
Center of Gravity by K.K. Allen

math_chan's review against another edition

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Lex et son meilleur ami Shane sont arrivés de Seattle pour s'installer à Los Angeles. Ils se sont inscrits à Gravity afin de percer dans le milieu de la danse professionnelle. Shane décroche une audition et un travail assez rapidement mais Lex peine à sortir de sa coquille. Elle est certaine qu'elle doit se perfectionner avant de se lancer. Elle rencontre alors le chorégraphe qu'elle idolâtre Theodore Noska mais l'entrevue ne se passe pas vraiment comme dans ses rêves et elle part en le traitant de connard. Elle est ensuite invitée à une audition pour un spectacle de 6 mois à Las Vegas par l'une de ses professeurs, petit souci… Theo est le chorégraphe du spectacle et il ne veut pas d'elle. Le contrat est clair : pas de relation entre le chorégraphe et la troupe de danseurs. Lex l'attire plus qu'aucune autre femme ne l'a jamais attiré et il ne veut pas mettre sa carrière en péril. Surtout pas après ce qu’il s’est passé quelques mois auparavant…

C'est un roman facile à lire, la plume est fluide et élégante. L'auteure nous propose une immersion totale dans le monde de la danse à travers ses descriptions des chorégraphie qui sont renforcées par des liens vidéos qu'elle donne au début du livre et lors de chaque passage correspondant. Le lecteur peut ainsi imager les écrits. Le monde de la danse, les rivalités et le métier de danseur professionnel sont assez bien représentés. Le lecteur comprend les difficultés pour atteindre le haut niveau, la concurrence très rude pour avoir accès à un contrat ou un solo et l'hygiène de vie qu'il faut pour y parvenir avec tous les sacrifices. Le personnage de Theo est le plus complexe, il est détruit par sa précédente relation ce qui lui a posé des problèmes dans son travail. Cependant c'est un travailleur acharné qui sait ce qu'il veut et qui a eu les opportunités aussi pour réussir. Il se remet également en question et réajuste ses priorités si nécessaire. Lex en est au début de sa carrière, elle a suivi celle de Theo qui pour elle est l'Eldorado de la danse. Elle est très attirée par lui mais refuse de mettre en péril son avenir et son image professionnelle. Elle est douce et innocente dans ce monde qui ne cherche qu'à la dévorer. Leur relation commence lentement pour s'accélérer au fil des derniers chapitres. La fin est un peu rapide mais cohérente avec le reste du livre. J'ai noté que l'auteure avait écrit une suite dans cet univers mais pas avec les mêmes personnages principaux donc pas d'inquiétudes le roman à bien une fin malgré un tome 2 prévu le 14 juin.

_bookish_kristy_'s review

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Great read!

Center of Gravity was my first read by KK. I loved Theo & Lex’s story. The storyline was great, and I loved the dance background. Their chemistry was intense and their connection was so good! You get a nice dose of drama and angst.

rihoward's review

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4 stars

Another great book from this author. There is just something about this author that captivates me. While this was not my favorite of her books, it is still a mile ahead of so many others out there in the market. Thailand Led are delightful so I'm not sure why I didn't connect to this book more. Regardless, it was still good.

bookmaniacforever's review

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⭐️ 5 "Find Your Balance" Stars ⭐️
Center of Gravity was such a captivating story! K.K. Allen presented a unique, alluring romance set in the world of professional dance with a touch of angst and forbidden. This novel is a flawless mix of flirty, funny, sexy, moving and utterly appealing! The passion flowing through the pages is remarkable!

"If I could rewrite the rules, I'd do it for you."

Lex is an aspiring professional dancer trying her chance in Los Angeles. She’s been dancing all her life and is truly talented, but she’s shy and insecure. It’s when she’s on the stage that she truly shines. I liked her relationship with her best friend Shane. This guy really pushes her to express her talent by auditioning, even through the rejections. You feel her passion for dancing, but also her struggles with confidence. Watching her evolution across the chapters, where she blossoms into an assured dancer, but also woman was spellbinding.

Theo Noska was a great hero too! At first he’s a complete jerk to Lex making her feel inferior, because she’s still unknown in their field! When she ends up getting a contract for the show he’s choreographing, everything takes a new turn. As much as Theo wants to keep her away, there’s a magnetic connection between them. They try to deny this intense chemistry, but they just bond so easily. I love the sweet development of their relationship! The attraction is felt through every interaction and I was so eager for them to get together, but the fact their contract prohibits a possible romance between them felt tragic.

An aspect I appreciated is the fact there’s no big drama in this story. Once Lex and Theo are together, they’re solid! There’s doubts and struggles about their feelings and their futures, but the biggest obstacles are exterior to their illicit liaison!

"She was moonlight and magic when she danced, leaving stardust in her wake."

K.K. Allen fashioned a genuinely stunning, heartfelt story with Center of Gravity! The dance video links dispersed across the ebook was a delightful touch! It made the immersion into the dance world even more potent! Take a chance on this stunning romance, you won’t regret it!

** ARC received in exchange for an honest review **

katerkats's review

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I liked this book way more than I thought I would, admittedly. The story really pulled me in and made me want to keep reading. The main characters were not super interesting but I did find myself investing in their story. If you are in the mood for a new adult romance, especially a sports one, this is a really solid option among a sea of frequently not so good books. It isn't too plot-heavy but does have more going on than most books in the genre.

