
Then He Kissed Me by Laura Trentham

novelesque_life's review

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(Cottonbloom: #2)
Written by Laura Trentham
2016; St. Martin’s Press Paperbacks (301 Pages)
Genre: series, fiction, contemporary, romance, small town

Rating: ★★★ 1/2

Tally Fournette, has her own business, with the help of her brother but still feels like she is not smart enough. When her childhood friend and crush, Nash Hawthorne returns to Cottonbloom to take care of his aunt, Tally feels the old feelings again. Nash has always been brilliant and has returned to his hometown to teach at a college. He has gone from being nerdy to sexy. And, the one woman he wants his Tally. As the two spend time together the flame burns brighter but the insecurities they both feel may drive them apart.

I identified a lot with Tally and loved Nash then and now. The characters were more vivid in this novel and I enjoyed the story even though it was a predictable. I did like that you knew there was a HEA coming but that there would be some tears before then. I am currently dating at this time, though a decade older than some of these characters so I did find the emotions quite realistic.

***I received an eARC from the PUBLISHER via NETGALLEY***

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canadianbookaddict's review

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I enjoyed this one but I thought is whiny and at some point I just couldn't stand her but the book was well written and it kept me reading.

kbranfield's review

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4.5 stars.

Although the plot has plenty of depth and substance, Then He Kissed Me, the second installment in Laura Trentham's Cottonbloom series, is an overall light-hearted, feel-good small town romance.

As children, Nash Hawthorne and Tallulah "Tally" Fournette were the best of friends until tragedy struck both their families. Within just a few days, Nash lost his mom to cancer and both of Tally's parents were killed in a car accident. Nash went to live with his aunt on the wealthier Mississippi side of Cottonbloom while Tally and her brothers remained on the much poorer Louisiana side. With their lives taking vastly different paths, Nash and Tally lost touch but when Nash moves back to town to care for his ailing aunt, their friendship picks up right where it left off. With a sizzling attraction simmering under the surface of their renewed relationship, will Tally's unresolved issues from her past ruin her future with Nash?

Despite owning her own business, Tally's deep-seated insecurities still continue to define her. She downplays her attributes and she refuses to see how far she has come since leaving high school. Tally holds her secrets close and she maintains an emotional distance from everyone, including her brothers, Cade and Sawyer. Her happiest childhood memories are the times she spent with Nash and as they reminisce about those long ago days, Tally slowly realizes her feelings for him are much deeper than just friendship. But her lack of confidence and inability to open up become a huge stumbling block in their burgeoning romance. Plagued with self-doubts, Tally continually backs away every time she and Nash try to move forward. Nash is patient and understanding, but how long will it take for him to grown weary of Tally's unhealthy way of coping with her fears?

Nash had his own set of problems following his mother's death, but he has managed to overcome the worst of his issues. He is a history professor at the local college but he still has an unmitigated love for comic books and super heroes. Although he is no longer a scrawny, nerdy kid, Nash is completely unaware of how good looking and sexy he is. He is a genuinely kind-hearted, decent man who is now comfortable in his own skin and embraces everything life has to offer him. Nash treasures the memories of his childhood friendship with Tally but he also cherishes the woman she has become.

Despite the years that have passed since they last saw one another, Tally and Nash's childhood friendship is a strong foundation for their unfolding romance. Tally is a little skittish and uneasy when she realizes their relationship goes deeper than friendship and attraction. Nash is quick to pick up on her wariness and he has no trouble giving her the time and space she needs to adjust as they transition from friends to lovers. But even the most patient person eventually reaches their breaking point but how will Tally react when Nash grows tired of her inability to move forward?

With an abundance of witty banter, plenty of sexual tension and a realistic storyline, Then He Kissed Me is an absolutely delightful romance with a marvelous cast of characters. Tally and Nash are multi-faceted, complex protagonists that are quite likable despite their flaws and insecurities. A sentimental, charming addition to Laura Trentham's Cottonbloom series that old and new fans are sure to love.

paddlefoot55's review

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ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

I have not read the first book in this series, and Laura Trentham is a new to me author, but this did not take anything away from this book.

I love a good friends-to-lovers story, and I was intrigued about Nash and Tally's story.

There is a lot more to this story though. There are long held grudges and prejudices, heaven forbid you live on the wrong side of the Mississippi River! Small minded people with nothing better to do than interfere in other people's lives seems to be the norm in Cottonbloom!

It's been about 20 years since Tally and Nash have seen each other, and even though they were just kids before, they have always loved each other in some way, shape or form.

Gah, so many times I just wanted Tally to STFU. She came across as whiney a heck of a lot of the time, and I just wanted to slap some sense into her. Her "why do you want me?" all the time with Nash drove me batty. I am all there with her being insecure, but she went above and beyond ridiculous with it - but maybe this just bothered me?

I did feel a little Van Halen "Hot For Teacher" when it came to Nash though. But who wouldn't?

Theirs is a love story decades in the making. A slow burn, smouldering looks.

There were some great secondary characters and storylines that I drew me in and kept me reading.

I am looking forward to Sawyer's story, and I will go back and read Cade's soon as well.

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westgurlie32's review

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Did not finish... just could not get into this book

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