
With Love From London: Volume 1 by Jade Royal

booksiflove's review

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I kindly received an arc for an honest review!

This is a great anthology.
18 stories from 18 different authors! Some were new for me. But no matter what, I enjoyed each story.

I think anthologies are a great way to get to know new authors.

kodom251999's review

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One Night Resolution by M. A. Foster

I love this author, and I don’t think I will ever get enough of Heritage Bay. This was an insta love story. Kate is in London to design a nightclub where she meets Dylan at the opening party on New Years Eve. Once Katie gets back to Florida is offered a job with the Mackenzies, she accepts. Dylan walks in with Willow

sailormarymoon's review

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I honestly struggled to get through this anthology. Few were great, some were decent and others were meh.

becsa's review

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1) Summoned by Alyssa Drake

Molly Pearson was abandoned on Firefly Island by her father but when she finds a mysterious puzzle box with an address in London she decides to spend her Christmas there but having no idea what she will find.

Beckett Davies lives at the house where Molly is headed but he has no idea on why she is there and how is address was found.

When Molly learns about the secrets around Beckett will she be able to leave in time?

This was a great quick read and I loved the twists and turns.

I really liked Molly and was heartbroken for what she endured at the beginning of the story and then again with the guy on the flight. I loved the "mysteries" that Molly found herself with and the little clues to what was going on.

I liked the chemistry between Beckett and Molly although I was also shocked when Beckett told Molly the truth. I was shocked at Bess and she was absolutely cruel to Molly.

The end was awesome and I loved how it all played out!

2) Time for Love by Ashlee Shades

Kelsey is sent to London to help a friend of her father's, Joe, get his books in line for his business. He has had no one organizing the finances and knows he needs to do it before it's too late. Little does she know Joe has someone else, Jasper, helping him as well.

I loved the chemistry between Kelsey and Jasper and how they were both there to help Joe out. The two were there for each other the moment they met and sparks flew!

I loved what Jasper asked Kelsey at the end as he knew he didn't want her to leave.

3) Port of London by Brian Miller

Charlotte Fox is being forced to marry Lawrence Hughes, a British Captain in the Royal Army but soon she learns his affections may not be for her.

Will Charlotte get over her heartbreak and be able to move on?

I really enjoyed this story although I was super mad for Charlotte with what Lawrence did to her. I loved that Charlotte held her head high and destiny landed her Patrick McIntyre!!

4) Winning Emma by Rosie Chapel

When Emma Newbury's father died she also lost her home at Aspley Manor due to it appearing that he had been involved in something that caused them to lose everything. Now she is forced to accompany Lady Charity Anscombe to various events while she seeks a husband.

Randolph Craythorpe has come to meet Lady Charity but soon he finds himself attracted to Emma but will he go against what society sees fit and marry who he wants?

This was a good story about following your heart and also dealing with everything you are up against.

I felt sorry for Emma after the death of her father and then everything that she had to put up with in regards to Charity. She was so cruel to Emma and everyone saw it.

I was really confused to why Randolph was the only one spending time with Charity but then things began to fall into place and everything went as it should!

The end made me happy with the revelations about Emma's dad!

5) Pieces of You by Autumn Sand

Sian Croxton is married to Guy who has been mentally and physically abusing her for years. When her mom dies she returns to her mother's in London and learns the truth about her mom and what happened during her mom's marriage to her dad.

This was a great story about finding yourself and the strength you have to find your own way and not let history repeat itself.

I liked Sian but I hated what she was forced to put up with with Guy. He was so cruel to her and took so much out of her.

I liked when Sian began to talk with Inga and really learned about the truth of her mom and everything that had happened and from that she got the strength to find herself.

6) Love Found by Amy Allen

Brandi Stewart Romanov is a vampire and shifter who lives in Russia but is desperate to get away on a holiday. Dominque asks her to take Jim, a shifter, with her for safety.

Will Brandi and Jim find what they have been looking for while away?

This was a long time coming romance! Jim had feelings for Brandi for a long time but until they actually get away without being around anyone else their attraction grows more!

The two of them were definitely hot and had chemistry!!

7) White Lies by Gianna Gabriela

Addison Brown has applied to the Study Abroad Program with hopes of going to London and getting as far away from her nemesis, Angelica Simmons as possible!!

