
Hot to Trot by C.P. Mandara

tiggers_hate_acorns's review

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Another great episode in Jenny's transformation to pony-girl. Once again the writing and editing is first-class, one of the best pony/petplay books/serials I have read. In this episode Jenny is put through the wringer by Mark and a sadistic trainer, Kyle. She finishes the day being primped, bathed and trimmed and is finally dressed in her pony gear and meets her stable mates. Of course there is heaps more to it but that would give the game away - wouldn't it now.

Future intrigue as to her father's motives for sending Jenny to become a pony-girl are hinted at, no doubt we will learn more in the next episode - Tally Ho and onward.

lifeinthebooklane's review

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Would it be in bad taste to say things are steaming up?

Humiliation upon humiliation is heaped upon our poor heroine. Despite her being a rather petulant, spoilt and selfish individual, I do feel some sympathy for her. This is something the author does quite well. She makes her characters just imperfect enough, just the wrong side of right, so that whilst you like them, you don't feel too much empathy or sorrow for their terrible plight! She enjoys a lot of that plight and a multitude of orgasms does sound enjoyable. However forced orgasm torture probably isn't called torture because it's so much fun.

We get more and more intrigue thrown in, and if I ever met Jenny's dad I think I would castrate him with a blunt table knife before stabbing him in the eye with a rusty spoon. There are other players afoot in this game, and lots of backstabbing, not to mention tongue-stabbing. Though that's a very different activity all together.

I'm impressed with how well Jenny's holding everything together. I'm sure I would have descended into a quivering mess of forlorn sobs or become a raving lunatic after being subjected to the same treatment. After all this is very much non-con, though very gentle non-con as there is no rape, violence or physical abuse. Being forced to train as a pony-girl does probably count as mental and emotional abuse though - even if she does enjoy some of it. Or maybe she's just so incredibly used to getting her own way that poor Jenny's brain can't comprehend fully the truth of her situation. Either way it makes for a darn good, kinkily depraved, read.

I now own all 9 the books in this series, but overloading on arc commitments for the past two years means I'm very behind on finishing them. So the re-read is two-fold, firstly to remind myself of events so I can understand the books I haven't read, second is that I read them in my pre-review on goodreads days, and not having a review on here bugs the heck out of me. This is the last and longest of the 'short' parts of the story, there are 3 additional full length books in Pony Tales plus the three Velvet Collar books (which in many ways can be read as a stand alone trilogy).

meingee's review

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Jenny’s first day has finally come to an end, but will she be given a respite of any kind? So much has happened to Jenny in such a short amount of time. Each new development pushes her further and further to the edge. The place she has found herself prisoner in may not only take her innocence but her mind as well. As the heat grows between Jenny and Mark, she begins to lose her battles. Emotions are at the forefront for Master Mark and when a new trainer enters the picture the fireworks erupt, and Jenny is a prize in a contest that she did not even know she was part of. We are given another glimpse at why Jenny has been placed here and that only adds to my dislike of her father and the owners of the school.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

lindas_bookstoread's review

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"Poor Jenny? Or, lucky Jenny?

Seems good old dad is putting new rules in place. What happens when Matthews is pulled away from his training?

This really is a guilty pleasure. Mandara most definitely has a way with words! Enjoying this dirty novella series!

I received an advanced reader copy, and this is my honest and voluntary review. "