
The Keepers: Sienna by Rae Rivers

laurapatriciarose's review

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Rae has done it again for me with this wonderful novella and prequel to The Keepers: Archer. I have read The Keepers: Archer first so my experience of this novella may be different to someone who reads Sienna first. I promise I won't give anything away.

I was so so so excited to hear that Rae was releasing a prequel to her Keepers series. I read The Keepers: Archer back in June and have been wanting desperately to immerse myself in that world again, and this novella did not disappoint. I already knew all the characters very well, apart from two of them and they were exactly as I remembered and meant that I did not need much character development, but I think Rae still did this well in this shorter story.

Reading the prequel explained a lot of what had happened in Archer's story, with one character in particular making an appearance in the prequel that I had wanted to get to know more about in Archer's story. I was excited to see that the heat between Sienna and Archer was extremely evident in this! Archer is definitely still my top book boyfriend! I am only annoyed that the story wasn't longer! I would have liked to have read more in some parts and get to know one of the characters a little better, but that's just me being greedy.

This was an action packed, fast paced read once again and if you have not read The Keepers: Archer yet I know you will be aching to find out what happens next!

emmascr's review

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This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews Rae contacted me as part of Harper Impulse Fortnight to see if I would be interested in reviewing The Keepers: Declan, so I looked up the book and while I was dying to read it, I had a little issue. Declan was not the first book in the series and I am a bit of a stickler for reading books in the order they should be in. So I logged on to Amazon to find that Sienna (book 0.5) was free. I instantly downloaded it. I was almost halfway through Sienna when I knew I had to read the rest of the series. Rae has kindly emailed me copies which I will be reviewing shortly.

So back to the story. Sienna is a witch who has just inherited her grandmothers powers. (Side note: Now I am not sure how the powers were passed to Sienna and I am hoping this is something we discover as the series continues.) Sienna has 4 Keepers Archer, Sarah, Ethan and Declan. These four are sworn to keep Sienna safe at all times.

Now I am not going to go into too much detail on the story as this is only a prequel and under 100 pages. I will however say that it is fast paced, explosive and exciting.
I raced through page after page and couldn't put it down. I was not prepared for so much to happen in such a short book. Rae makes the best use of every single word. There is nothing on the page for filler. There is nothing that wastes your time.
I have to say that this had an interesting ending and I am very much looking forward to reading Archer and Declan.