Will London give her the second chance she is looking for or will she find she just can't escape from the torment of certain people?

I really liked Addison and I enjoyed that she worked hard to get herself to London and I completely respected that she was on a scholarship with limited funds.

I was so mad at how she was treated by certain individuals and I loved how Cain Peterson came to Addison's defense. They had obvious chemistry and I loved how hard he worked at proving he was around Addison for the right reason!!

The book did leave me hanging a little as I really wanted to know if she stayed in London after!!

8) Kisses in the Snow by Maria Vickers

Latham Scarlett was on a flight and the most handsome pilot he has ever seen picked up the scarf that he dropped and that man has stayed with him for months.

Ryder Drake has never forgotten the man he saw in the airport but when he meets up with a fellow pilot, Ian, he has no idea how the pieces all fit together.

Will Latham and Ryder be able to get over the "obstacles" in front of them?

This was a good read with some twists and misinterpretations that leave you wondering what is going to happen next!

I thought Latham was a great character and I liked that he was a sincere character who was looking for the right guy and he knew he didn't want to be with.

I was definitely mad at Ryder for his actions in a certain circumstance and I was super glad that Ian straightened him out!!

The chemistry between Ryder and Latham was super apparent right from the first moment they spotted each other and I loved that neither forgot the other!

9) Destined by Bella Emy

Annabelle Davidson's husband died 4 years ago and her best friend Gary decides to send her to London for a vacation to get her mind on other things.

Grayson Ramsey is a piano player who has been in Paris for almost 4 years.

There is an obvious connection between Annabelle and Grayson but will the past end everything between them?

This is a book about second chances ad picking up the pieces.

The chemistry between Grayson and Annabelle was intense but I was shocked at everything that was revealed and I could understand why Annabelle reacted the way that she did. I was grateful in the end that the two were able to figure everything out!

10) Checkmate by Patricia D Eddy

Gemma Watson is the Assitant Curator for the British Museum and is taking her Masters as well. She is afraid of the dark after a freak accident and generally sticks to herself with how busy she is.

Daniel Hastings knows he is one job away from retirement and he will do whatever it takes to get close to the Lewis Chessmen pieces.

For Daniel that means getting close to Gemma but what happens if his heart wants something else?

This was a great book about the mind and heart wanting two different things and love winning!

I thought Gemma was such a great character who was so knowledgeable and I loved that she played chess online and through it developed a "friendship" with Daniel.

I was so mad at Daniel at the beginning of the book for using Gemma and I wanted him to change his plans as she didn't deserve to be used!

I loved the twist with Ulrich Von Straten and how that changed everything!!

The end was great and I loved the change in Daniel!

11) Unwrapping London by Roux Cantrell

Valeric has been in love with Lari for as long as he can remember but it looks like she is moving on but he knows he needs to give it one last try and heads to London to try and see her.

Skylar Matthews has had to work hard for everything but when she wins a trip to London she jumps on the chance to go somewhere new and experience new things.

When Valeric and Skylar meet on a train bound for London will they both find more than they were looking for?

This was a fun story about really discovering what your heart wants!

I liked Valeric and I did give him credit for trying to go see Lari one last time. I liked how he had fun with Skylar on the train and how the two formed almost an instant friendship.

I thought Skylar was great and I liked how much fun she was even though I didn't like that her friends ditched her at the Christmas party!

Valeric and Skylar were great together and I loved that they both realized what they needed. I was shocked at the end with Lari's revelation.

12) Meet Me In London by Natalie-Nicole Bates

Elliott Everly's life changed when his fiance Calinda died but he also saw the benefits when her organs were donated to save the lives of others.

Mia Astor's life was drastically changed when she received Calinda's heart and now she can begin to live her life.

When Elliott and Mia finally meet, Mia knows things that only Elliott and Calinda knew. Will Elliott fall for the memory of Calinda or will he fall for Mia herself?

This was a good story but a few moments I thought it was a little much.

I liked both Mia and Elliott and I understood why Elliott was initially hesitant to meet Mia. I was completely shocked at what Elliott asked Mia soon after meeting her and I was so glad that she said no.

I liked that Mia and Elliott began spending more time together and forming a friendship. I loved the space that Mia found for Elliott as it sounds awesome!

The end was good and extremely respectful to Calinda!

