
Witches by Ednah Walters

stacey_sassysreadingnook's review against another edition

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**Received an ARC copy from the Author in exchange for an honest review**

Yes. Yes. YES!!! I just LOVE this series!! I think this has to be my fave one so far in this series. Ednah Walters has blown me away yet again. With each new installment it just keeps getting better and better.

It felt so good to be back in this world, I feel like starting from the beginning just so I can go through it all again. Witches will take you on a wild ride, surprises around every turn, we meet new and exciting characters, we laugh, we cry, we fall in love and we may even get a little angry at times. Definitely a story that will play with your emotions.

From the first page I was absorbed, I would leave my lounge room and join the Valkyrie/Grimnir fun.

I seriously love watching these characters grow. Raine has grown into a strong, confidant young woman (witch), and she seriously can whoop some butt!! I love how we follow her through her learning of magic and watch her unleash her power, and stick it up the Norns!!

Torin. Torin. Torin. He seriously made me fall hard in this book, he truly brought out the feels in me...bad! *sigh* And the banter between Torin and Raine, just loved that!!!

Another brilliant installment to a magnificent series. If you haven't read any of these books, I recommend starting now. The first book Runes is FREE right now.

linaru's review against another edition

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I have received an ARC copy of this book from the author in exchange of an honest review.

This book is amazing! Well, the whole series is!

In here, Raine, is still learning how powerful she is and how far she can go against Norns (good and bad) before they will go berserk. In here we can see that she can go pretty far and they seem like they are terrified of her. Especially when she bonds with one particular dagger. They have not expect that. The expected that she either won't be able to do it, or she will herself go evil from the power it has. How shocked and scared they are after she is not becoming an evil Norn. She is still fighting against becoming one. And she finally decides on whose side she will be after Ragnarok happens. And it's not Hel's, Norn's or Asgardians. Raine is setting her own goals and does not care what Norns or Gods have planned for her. It's her life and she is determined to make it her own. Among her friends and family. And most important she is determined to spend it with Torin. Her visions are getting more controlled and because of them she is taking charge of few people and their destiny. She wants them to live and have a bright future. And Norns they don't like it, but she simply doesn't care. She is prepared to fight for her "charges" and she will win.

Her first "charge" is school's famous Bad Boy, Beau. He is bad, smart, snarky and changes girls faster than anything. Raine is set to help him and save him from the biggest mistake he could do. She is so determined that she even goes to boys changing room to steal his shirt to get a premonition. *smirk*. They relationship is something that spice up a bit feelings between Torin and Raine. It shows that both of them can be also jealous.

Torin, he is one sexy Immortal! He knows what he wants and what he wants the most is Raine. Always her. No one else and nothing else. Basically, she is IT for him. And he is telling her that in every way he possibly can. Whenever he feels she is doubting them, her. His way of words is just perfect!

The other thing what I love about this part? INGRID! She is so perfect! And amazing Ednah, FINALLY, took her out from her shell and she is showing how fun and kickass she can be! Love her! And the sparks between her and one particular Grimnir? Priceless!

The book is simply amazing and gives you high hopes for next parts!

HUGE, FAT 5 stars! Well done Ednah! Keep them coming!

starlitbooknerd's review against another edition

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This book was really good. Raine and Torin's wedding was so awesome! The Norns are never going to truly leave Raine alone though.

debyik's review against another edition

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Witches is the 6th book in the Runes Series and the 8th book in the Runes Universe by Ednah Walters. The Runes Universe includes the Erik trilogy. We have Valkyries, mortals, Norns, and more in this Norse Mythology Fantasy Romance.

The Runes series follows best friends, Raine, Cora, & Erik as they go through high school together and are on the swim team together. They have all been through a lot over the last year or so.

In this book, Raine is given an unwilling familiar, plots revenge, possibly making a deal with her unsavory allies, oh, and she is hoping to become Prom Queen. Raine also finds new aspects of her role which she loves because she truly wants to help people. Through it all, she is growing more and more powerful and struggles with accepting her fate and changing the rules by creating her own future. How much is Raine willing to sacrifice in order to get what she wants?

4.5 stars, another gem from Ednah Walters!

stb2012's review

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I really enjoyed this whole series so far. (I read all the runes series including Grimners and Souls in less in a week). I have to say Witches is by far my Favorite. This book follows along with what happened in Cora's story Souls. We see Raine and Torin go through more struggles with the Norns, She also has her first case with the Baseball player/ Bad boy Beau, We also get to meet Onyx (Raine's cat). This book kept me on my heels the whole way through. I can't wait to read more of Raine's story(Cora's story also).

morganmou's review

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Nordic paranormal romance series, I enjoyed them

hblene's review

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Glad to be done with this series. It was alright. Not sure it's worthy of getting 3 stars, I might change it.

ash_reads907's review against another edition

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One thing i've come to realize over the past few weeks, well months, but has been fortified over the past few that the most important book in a the final book. Its where everything is supposed to be wrapped up, its supposed to be the most emotionally charged, and either the happiest, saddest, or both, its supposed to be when everything finally clicks and comes together.

