borumi's review against another edition

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실은 육아책을 읽는 건 많고

공감 가는 부분도 많은데

항상 공감에서 그칠 뿐

실천으로 옮기는 경우는 적었다.

그 중 특히 개인적으로 가장 맘에 들었던 육아책을 꼽자면

두 책 Simplicity Parenting과 Minimalist Parenting이 가장 육아 뿐 아니라 전체적 라이프스타일과 철학이 나랑 가장 잘 맞았다.

이 두 권 다 너무 맘에 들어서 개인적으로 주변 지인들에게 너무 권하고 싶었는데

읽을 당시에는 아직 한글로 번역이 안되어서 쉽게 추천하지 못했다.

그런데 최근에 ADHD로 진단받은 아들을 위해 집안과 하루 스케쥴을 정리하고 단순화하기 위해 이 책을 다시 보다가

한국어로도 번역된 것을 알게 되었다.

'내 아이를 망치는 과잉육아'와 '미니멀 육아의 행복'

첫번째는 약간 발도르프 교육과도 밀접하고 좀더 인생철학을 새로 바라보게 해준다.

두번째는 작가 중 한 명이 한국교포2세이고 블로그에서부터 출발한 것이어서 좀더 친밀하고 자세한 장점이 있다.

어쨌든 둘 다 육아에 있어서

너무 많은 책, 장난감, 옷 등 물질적인 것의 과잉

그리고 학원, 체험, 레슨 등 지나친 스케줄의 과잉에서도 벗어나

전체적으로 단순하고 여유 있는 육아와 삶을 누리자는 데 의의를 갖는다.

다른 집안에 비해선 책도 장난감도 옷도 적은 편이지만

생각해보면 안 놀고 안 입고 안 읽고 공간만 차지하는 아이 물품들도 너무 많고

내 물건들도 마찬가지다.

그리고 아이가 초등학교에 들어갔다는 데 식겁하고

주변 아이들 페이스, 주변 사람들 안목에만 신경쓰고 정작 내 아이의 페이스, 내 아이의 관심사와 적성을 무시하고

keep up with the Joneses (우리나라버젼은 옆집/강남엄마 따라하기라고 할까나?)식으로

조바심에 의해 방과후를 짜지 않았나 반성해본다.

ADHD가 최근에 생물학적 신경학적 기전이 밝혀진 것도 이유지만

갈수록 복잡해지고 조기교육을 강조하는 fast forward 시대의 사회에서

더 ADHD 진단율도 높아지는 것 같다.

그 뿐 아니라 매번 신상품과 새로운 소비를 자극시키는 사회에서

늘어나는 것은 쓰레기와 공해

그에 반해 풍요로운 물질에 비해 줄어드는 대화와 소통

ADHD 진단받고 나서야 실제로 실천에 옮기기로 작정하였지만

지금이라도 늦지 않았다고 믿고 싶다.

그리고 좀더 simple하고 minimal한 삶으로 아이 뿐만 아니라 나 자신도 여유를 되찾고 치유될 것 같은 느낌이 든다.

aharman13's review against another edition

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Felt like a lot of fluff and the same sentences repeated over and over again but phrased slightly differently.

chadstep's review against another edition

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Somewhat common sense and focused in the overachieving parent body, I didn't feel like this offered a lot of insight beyond a basic "tips and tricks" level. What about the underlying cause of this type of parenting and where it leads kids? Why are we more inclined to be more efficient rather than taking a new path of less-is-more parenting? Troublesome.

thebookendcat's review against another edition

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Great ideas and a general idea of how to enjoy being a minimalist parent and person, however, was way too wordy and took a while to get to the point. Found I am already a "minimalist" so it didn't offer a lot. I love the minimalist idea but was disappointed by this book. If you are not minimalist or familiar with it, I would recommend this book, otherwise I would not.

supergirls_2008's review against another edition

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This reads like those common sense articles in a magazine you read in a hospital waiting room. There is very little about parenting- it is actually about decluttering and time management. Share responsibilities with your spouse. Make a to do list. Organize your closet.

