belindaclemons_123's review

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Anna Lowe's Strangers in the Night was really sweet. The way Ty is worried about Lana because she is pregnant. The other shifters in this one is a.New concept for me and I can't wait to read more.about them.

leanner's review

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I received an ARC of this book for an honest review.
Fantastic stories in this box set and a great way to discover unknown to me authors. Some of the stories were really short and beginnings of series so I'm left hanging and will have to catch up with some, others I'm not fussed. But something for everyone's taste I'm sure. Lots of wolf shifters, dragons and other creatures making an interesting mix. A great early cheap price tag makes it a bargain read. I thoroughly enjoyed this set and recommend it to all fans of paranormal romance.

morebookspleaseblog's review

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I am ashamed to admit that I haven't read all of the stories... *hangs head*


Ms. Slate manages to slay me with every story! Kadence and Lok... whew LAWD! HOT!!!! The chemistry between the two were just off the charts. I found this story to be sexy and humorous, with plenty of danger! Kadence needs to save her sister and Lok needs to clear his name of such a heinous crime. Ms. Slate spins quite the story that you can't help not only loving every minute of it, but you don't mind shirking responsibilities to find out what happens next! (It's a wonder I still have a job!)

Most of the authors are new to me, which makes me want to read their stories even more! As I finish each story, I'll update my review.

I received an ARC for an honest opinion!

nikkisbooknook's review

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This was a great box set! There was really only one story which I could not get into but I suppose that was just down to personal taste. I'm just not a fan of Puppy Play, etc.

Strangers in the Night (Desert Wolf 2) by Anna Lowe - great little snippet into the softer side of Ty as he tries to have alone time with his mate (and get her to slow down workwise) before they are parents.

Carpathian Wolf (Shift Your Fate, Book 0.5) by Cara Wylde - Would you travel halfway round the world to find your destiny - even when you don't really believe in fortune tellers?!?!?!

Once Bitten Twice Shy by Phoenix Johnson

Secret Desire by Crystal Dawn (Erotic Fantasies Series Book 2)

Mystical Mayhem by Kiki Howell

Matching Dragons by Rachael Slate - What'd you do when your partner in an entrance exam intentionally defies orders to finish with your partner, and leaves your ass behind? You make sure that the "little treasure" knows exactly how you feel!!! Dragons, hidden treasures, homicidal kin and snarky humour!!! Loved it!!!

Rebel Howl by M. Corchis - Rockstar shifters!!! I really wanted to like Linc and the gang but his manwh??e tendencies sadly left me cold.
Woman's Best Friend by Angelica Dawson - i couldn't finish this story - just not for me sadly.

Once Bitten Twice Smitten by Ariana Hawkes. Aspen has weird dreams of playing with wolves when she was a kid. But what's a girl to do when 2 hulking alpha wolves start to compete with each other to determine who can mate her!

Gabrielle's Cauldron by Ann Gimpel

Shifter Unleashed by Amber Ella Monroe -

All in all a great sample of various PNR genres. Well worth the pennies!!!

musicalknitter's review

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Some of the stories were wonderful but some I didn't like at all! The type was various. sizes, sometimes on the same page which was very distracting.

mousegoddess's review

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this is going to have to be a review as I go. two stories in told me this set needed better editing, but I'm going to try and not judge the authors on that one.
Alrighty, I'll be kind and put my overall review here so it's easy to find. This box set was poorly edited with mediocre stories except for a few shining examples. Sexual assault is treated like it's nothing in a couple of them. The lack of editing isn't just annoying, it's confusing and downright painful at times. I would not recommend it.
1st story- Strangers in the Night by Anna Lowe - solid 3 star read -clearly part of a series but enjoyed it nonetheless. love established couples and anxious fathers to be.
2nd- Carpathian Wolf by Cara Wylde-2.5 stars imo - So I found a lot about this world that roused my curiosity but the story itself was just okay. However the whole secret societies thing is a weakness of mine so I'll probably read more in this universe.
3rd-Once Bitten Twice Shy by Phoenix Jones-1 star...maybe -20 stars-look, maybe I'd like the first book but this is a big old pile of nope for me.
SpoilerI don't like when rape is used as a minor plot point and then completely bypassed in the story. Even if you're going to say "It's only rape if the rapist is doing the penetrating!" it was STILL SEXUAL ASSAULT. His ex started having sex with him in his sleep after he EXPLICITLY turned her down. THAT IS NOT OKAY. And then it's just treated like a woman being manipulative and desperate. NO. IT IS NOT OKAY. It doesn't matter WHAT the gender of the victim is IT IS NOT OKAY.
I feel like I need to take a shower, and not in a fun way. I don't even know how I feel about the rest of the story because I am THAT offended. Fuck.
4th-Nixed by Lori King - 2 stars - it was barely an appetizer, but nicely seasoned.
5th- Secret Desire by Crystal Dawn - 1 star - *eyeroll*
6th- Mystical Mayhem by Kiki Howell- 2 stars? maybe? - Why have an indigenous character (who has what seems to be a popular fake indigenous name for authors who don't do their research) if you're going to have her practicing western "magick"? I have issues with authors practicing tokenism. I can't decide if using new age witchcraft and acting like it's traditional is better or worse than playing up stereotypes. Then there are bits where I can't tell if it's horrible writing or poor editing/formatting. THEN there's the random complete recap of another couple's romance that was BEYOND pointless. The only thing that kept this from being a one star is that I found the world building vaguely interesting.
7th- Matching Dragons by Rachael Slate - 4 stars - I'm not an instalove fan but it was written into the worldbuilding so I can deal. intrigue, evil, insanity, sex, magic, dragons, yes. Less appropriative than some stuff I've had the misfortune to read lately.
8th- Rebel Howl by M Corchis- negative 9000 - This one starts with the "hero" leaving a woman crying and feeling violated. Specifically saying she tried to get away in the narrative. But he blows it off because it started consensual and he gave her orgasms. I think there's a word for that, what could it be...
9th- Woman's Best Friend by Angelica Dawson - 4 stars - This one gets four stars for doing something I have not seen executed in such a way before.
10th- Once Bitten Twice Smitten by Ariana Hawkes - 3 stars - I know I wasn't gonna comment on editing but this one was basically error free which earns it an extra star. story was okay, nothing extraordinary, but I liked the spin on mates the author did.
11th- Gabrielle's Cauldron by Ann Gimpel-4 stars - Ooooh I like this world building. Story has whetted my appetite to read a series based in this.
12th - Shifter Unleashed by Amber Ella Monroe - 2 stars - Um...when a story told in the third person intermittently switches to first person during sex it's a bit jarring.