
An Heir of Deception by Beverley Kendall

tab2004's review

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Wow a book where I actually felt more for the male MC than the female - even if he was a dreaded manwhore in his time! And I am usually, almost always on the females side! Author did a great job of conveying the feelings of the characters in the story which is what I live for (as a soap angst lover). I was kind of disappointed with the reveal of who all set this tragedy in motion hence the four stars.

destinugrainy's review

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Alex Cartwright tidak bisa melupakan sakit hatinya ketika ditinggalkan oleh tunangannya di altar dengan hanya pemberitahuan melalui sepucuk surat. Belum lagi keterpurukan yang dialaminya selama lima tahun. Dan kini Charlotte Rutherford kembali ke Inggris setelah menghilang tanpa kabar. Yang membuat Alex lebih sakit hati, Charlotte kembali dengan seorang anak kecil yang tidka bisa dipungkiri adalah anak Alex.

Dengan berat hati Charlotte kembali ke Inggris karena mendapat kabar saudari kembarnya, Catherine, sedang sakit parah. Tentu saja kedatangannya disambut dengan sukacita oleh keluarganya. Meski demikian Charlotte sangat cemas memikirkan akan bertemu dengan Alex, apalagi dia tidak datang seorang diri. Ketika akhirnya dia bertatap muka dengan Alex, Charlotte tahu perasaannya lima tahun yang lalu terhadap Alex tidak berubah. Dia berutang penjelasan kepada Alex.

Sayangnya Alex tidak mau mendengar alasannya. Tetapi Alex sendiri tidak bisa menyangkap pesona Charlotte masih terus menguasai dirinya. Misi Alex saat ini adalah mendapatkan kembali anaknya, meski dengan demikian dia harus membuat surat pernikahan palsu. Dan untuk menegaskan hubungan mereka, Charlotte dan Nicholas, anaknya, harus tinggal bersama dirinya.

Kisah Alex dan Charlotte adalah buku ketiga dari series The Elusive Lords. Inti utama dari kisah ini adalah masalah keterbukaan. Charlotte yang merupakan anak di luar pernikahan resmi, merasa dirinya tidak pantas untuk Alex yang adalah calon Duke. Namun cintanya membuatnya menerima lamaran Alex. Sayangnya ada pihak yang ingin membatalkan pernikahan itu dengan cara mengancam akan membuka skandal Charlotte yang bisa menyebabkan kedudukan sosial Alex terancam. Charlotte saat itu menjadi tidak yakin dengan cintanya sendiri, apalagi cinta Alex.

Cara keduanya menyelesaikan masalah cukup menarik. Charlotte dengan sabar berusaha menjelaskan pada Alex. Sementara itu Alex sedikit demi sedikit membuka celah untuk Charlotte. Apalagi sudah ada Nicholas yang akan diperjuangkan oleh Alex menjadi pewarisnya. Dan juga secara fisik, Alex dan Charlotte tidak bisa mengingkari ketertarikan mereka. Ada unsur misteri di dalam novel ini, meski masih lebih dominan romance-nya. Dan pengirim surat rahasia yang diterima oleh Charlotte itu sungguh di luar dugaan.

Empat bintang untuk Alex dan Charlotte.

alexiachantel's review

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An Heir of Deception may have aspects of a classical romance, but the raw emotion conveyed is beyond cookie cutter.

Alex and Charlotte had found true love. Then a threatening letter ripped them apart for years. Once Charlotte returns with Alex’s son he risks everything to claim his heir, not expecting to have his heart returned to life. To deceive the ton they must play the part of reconciled lovers, a difficult thing to fake. You are swept along as they work through the pain and take steps toward healing.

The hatred and bitter sense of betrayal pours off Alex, he will have you sharing his pain. Easily Kendall’s best novel. And it sets up nicely for the next in the Elusive Lords series.

shadowmaster13's review

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I've only read maybe 10% of this book but it feels very much like a wallpaper historical, if I were in the mood for a secret baby and a powerful rich hero I'd read a Harlequin Presents.

To be fair I didn't think I'd like it much and I really shouldn't have started it. I had already decided I wasn't a fan of Kendall's books and this would be the last I'd read. I may come back to it, but I doubt it.

Opinion before I read it:
Secret babies in historical novels are one thing, secret male, heir-like babies? Charlotte's secret better be good, or she best have fled *after* the wedding.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review

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This was, in my opinion, the best book in this series. Charlotte all grown up, and the lengths she went to to ensure her family's happiness despite her own unhappiness was amazing.

This and other reviews can also be found on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

An Heir of Deception was, in my opinion, the best book in The Elusive Lords series. Charlotte is all grown up, and the lengths she went to to ensure her family’s happiness despite her own unhappiness was amazing. There were a lot of interactions with characters from prior books as well, and that was great, I love it when I like characters in a book, and I meet them again.

The secret life Charlotte had led after leaving the love of her life behind was well done, and the culprit having written the letter she received just before her wedding caught me completely off guard! Alex was the last of the elusive lords to fall in love, and he probably also fell the hardest! He had a very hard time dealing with Charlotte leaving him more or less at the altar, and when she came back, he was far from happy. Even as his body showed him that it still wanted her every time they were in a room together, he tried to tell his heart to keep far, far away from her!
