
Emmeline by Sarah Holman

bellbird22's review against another edition

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I was somewhat skeptical of how good this book would be. It’s based on a well-renowned classic, after all, and everyone knows that abridgments or any other similar tinkering with the original goodie normally doesn’t turn out that well. This book, however, was very impressive and very enjoyable! I loved the story, the characters, and the setting.

Emmeline, the heroine, is sure she’s found the perfect girl for the local banker’s son Jack. When her good friend Fredrick cautions her about how her plan might not be very wise, she brushes him off and proceeds. But when her hopes are met with failure, will she learn her lesson? Can she learn to trust the good instincts of her friend, or will she cause trouble for other people too?

Plot wise, this story was very well done. There were a few things that may not have been necessary to the overall plot, but it ended up tying together well. There's a good amount of natural humor at times, along with some very good thoughts to ponder as well. And overall, I felt like most of the characters were fairly well developed and believable.

I got extremely annoyed at Emmeline sometimes—to the point where I was almost verbally shouting at her while I read. I definitely wanted to give her a good shaking! But overall, I loved the story and my only regret is that it wasn’t any longer. In all, even though I as yet have not read the original story (Emma by Jane Austen), I feel the author did it justice and delivered on the promise of making an interesting retelling.

morgangiesbrecht's review against another edition

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A delightful retelling of Jane Austen’s Emma! I am usually skeptical of retellings, but Holman did an excellent job in keeping true to the original ideas and themes in Emma, while bringing the story to life in a completely different time period - 1930s Great Depression America.

Frederick Knight is my favourite characters, while Morgan, Catarina, and Doris annoy me to no end. Emmeline’s good intentions are evident and even commendable to a degree, but her interference in other people’s business causes no end of problems.

There is some mention of racism, namely against African Americans and Germans, but it was never presented in a positive light. Through the ‘30s was a time of looser morals, many of Holman’s characters hold to a high standard and biblical convictions. If you enjoyed the original Emma, you’ll enjoy this twist of a story!

rosymarr's review against another edition

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This was a wonderful retelling of Emma by Jane Austen! I had fun figuring out the similarities with the original story. At first I was wishing that there was a little bit more originality, however I ended up loving it just how it was! Frederick Knight is amazing, of course, and Emmeline very fun and relatable.❤️ I recommend this to anyone who loves Jane Austen's Emma! (Or just a really good story!)

abigailkayharris's review against another edition

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Genre: Vintage Fiction

Rating: 5 Stars

Recommendation: Anyone.

Emmeline is one of the few Vintage Fiction books that I have follow read; I don't normally like that time era.

Emmeline is one of my favorite Jane Austen remakes. I have not read Emma through I do have it on my Kindle and will try to read it soon.

My favorite character is Frederick Knight who is a real knight, he is loyal, faithful to God in his actions, and does not follow the majority when they are making fun of others. Showing his true love for Emmeline by both his words and actions just as God commanded love your neighbors as your self. And Frederick forgives Emmeline every time.

My Verse for Frederick is Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy. In the English Standard Version Bible (ESV).

Emmeline is not my favorite character at first but by the end of the book, I like her just as much as I like Frederick. She is trying to help her friends but is not trusting God to do His will. And is too worried about what others think when she should only worry about following God and what He thinks. In the end, Emmeline sees that she is sinning. And to me it seems she thinks she knows people before she really does.

My Verse for Emmeline is Proverbs 28:26 Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered. In the English Standard Version Bible (ESV)

I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review and the thoughts are my own.

thepurplegiraffe's review against another edition

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Full review on my blog:

Thank you so much to Stellae Books for letting me read this sweet story! Definitely check them out if you read indie books!

Emma is one of my favorite Jane Austen stories. Granted, I've only really experienced two of them, Emma and P&P... and I still haven't read the book... but still! I really enjoy the misadventures of Emma Woodhouse, or in this case, Emmeline Wellington. The romance between her and Knightley is definitely one of my favorites. Friends-to-lovers is my favorite trope, and this is the classic example of that. So as far as the plot was concerned, I already knew what was coming, but that didn't stop me from loving every second of it. Well, you know, almost every second.

The characters were wonderful as well. Emmeline was the perfect mix of naïve and witty, where you got the feeling she knew exactly what she was doing but not what it would cost. Frederick was perfectly swoon-worthy, and even before the romance came in, their friendship was amazing. Catarina was adorable and I loved the twist of making her German, it was a great way to use the historical setting. And every supporting character was so interesting and individual, it was perfect.

The setting was great as well. I'm a history nut and that's what made me really want to read this book. Stories retold in different time periods are so cool to me, and I love how the author used the setting to affect the plot points that we already knew and loved.
And then obviously, I loved the ending. It was sooo perfect.

Overall, it made me really happy and I enjoyed it a lot! 4.5 stars from me!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Stellae Books. A positive review was not required. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

merieshenanigans's review against another edition

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Before I say anything else in this review, allow me to make it clear that I have never read an Austen book in all me life. Yep, that's right-- this so-called bookworm has no real Jane Austen influence. Well, I still read and enjoyed EMMELINE, if that makes you feel any better. ;)

Emmeline Wellington lives in 1930 Depression-age America. The time and setting set a unique spin on the original story (I may not have read EMMA, but just how long can a book-lover go in this world without hearing about Austen?) and it was very well done. Emmeline was an interesting character to say the least, and she was woefully clueless at numerous points in the story, but it was still fun reading about the ways she dealt with her father, and the Depression, and Catarina and all that. Fredrick Knight was just plain wonderful, so that's all I'll say for him.

This book was ever so realistic and reflective on the troubles of that time in history! The story mainly stayed true to its time, and that's a relief. EMMELINE was a great work of historical Christian fiction.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Stellae Books. A positive review was not required. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.*

rjd's review against another edition

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An interesting idea

An interesting twist on a classic story. I love Emma, and this was a good "modernization" of the classic. We know what's going to happen, so no spoilers there, but it was pleasant and fun.

rebekahmorris's review

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Having never read a book by Jane Austin (though I have seen three movies which I'm sure are different than the books) I was intrigued at the thought of one of Jane Austin's stories taking place in America at the beginning of the 1930's. Not quite sure what to expect, as I couldn't remember what happened in "Emma," I began reading. Some of the characters drove me crazy! But I think they were supposed to do that. Others I liked and wanted to step into the story and help. And Emmeline . . . Oh, Emmeline! I was delighted that the author didn't just make this a "moral" story, but a christian one. It was well written and I did enjoy it.