
Chinese Morning by Emily Carrington

aligroen's review

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A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Review:

Rating: 3 stars out of 5

This was a nice story. Chen is dealing with demands to come home from his mother while trying to figure out his feelings for Travis. Travis tries to keep an emotional distance from Chen knowing that he will have to leave even if he doesn’t want to. In the end will Travis has to decide if he is willing to change everything to be with Chen.

We get to see both characters’ points of view in the story and it helps understand their struggles and what they are feeling. Chen is fighting with himself because he longs to be Travis’s, but he has always been taught that he has to be the dominate one. While Travis loves the challenge of dominating a dragon, he can’t help but be pulled in by Chen’s quiet openness. I loved how Chen was willing to give up his honor and place so he could be with the man he loved.

Cover art by Fiona Jayde is nice and works well for this story.