
Waypoint by Deborah Adams, Kimberley Perkins

marikirst's review

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This book was so much fun! There were a few places where you have to suspend disbelief, but if you're looking to be entertained, this is your book! It leaves off with a cliffhanger (not my favorite), but the action and adventure would be great as a tv show/movie. I look forward to reading more by these authors especially Constellation, the next one in the series. Definitely worth your time to read!

alana__'s review against another edition

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Twin brothers trying to save the world. Badass females (with a side of so-awful-you-have-to-laugh-jokes when they get nervous). Gamers. A world with an apocalyptic feel. What more can a girl really ask for?! This book was a blast. From the moment it started it hit the ground and never stopped running. I literally read the first few pages and had to stop and let my heart rate slow down because the opening was WILD. I'm one of those readers who will never accept the fact that dystopian/apocalyptic books aren't really a thing anymore, so when one comes my way you best believe I'm picking it up, no questions asked. I honestly don't know what I liked most about this book because it was just all so good, but let's try and start somewhere.

First, let's talk about the characters shall we? I love books about sisters with strong relationships, but hello, I am now basically trash for brotherly love. Simon and West are twins, who really couldn't be any more different than one another. Simon, is a genius when it comes to all things computers and games. He's basically a God in the gamer world, but in real life struggles with anxiety in social situations which is just too damn relatable. West, is the complete opposite, he's got the total jock package going on. Charismatic, cocky, and uh, pretty hot. Plus, he also has awesome survival skills, I really have to hand it to him. I was not expecting such a pretty boy to handle his time in the woods so well.

And where we would be without our leading ladies? That's right nowhere. Riya and Alex gave me LIFE. Two girls with two pretty big secrets are accompanying our twin brothers as Simon and West split up and take on the 500 mile trek to Waypoint. Alex, is the type of girl who will fight when provoked, but when not provoked she will tell the worst jokes in the history of comedy to try and calm her nerves. It's hilarious. Riya, is the type who will fight when provoked, when not provoked, and could easily kill you in her sleep, but we also start to see a softer side to her as the story progressed. I loved both of these ladies so much.

As the four make the journey to Waypoint they run into A LOT of obstacles, and I don't want to say too much without giving away any of the plot but this is a book you will easily fly through because you just have to know how it ends. One of the things I was most nervous about was my least favorite thing in the world - intsa-love. The characters are thrown into each others lives pretty quickly, so I was worried there would be a ton of ooey-gooey insta love. And while the characters were hot and bothered by one another pretty quickly there was still all the right amount of tension I needed to never once deem the romance eye roll worthy. Plus, the romance wasn't overpowering to the story and didn't take away from Simon and West trying to find their way back to one another, so zero complaints over here!

Something I really appreciated in this story was the talk about how internet friends are just as valid as real life friends, and y'all, if this ain't the truth I don't know what is. Especially being a part of the book community, I've made so many friends who I've never met and yet we understand each other so well. I also really loved the gaming aspect of this story because I used to LOVE playing video games back in the day. However, I loved that this video game in particular worked around people actually going outside and doing things in the real world to level up and get new weapons and gear, it was super cool.

Favorite Quotes

Sometimes you decide to save the world, and you end up in situations that you may or may not be ready for. Sometimes nerdy guys get the girl.

He'd often lost himself in made-up worlds and watching someone get lost for the first time was wonderful.

"I can't talk to people in real life without feeling like I'm going to suffocate. I can't carry on a conversation without having to decompress afterwards. It's too hard. The only time I've ever felt like I really connected with someone was through a stupid computer. What will my life be like when our consoles finally die? Who will I talk to? I can't..."

All in all, if you're looking for a super fast paced story, with epic characters, tons of plot twists, and all the feels when it comes to family and romance, then Waypoint deserves a spot on your TBR. In case you missed it in my last post the authors are currently hosting a giveaway where you can win a signed copy of the book plus a $25 Amazon gift card, you can enter HERE.

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pixiejazz's review

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Oh gosh, where do I begin with my review? Perhaps with one word: AHHHHHH!!!

Okay, now that I have that out of my system, I think I can move on...

Waypoint is the first book in a new series by Deborah Adams and Kimberley Perkins. It's their debut novel, and boy is it a good one. I was immediately drawn in by the synopsis, and after starting the story, I didn't want to put it down. It was that good.

Waypoint is a dystopian adventure full of twists and turns that will leave you breathless. It's an intense thrill ride of secrets, lies, and serious trust issues. There's also some romance thrown in for good measure.

The characters are well-written, and you find yourself invested in their lives. Even though Simon and West, the two main male characters, are twins, they're complete opposites. West is more outgoing and a jock; Simon is an introvert who likes to spend his time playing video games with his friends.