13) Under a London Snow by Carrie Humphrey

Ivee has the ability to wield the power of the elements to aid in the healing of the earth and she is sent to London with her guardian/lover Ranger Oaks to complete a test.

Will Ivee be successful?

This was a good quick story about finding the strength within yourself and those you love to be successful in completing what needs to be done.

I really liked both Ivee and Ranger and they definitely made a good pair!

14) One Night Resolution by M.A. Foster

Kate Bennett is a nightclub designer and has gotten a big break by having the chance to redesign Bliss in London.

There she meets Steven and Kate needs to decide if she should take a chance on love but will he be the guy for her or will a broken heart lead her to someone new?

I really liked Kate and I felt terrible for what she went through and how it changed her life with being afraid to drive.

I really liked the chemistry between Steven and Kate initially and was totally blindsided!!

I loved the events on New Year's Eve and everything that transpired and how that tied into Kate getting a new job with an unknown connection!

So good and I have really enjoyed the other books in this series so reading this was a treat!

15) Wicked Deceptions by Amy Cecil

In 1915 Katie Miller is moving to London for a job with the Admiralty as a transcriptionist. One night while escaping a raid she meets Lieutenant Ben Stanley and the two hit off.

But during the war nothing is guaranteed and will Ben survive when he is needed to go in to battle?

This was such a great story that did not go where I thought it was going to go!

I thought Katie was a great character and I loved the chemistry she had with Ben. I loved that Ben welcomed Katie at Christmas so she wouldn't have to be alone.

My heart was completely breaking for Katie at the end until a certain moment!

16) Love Refined by S.E. Roberts

Monica Phearson is a single mom to Kayla and is attending group therapy to deal with her demons. There she meets Oliver Donovan and the two begin dating.

When Oliver asks Monica to go to London with him will she be accepted by his family or will they view her as someone just after his money?

This was a great story about finding love in an unlikely place and opening up your heart to more than just one person. I always love stories with single moms finding love as it is always hard out in the real world.

Oliver was so awesome with both Monica and Kayla and I was really rooting for him with how well he treated both of them. I felt bad for how Monica was treated by one person but I am happy with how it all ended.

17) London's Remedy: An Unintentional Affair by Jade Royal

When Anise Martine and Raphael Dubois both are overbooked on a flight they decide to drive together to the next airport and a close friendship forms.

When Anise goes to visit Raphael in London three years later will the timing finally be right?

This was a great story of a chemistry that has been on the back burner for 3 years and then we finally get to see where it goes.

I thought Anise and Raphael were going to finally get what they had wanted but the end totally shocked me and I didn't see it coming and I was blown away by the decision that Raphael made.

18) The Thing About London by Tamsen Schultz

Cecilia Darcy is 43 and the Director of Operations at a Ballet Academy and her rare downtime is spent with her cat.

When her neighbors are away they let Wyatt Granger stay at their place and he has his own past that he is coming to terms with.

With the attraction mounting between Cecilia and Wyatt will she allow herself to love again?

This was a good story about finding love and getting over the obstacles in your way.

I liked Cecilia but you could tell how wrapped up she was in her job and she didn't really let herself live anymore. She had Steve in her life but that was really it.

I liked Wyatt and I liked how attracted he was to Cecilia and you could tell that he wasn't concerned with same things that Cecilia was when it came to a relationship between the two of them.

I was very happy when Cecilia just accepted everything and realized how happy Wyatt made her!

kelli513's review

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Book Review : With Love from London
Authors: Alyssa Drake, Amy Allen, Amy Cecil, Ashlee Shades, Autumn Sand, Bella Emy, Brian Miller, Carrie, Humphrey, Gianna Gabriela, Jade Royal, M.A. Foster, Maria Vickers, Natalie-Nicole Bates, Patricia D. Eddy, Rosie Chapel, Roux Cantrell, S.E. Roberts, Tamsen Schultz
Four Stars
This anthology is full of romance short stories. Many, since so short, are insta-love. This is not a problem, as they are all really good stories. Some of them I wish there had been just MORE. The only down side to anthologies is that many times you get involved with the characters and just want to know more and that happened in many of the stories in this book.
All of these have happy endings and are well written. I recommend this to those that just need some escape and want to just enjoy life for a bit.
Kelli Harper