
Fiend: A VinEssa Novella by Marie Ann

amberb0413's review

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4.5 ⭐️
I was so happy to hear there would be more VinEssa in my life. I didn’t feel this was rushed or too quick but gave enough for the reader to want more. I hope this is not the END END of VinEssa because I’m attached to these characters.

Do not ready this without reading Creep or Monster first as this has a ton of spoilers!

waesmilesreads's review

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“But this? What we have? Will conquer it all.”

I had the absolute pleasure of alpha reading this VinEssa novella and honestly it was the send off we all wanted and needed imo.

I fell in love with VinEssa as a couple the moment I read Creep last year and they were imperfectly perfect in every way for my dark soul. As always, this author absolutely smashed it with the character development considering the book was set a while after the ending of Monster and it’s really good to see how VinEssa have progressed in their relationship.

Essa has found comfort and trust in this book and it’s honestly heart warming. Let’s be honest, they are still VinEssa in all their flaws and faults so seeing the back and forth hasn’t changed in this short story.

We also get a glimpse from other POV’s that are a perfect lead into the authors current WIP which I for one cannot WAIT to read.

This story is heartwarming and dark all in one, please still take the trigger warnings seriously and read with caution but I promise you, the delightful end to VinEssa’s story is well worth the read.

“Only she can glare with love.”

brittanystthomas's review

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Vincent is a dark, twisted, monster of a man that I can't help but view as perfect. He's so broken but it's beautiful. He is this force that pushes himself to be better but still succumbs to the cravings he tried to bury.
Seeing their life after what happened in Monster, gave this beautiful closure to how Vin and Essa survived. Their love is so unconventional, but it's theirs. This story gives us that little bit more into their lives and into the softness that Vin unknowingly has.
Essa is just as strong, if not more so, now. She radiates. She gives strength to Vin when he needs it the most, even if he doesn't realize it.
It's an emotional story that while it is classic VinEssa, it gives us a new light in which to see them. It was the perfect way to close their chapter. Also giving us a look inside the minds of Leo and Jax. So much is to come from them and it's going to be a crazy ride that I can not wait to experience.

romance_book_babe's review

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“But this, what we have, will conquer it all. And I plan to fight for them both—until my last breath.”

Do you *NEED* to read this novella? Technically no, VinEssa does get their HEA in Monster. Should you read this? YES.

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this but it was just perfect. Two years later and Vincent get his revenge in the man who took a piece of his Babydoll.

Did I get all teary eyed when Vincent was in the hospital with Poppy?

mrsmaddyp's review

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This quick novella is the perfect cherry on top of Vincent and Essa’s story. You need to read Creep and Monster first to enjoy this one but if you were dying for a few more VinEssa moments this is everything.

Naturally a couple as toxic as this one isn’t just going to ride off into the sunset with a white picket fence and 3.5 kids. There’s going to be some bumps and some blood along the way. Vin is not Prince Charming and that’s what I adore about him. And I love every moment we get of him in this book but especially the second half. The EMOTIONS

readwkc's review

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*triggers listed below*

Releases - May 13th
(enough time to read the Monster In Us duet beforehand)

VinEssa... my faves

chaoskay's review

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Amazing ending

It’s been just over 22 hours since I started Creep , Monster and now this . This book was the icing on the cake just what was needed to know Vin and Essa got their HEA.

kcbear97's review

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Another smash hit from one of my absolute instant one-clicks

dlm_turningpages's review

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This was everything I needed but didn’t know I needed it. I missed VinEssa so much so when I heard about this novella I was so stoked. Honestly it’s nothing but perfection for closure on them.

My heart when Vin…