I really liked both of them, but I related more to Simon than West. Simon was a very shy, awkward duck, although he did end up surprising me at time.

I also really liked both Riya and Alex. Both girls had their own thing going on (Riya was on a mission, and Alex was trying very hard to avoid certain people), but when they meet up with the brothers, it makes the story even more exciting. Together, the stuff they go through is pretty crazy.

The world building is pretty great too. You get a sense of where each character is and what they're seeing as they travel either through the woods or along the highway. And when they stop in different cities/towns, you can picture in your head what it might look like (considering they're real cities just set in a dystopian/post-apocalyptic world). I liked that. I always like being able to visualize what's going on and where.

Plot-wise, this book will suck you right on in and not let go until the very end. And when it does end, you'll be an emotional disaster who can't wait for the sequel and needs it now. Oh, wait... maybe that's just me.

Anyway... I would highly recommend Waypoint to fans of dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction. It's got everything you could want, and more. Romance, action, adventure, and lots of crazy twists.

I think this may be my favorite dystopian/post-apocalyptic novel of 2018. I loved it so much!

5 very well-deserved stars from me!

alana__'s review

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Twin brothers trying to save the world. Badass females (with a side of so-awful-you-have-to-laugh-jokes when they get nervous). Gamers. A world with an apocalyptic feel. What more can a girl really ask for?! This book was a blast. From the moment it started it hit the ground and never stopped running. I literally read the first few pages and had to stop and let my heart rate slow down because the opening was WILD. I'm one of those readers who will never accept the fact that dystopian/apocalyptic books aren't really a thing anymore, so when one comes my way you best believe I'm picking it up, no questions asked. I honestly don't know what I liked most about this book because it was just all so good, but let's try and start somewhere.

First, let's talk about the characters shall we? I love books about sisters with strong relationships, but hello, I am now basically trash for brotherly love. Simon and West are twins, who really couldn't be any more different than one another. Simon, is a genius when it comes to all things computers and games. He's basically a God in the gamer world, but in real life struggles with anxiety in social situations which is just too damn relatable. West, is the complete opposite, he's got the total jock package going on. Charismatic, cocky, and uh, pretty hot. Plus, he also has awesome survival skills, I really have to hand it to him. I was not expecting such a pretty boy to handle his time in the woods so well.

And where we would be without our leading ladies? That's right nowhere. Riya and Alex gave me LIFE. Two girls with two pretty big secrets are accompanying our twin brothers as Simon and West split up and take on the 500 mile trek to Waypoint. Alex, is the type of girl who will fight when provoked, but when not provoked she will tell the worst jokes in the history of comedy to try and calm her nerves. It's hilarious. Riya, is the type who will fight when provoked, when not provoked, and could easily kill you in her sleep, but we also start to see a softer side to her as the story progressed. I loved both of these ladies so much.

As the four make the journey to Waypoint they run into A LOT of obstacles, and I don't want to say too much without giving away any of the plot but this is a book you will easily fly through because you just have to know how it ends. One of the things I was most nervous about was my least favorite thing in the world - intsa-love. The characters are thrown into each others lives pretty quickly, so I was worried there would be a ton of ooey-gooey insta love. And while the characters were hot and bothered by one another pretty quickly there was still all the right amount of tension I needed to never once deem the romance eye roll worthy. Plus, the romance wasn't overpowering to the story and didn't take away from Simon and West trying to find their way back to one another, so zero complaints over here!

Something I really appreciated in this story was the talk about how internet friends are just as valid as real life friends, and y'all, if this ain't the truth I don't know what is. Especially being a part of the book community, I've made so many friends who I've never met and yet we understand each other so well. I also really loved the gaming aspect of this story because I used to LOVE playing video games back in the day. However, I loved that this video game in particular worked around people actually going outside and doing things in the real world to level up and get new weapons and gear, it was super cool.

Favorite Quotes

Sometimes you decide to save the world, and you end up in situations that you may or may not be ready for. Sometimes nerdy guys get the girl.

He'd often lost himself in made-up worlds and watching someone get lost for the first time was wonderful.

"I can't talk to people in real life without feeling like I'm going to suffocate. I can't carry on a conversation without having to decompress afterwards. It's too hard. The only time I've ever felt like I really connected with someone was through a stupid computer. What will my life be like when our consoles finally die? Who will I talk to? I can't..."

All in all, if you're looking for a super fast paced story, with epic characters, tons of plot twists, and all the feels when it comes to family and romance, then Waypoint deserves a spot on your TBR. In case you missed it in my last post the authors are currently hosting a giveaway where you can win a signed copy of the book plus a $25 Amazon gift card, you can enter HERE.

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