I am minimalizing my life by returning this book without finishing it. It does not “bring me joy”.

ashleyrhyan's review against another edition

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I actually really enjoyed this approach and fully agreed with almost all of it, which is rare for me. As dumb as this sounds, I felt like I was given permission to parent the way I want to, with a few tips to make it easier.

_dunno_'s review against another edition

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OK, so this is the first parenting book I've read so far. And it's no surprise, knowing myself, that I chose one that gives tips on doing less in order to enjoy life more.

I am told already I have a laid-back parenting style (I, for once, don't believe I have a style when my baby's only 4 months old!) but these people didn't see me freaking out over my baby's unstoppable crying when she had colics or had a rash of some sort. The privilege is reserved to my husband. So, do I need to relax myself? I surely do.

It's not like the authors have discovered the Zen art of parenting, but there is sensible advice (and lots of examples from the authors' own experience), like making to-do lists and share a smart phone calendar with your spouse, share responsibilities, unclutter, involve kids, plan ahead, simplify, simplify, simplify and say NO to things you're not exactly keen on.

booksandbabies's review against another edition

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Yeah, this is not minimalist parenting at all in my book.
My first problem with it was that their parenting style is not minimalist AT ALL: the authors feel very much part of hustle culture and I feel stressed just reading about it. We as a family definitely live by 'doing less to enjoy more' but the lifestyle discibed in this book is A LOT and doesn't feel like 'doing less to enjoy more' at all.
My second problem with the book is that it covers a lot that really felt outside of the scope of what the book was supposedly about. We got tips on kids drop off and pick up at school, socialising with other parents, volunteering, making money, financial plans, etc...
It felt more like bragging about how they juggle everything than a 'how to' into minimalist parenting.

wanderbook's review against another edition

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✨ Kunci dari minimalist parenting adalah pengeditan. Waktu dan perhatian Anda terlalu berharga sehingga sayang kalau digerogoti oleh yang kecil-kecil - hal 3

✨ Buku ini ditulis oleh dua pengelola blog, Christine Koh & Asha Dornfest. Menarik karena keduanya punya preferensi kebiasaan yang berbeda jadi di sepanjang buku kita bisa lihat mana yg lebih relate sama kita.

✨ Berisi 14 Bab, total 346 hal. Jujur ada beberapa point yang saya skip terlebih dahulu karena belum relevan buat saya. Misal ttg pemilihan sekolah, saya hanya baca sekilas dan lanjut ke hal lain yang lebih relevan.

✨ Buku ini memberikan banyak worksheet/key question untuk kita jawab sepanjang membaca, itu membantu kita mengenali diri kita sendiri dalam memilih "gaya" parenting yg sesuai. Saya banyak menjawab pakai sticky notes dan setelah selesai baca, seru juga membaca ulang jawaban-jawaban saya. Mengingat saya baca buku ini hampir 2 bulan.

✨ Salah satu hal yg aku suka adalah komentar 2 dr orang tua lainnya ketika ada satu pembahasan, biasanya ini komentar dari blog mereka. Nah ini asyik bgt buat dpt referensi lebih luas terkait suatu isu.

✨ Apa yg ada di buku ini menurutku mirip dg apa yg ada di buku parenting lain atau produktivitas untuk ibu. Misal buku The Joy of Missing Out atau buku Make Time (yg bukan buku parenting). Kuncinya: tentukan prioritas, baik pada pemilihan sekolah, makan siang anak, sampai pembelian barang-barang.

✨ Hal lain yang kusuka dari buku ini adalah penekanan kalau intuisi ibu pada byk kesempatan amat penting dalam mengambil keputusan. And I couldn't agree more.

✨ Buku ini menyenangkan untuk dibaca pelan-pelan. Tapi mungkin akan lebih berkesan ketika membaca lagi nanti ketika Rana sudah mulai sekolah :')

Rating: 3/5

jaclynday's review against another edition

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I’m not going to say there wasn’t the occasional valuable tidbit in this book, but it’s basically a book-length #FIRSTWORLDPARENTINGPROBLEMS. The advice is trite (“take time for yourself” OKAY DUH YEP) and so privilege-y that I didn’t make it all the way through. Parenting books are mostly the worst, so I’ve been lucky to read a streak of really good ones up until now.