The author did a few interesting things with this book. First, you can tell she has a real passion for dance, describing the dance scenes in detail and even including links to youtube videos of people performing the dance. I actually liked this aspect more than I thought I would since I was envisioning a completely different style of dance than that what was depicted (The videos are not required viewing, however).

I will say there was a kind of randomly placed flashback scene about 1/4 of the way through the book. I know its intent was to explain some of the main character's backstory, but it seemed awkwardly placed to me.

Overall, I was pleased. If you take the book for what it is, a new adult romance, this is a solid 4 stars.

laurascaz's review

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Center of Gravity is the first in the Gravity series by K.K. Allen. All books in the Gravity series are stand alone novels,.

Lex comes to LA to fulfill her dream of dancing professionally and being taught by her idol, Theo Noska. Lex meets Theo by accident, and that meeting does not go well, nearly costing her a shot at her dream job. Theo does not want to like Lex, but he quickly finds that her talent and beauty are hard to ignore. Although their contract forbids them from having a relationship, they think they can keep it a secret and be together after the gig is up. Add in a Diva and an old nemesis bent on revenge, and things go sideways at the least opportune moment. Lex thinks her career is over, but Theo is not done fighting for their love.

Center of Gravity shows us that love can conquer all!

kerithesmutslut's review

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3.5 ⭐️

I almost DNFed this book around the 25% mark because I was so worried it was going in a direction I didn’t want it to go, and while I didn’t love reading a scene with our hero sleeping with another woman.. I’m glad it didn’t become as bad of a situation as I had in my head.

I didn’t love everything about this book, but I did really enjoy the book as a whole. I enjoyed the writing style as well, and will be reading more by this author.

tone611's review

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When Lex world is now part of Theo's world, you think she would be excited. Except, her idol ends up being a jerk. Or so she thought. Lex is just trying to make her dream come true. Theo is trying to stay away from Lex. They both have struggles and troubled passed, but not in a way you would think. They try to overcome they obstacles. The development between Theo and Lex is awesome. The chemistry is to die for.

This book is so unlike K.K.'s other books, but it one of my favorites. The characters left real. The story speaks to your heart. Not only will you love the main characters but the supporting characters are awesome as well. Hopefully we see more of them

svillanu's review

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I really liked the choreographer/dancer dynamic!

nadine_booklover's review

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”He seemed … simple, yet there was nothing simple about the way he danced.”

The recipe to build a perfect playground for a story like Center of Gravity? Simply take 3 cups of the movie Center Stage, add a teaspoon of the movie Honey and mix it well with some pinches of the StepUp movies. This book is a dancing masterpiece. If you are a fan of dance movies, THIS is totally a MUST read for you!

”Dance was the language of Theo’s soul. He bled in sweat. He breathed in the music. And he radiated passion through every square inch of his body.”

I was super glad I had half a day off on Monday and therefore I could read this book in one sitting. My eyes were glued to the pages, turning one after another and couldn't read fast enough. And at the same time I was dragging getting to its end, because I just wanted to continue reading.

”He was a beautiful man, but it was what he expressed through his body that made him a god.”

Center of Gravity was my first book by K.K. Allen and I have no idea why I haven't picked up earlier books by now, even though they are on my tbr pile. I had a blast reading this book, which is filled with livid and vivid characters. It felt almost real and while reading it, it felt like watching a movie in my mind.

”Theo was the epidome of dark and disturbed, and he was exactly the sort of man I needed to stay away from.”

K.K. Allen created a perfect mix of character diversity and development combined with love, loss, troubled pasts, friendship, competition and fighting for dreams.

”When she danced it was as if she were speaking directly to me.”

Lex is a natural gifted dancer, wanting nothing more than dance for a living. She struggles to accept her inner strength and believe in her abilities. But with her best friend Shane (everyone needs a Shane in his live) by her side she soon finds the courage to go for the spotlight. It also doesn’t hurt that her dance idol Theo seems to hate her and she felt like she needs to prove him wrong.

”She was poetry in motion, and I wanted more of it.”

Theo is very talented dancer who already makes a living out of his talents. His way lead him to become one of the most sought-after choreographers. But somehow on his way there he lost himself. Lost the feeling of why he loves to dance, and he feels like he sold his soul. Meeting Lex was for Theo eye-opening. He saw the same fire in Lex that he himself had lost while chasing his dreams.

”Dancing with Lex filled me with an energy I didn’t know I’d been missing – a void that I’d masked for so long.”

Together Theo and Lex are pure wonder. They challenge each other on different levels, helping the other to stand-up and fight. And as soon as they realize that they can’t deny their feelings and chemistry towards each other any longer, the dancefloor is on fire.

”She was moonlight and magic when she danced, leaving stardust in her wake.”

If I could wish for another dance movie, this book would be it! So I keep my fingers crossed, that someone picks up on this and I’ll be able to watch it soon <3

”It might have taken me eight months of focus and hard work, bit I’d found my balance. My center. My center of gravity.”

A book and its characters that sticks by you long after you've finished it, is definitely worth a 5 star rating! After going to bed dreaming about the story and continue thinking about it more than two days after, I really had to reset my initiate rating from a 4.5 (4) star rating to 5 stars.