
Happy Birthday Addy - Hc Book by Luann Roberts-Smith, Connie Rose Porter

aliterarylion's review

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I had to quickly finish the last three Addy books from the library before they were due today. I read them all within thirty minutes. They are all only sixty pages each and written so sweetly that it wasn't much of a chore to complete. Happy Birthday Addy focuses on her birthday, obvi, and how she doesn't know the exact date because she was a slave on a tobacco plantation. She befriends her landlord's mother, M'Dear, who is a blind woman with a canary. She offered sage wisdom to Addy and it was reminiscent of Maya Angelou's I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. There were a lot of correlations between the emotions of her bird and the persecution Addy faces as a young Black girl. It was beautifully written and this was my favorite volume in the series. I really hope Connie Porter has shared her talent with more American Girl doll franchises.