I liked this book.....but it was slow in the beginning, and it was different than the others. I don't really know what to say about it. I feel like there needs to be another book, I hope there is another book....They mentioned this huge event that was supposed to take never did....I felt it was less action packed than the previous books....I felt like the ending was really rushed...It was so slow paced at the beginning that I was sure there was going to be another book because it was taking too long to get through things, but I made it to the end, and there was an epilogue [which I didn't care for....] and there was just a short mentioning of another possible book, starring a character that wasn't really present after the first book....

it was a great series overall, but I am kind of disheartened by how it ended, and I really do hope there is more books in this series.

samwlabb's review

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I am a huge fan of this series and was excited to see the story progress. It has taken quite an interesting turn in this book. We learn more about Raine's powers and her destiny. We see Raine and Torin's relationship progress. And Torin, could he be any more perfect? I loved the comic relief which came in the form of Raine's familiar, Onyx and other fun parts like the Crypt chapter. If you have read Cora's books, you will see that this runs parallel to that series, except we get a different perspective seeing it from Raine and Torin's side. My only criticism would be that I felt the ending was so abrupt, but I take solace in the fact that there will be more.

myra_ng's review

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This is by far my FAVORITE book in the series!
Norns are messing with Raine again. Now, they're forcing her to choose a side before the start of Ragnarok, the ultimate battle between the gods, hel and the norns. But Raine knows exactly who's side she is on, she will stay on earth and side with mortals and immortals. In this book, we see Raine kick some serious Norn arse (which was utterly satisfying if I do say so myself). You go girl! I hated those hags from the start and this book only intensified the undeniable hatred. I sure hope Raine leads a colourful life, with Torin by her side, and without the interference of bitter old hags.
The part about Raine's dad was just heartbreaking and totally unnecessary though I'm glad he had the chance to fulfill his dream of walking Raine down the aisle...
Witches was complete with super sweet Torin and Raine moments (that wedding was just PERFECT) *sigh*
Favourite lines from book:

“Lorraine Cooper, you are the love of my life, the keeper of my soul, and the realization of my dreams. My life would be empty if you weren’t in it. You drive me crazy, yet you keep me sane. You are the reason I wake up in the morning and spend sleepless nights, yet you complete me. I dreamed of you before I ever met you. Loved the idea of you before I knew you. Wished for you without hope of ever finding you. Then we met and I couldn’t see beyond making you love me, want me, and need me. Sometimes I wonder if I’m worthy of your love, and think up ways to prove that I deserve you. But you keep showing me that worth and proof have no place when it comes to love. Love is selfless. Love is kindness. Love is you, Freckles.”
AWWWWWW, I mean, how could you not love Torin??

“Torin, I didn’t know it was possible to find someone like you. You love me for who I am, not what I am. You’ve taught me that it’s okay to walk on my own, yet you’re always there to carry me when I can’t. You’ve taught me it’s okay to run, stumble, and fall, and pick myself up because a fall is nothing to be ashamed of. You’ve taught me it’s okay to fly because the sky is the limit and you’ll catch me if I fall. You inspire me, challenge me, and celebrate me. You are the first man I’ve ever loved and you will be the last man I’ll ever love. You are my one and only true love, and I promise I will love you for eternity.”

Hawk draped the silk rope around our wrists and picked up the second one.

Torin looked into my eyes as he started to speak, his voice sure, his words sincere. “Raine Cooper, from the moment you opened your door and our eyes met for the first time, I knew I had reached the end of my quest, yet I didn’t even know what I was searching for. I just knew you were the one, my omega. Where there was cold, you’ve brought warmth. Where there was sadness, you’ve brought happiness. Where there was pain, you’ve brought relief. Where there was darkness, you’ve brought light. You know me better than anyone, my fears, my shortcomings, my habits, yet you still love me. My vows to you are a privilege because I get to laugh with you, cry with you, walk with you, run with you, and fight with you for the rest of our lives. I promise to be patient. Most of the time,” he added, smiling. “I promise to be faithful, respectful, attentive, and to become even a better man for you. I promise to celebrate your triumphs and step back so you can shine like the star you are, but I’ll always be there when you need me. My shoulders are yours to cry on and to carry your burdens. My body is the shield that blocks the blows that might harm you and yours to do with as you wish. My hopes and dreams will always start and end with you. Yours will be the name I cry when I’m in need. Your eyes are the balm I seek when I’m in pain. And your soul is the beacon that my soul searches for when I’m lost. I will love you fiercely, tenderly, and passionately. And when we have children, I promise to be the best father a child could ever want. For you, Raine Cooper, deserve the best and I plan to give it you. You are my one and only true love, and I promise I will love you for eternity.”