
Earl of Sunderland by Aubrey Wynne

dianed's review against another edition

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This fourth book in a collection by multiple authors is another great story featuring an independent, strong woman who isn't looking for marriage but is looking to be useful. Aubrey Wynne has done a great job with her characters, especially 5 year old Sammy who is an active, inquisitive boy. His character brings out the goodness and kindness in the other characters.
After a scary scene near the end we finally see our couple get their happily ever after.

pattyfgd's review

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I expected wickedness with the title of the series, but what I had was my heart fluttering, some smiling and as I got to listen to the first book in this series. Aubrey Wynne writes beautifully and her visual context put me right back in time as we get to know Kit and Grace. Kit never thought he was going to be the Earl, but the unexpected death of his twin brother has him coming home to groom for the role. He is unmarried, and isn't looking for a wife. When he meets Grace though, all bets are off. Grace is taking care of your young brother and while enchanted by Kit, is not looking for marriage. The perfect couple, right? Their journey to find each other and the passion they do find is well worth the wait. Add in Eliza, who I love as we go through her pregnancy and Sammy with his times with Kit and we have pure entertainment. The story is gorgeous and the quotes at the beginning of each chapter perfect.

This is my first narration by Kevin Archer and I loved his voice. He is perfect for historical romance, just enough of the royal intonation that gives the Earl's that important sound. I enjoyed his performance.

ilaurin's review

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OK regency, kept me entertained enough but not memorable.

reads2love's review

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I adored this story. Kit and Grace were such good characters. Grace has spent the last five years taking care of her brother and father, unconcerned with finding a husband. She irritates her father by skipping the seasons. Kit is a military man who has lost his brother and now must return home. He must take over as earl. He's a dashing man that you just fall for and you can understand why Grace falls for him. I adored Sammy, Grace's brother. I look forward to reading more in this series.

becsa's review

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Grace Beaumont has been raising her brother, Samuel, since she was 15 when her mother died in childbirth. She loves the freedom of running her household without having to worry about a husband to take care of and report to.

Christopher "Kit" Roker is a Lieutenant Colonel in the army and enjoys the freedom that he has while his twin brother, Carson, has inherited the role of The Earl of Sunderland.

When Grace attends the wedding of her cousin, Eliza, to Carson she meets Kit and is intrigued by him but knows she is not ready for any romance. When Carson is killed in a horse accident, Grace, Samuel and her father return to Falsbury Castle to help Eliza.

As Kit and Grace begin to spend more time together they realize how much they care about each other but will Grace be willing to give up her freedom for Kit? Will Kit be able to figure out how Grace can continue to help with her family if he is The Earl of Sunderland?

This was a good historical fiction book that I really enjoyed.

I liked Grace and how much she sacrificed to raise her brother and keep the household in line. That being said she never once saw it as a sacrifice as she truly loved what she was doing. She was very caring and I liked how she came to Eliza when she needed her as well.

Kit was interesting and a great character in that he had no desire to be The Earl of Sunderland yet he knew that he had to take the job. He was very attracted to Grace but knew he would really have to convince her that he was worth a chance.

I loved the friendship between Kit and Grace and how it evolved into more. Kit was willing to make a lot of sacrifices at the end and I liked that!

Great historical fiction!

threeundertwopnw's review

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This is a clean, light, lovely read. I particularly enjoyed the attention to detail in the settings, language, clothing, and even toys of the period. The author has clearly done extensive research.

The story is low-angst, and happily, doesn't involve misunderstanding or miscommunication as so many regencies I've read lately seem to. But that said, it's also a little low on tension in the plot for me. Their attraction built up and breezed along without much to hinder it until the happy ending.

I am looking forward to reading more in this series and more books by this author.

A copy of this book was very kindly provided to me in return for an honest review.

plutomoment's review

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I thought it was well written and enjoyed it but I was disappointed in the lack of action.

dianed's review

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This fourth book in a collection by multiple authors is another great story featuring an independent, strong woman who isn't looking for marriage but is looking to be useful. Aubrey Wynne has done a great job with her characters, especially 5 year old Sammy who is an active, inquisitive boy. His character brings out the goodness and kindness in the other characters.
After a scary scene near the end we finally see our couple get their happily ever after.