the best one in the book. After that, I was greatly disappointed. I could guess who the secret lover X was when I was 30% into the book. It was that obvious. I can’t say any more without spoilers. Claire was also unlikable which made it even worse for me. If she were a likable character it would have made reading the book more tolerable. The ending made me pretty upset as well. I kept shaking my head bewildered and frustrated at this mom’s choices.

Thank you to Bookouture and Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

shelleyann01's review

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This book was well done and full of flawed but wonderful characters. I found the subject matter so relatable to many areas- marriage, trying to raise adult children , spousal abuse, suicide and many other issues. Nicole Trope does an admirable job of writing about tragic events and making them so important and real that I was reading late into the night.

A heartbreaking and illuminating story of love, loss and redemption, with a twist and an ending that leaves you aghast. Nicole Trope is a gifted author and she paints authentic and moving portraits of motherhood and marriage, revealing all the heartaches, triumphs and mysteries with grace and style.

The book had such a well-constructed plot that was handled in a sympathetic manner by a writer who is very skilled. This was a agonizing premise, with fabulously written characters. Family life is complicated, especially parenting teenagers and older children. There were several family events that kept me reading and the suspense was tremendous. A moving and emotionally charged novel, I would often find myself with tears in my eyes. With remarkably fleshed out characters, one cannot help but feel for each of them.

In the end, Ms. Trope artfully accomplishes a delicate balance of forgiveness, reconciliation and hope for the future. Aother winner from a new favorite author. Don't miss the pure satisfaction of this book.

Thank you NetGalley, Bookouture and Nicole Trope for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an impartial review; all opinions are my own.

#MyDaughtersSecret #NetGalley

All my reviews can be found on my blog:

leona_omahony's review

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This book started off well with a heartbreaking first chapter. But unfortunately after that it started to get boring and long winded. It didn’t take me long to guess what was happening and who was responsible. Not a very exciting read.