
Better To Have Loved by Christy Nicholas

dimples87's review

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I loved how sweet this story is for the time it's set in. The story itself sets you on an emotional rollercoaster with unexpected twists and turns. I've been able to relate to Julie in this story in more than just one way. This one is a cozy and special read anyone would enjoy!

arthistorygirl's review

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Better to Have Loved by Christy Nicholas is a beautiful story based on true stories of love lost and found. Starting in the '60s, this follows the story of Julie Jensen and her growth in romance and herself. I will not speak further about the story because I do not want to ruin this for anyone. This is a well-written book and I really enjoyed the historical side of the story. I have read some other books by this author and this is very good and hard to compare to the other stories, I enjoy how she is able to write in different styles depending on the story she is telling. I really look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

roxsannel's review

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This story begins with Julie Jensen writing to her sister to tell her that she has moved to England with the family of the children that she looks after. It is a surprise to herself that she made the decision to go and that she is looking forward to the challenge of living somewhere completely different to her life in the midwest of America. We join her as she moves into her accommodation in East Grinstead at the Saint Hill mansion which holds the international headquarters of the Church, who the family work for.

She is signed in and told where she will be living, which turns out to be one of the outlying cottages and not the mansion, as she hoped, once she has lugged her enormous suitcase of belongings there, she meets Sheila who she will be living with, Sheila helps her to settle in and takes her on a tour of the grounds.

As Julie settles into her routine of childcare during the day and her artwork for the church at night, she slowly gets used to the changes and differences she is encountering, although, she is enjoying meeting the people who pass through from all around the world and learning about their cultures and personalities, be that during work, where they enjoyed meals, in the old ballrooms where they could enjoy hobbies and leisure time, or at the parties which the Church throw on weekends she makes friends and flirts with some of the men, but only one really catches her eye. She was also enjoying the freedom to walk around the surrounding countryside, villages and scenic areas, as well as exploring the mansion and the surprises it hid.

This is where these relationships all start to develop and other opportunities come Julie’s way, however, not all of these opportunities are equal, some good and some bad, but all are things which turn her life around and as she continues life with the church and the new places she visits because of this, her life changes in ways she could never have imagined.

This is a story which leads you around the world in a flurry of emotions and excitement, where choices are made, relationships develop and break down, love and loss cause disruption and all of these things create a journey worth reading and exploring.

katie_83's review

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Better To Have Loved
By Christy Nicholas
4 stars

I really enjoyed this story and I think it obvious that the author has personal ties to the story as it’s written with such emotion. It flowed really well and I was completely absorbed in what I was reading. I think at times early on in the story the multiple pov’s and the switching made it a little confusing but once I settled in to the story and got to know the characters I had no problems at all. I really liked all of the characters and following their stories.
I’ve read a few books by this author previously so it was really nice to read something different from her, and I do like real life stories there’s just something extra to them knowing that these things really happened.
Overall a really lovely read and one that I would recommend.

bwagner's review

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I enjoyed this romance story. This is a little different book for this author than what I normally read by her. It is a great story of love lost, found and finding out what really matters in life. This is a well developed story that is engaging and easy to read. I had no problems connecting with the characters as they made the story pop. I found them taking me on an emotional roller coaster ride that I wanted to continue. This story is made up of strong characters that made the story entertaining and pulled me in right from the beginning. Julie leaves her current life to find a better one. On her journey she finds love but is also faced with choices that could make her lose her family or the love she just found. You will have to read to see what happens to her but you don’t want to miss what happens next. I highly recommend this book and this author.

angelahayes's review

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4 Stars

Better To Have Loved: A True Story by Christy Nicholas was a great read. It is a little different from the other books of hers that I have read- but still had all the touching and emotive qualities that I have come to expect from her books.
As the title would suggest, this is a true story- based on her parents love- and as the author tells it, this is the story that inspired her to begin her writing career.
This is a story of love, family, growth, a little mystery, adventure, memories, hope, and faith. I won’t reveal any of the details- as I really think this is one story that you should go into without knowing too much- and let Ms. Nicholas and her story, surprise you.
Well done!

Thank you, Christy Nicholas!

jennadb's review

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Better To Have Loved by Christy Nicholas is a touching romance that is vastly different to her other books as this one is based on her family. Christy has bravely shared the story of her parents. The story does jump backward and forward between the past/present and memories and can be a bit confusing but once that is under control you get lost in the story and the real life characters. It is a story of self discovery and fighting between your own needs and those of family. It is two stories of two women one from the past and one from the present and the search for answers on who they are and what makes them, them.

hncald78's review

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Nicholas is proving to be an author that cannot be pigeonholed into one genre. I’m more familiar with her fantasy works (which I love) but knew from the synopsis of this book that I would enjoy it. And I was so right. I love the way Nicholas weaves her stories together and makes them feel so real and relatable. This is just a fantastic book. If you are a fan of Nicholas and/or just a fan of really well written tales, this book is a must read.