
Pawn of the Phoenix by Jamie McLachlan

rosienreads's review

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I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


This book (and, indeed, this series) is phenomenal. It is set in a world where telepaths (known here as empaths) are treated as slaves by the non-empath elites. Moira, the main character, was saved from execution in the previous novel when a mysterious serial killer starts murdering with mind-control. This book continues that story as well as the growing relationship between Moira and Keenan.


I loved this book. I’m generally quite wary of second books in a series because they have a lot to live up to. In this case the author definitely succeeds in making it a story that really captures the reader’s attention while also providing a clear and gripping continuation of the storyline. There is plenty of development and the ending left me staring at the final page in horror (in a good way, I think).

This book does get a little steamy in places, so a warning to any younger readers who are interested in this series. This was the only part of the book which really let it down for me, sadly. I don’t particularly enjoy reading these kind of scenes and while I don’t mind them from time to time, there were a lot in this book. They were very well written though and it didn’t feel awkward and cringe-worthy reading these passages as can sometimes occur in other books.


Moira is a brilliant female lead. She is an incredibly real character, despite her mind powers, and Mclachlan is not afraid to take her down a darker route either. Indeed, the hints of a darker side to her character are some of my favourite parts. We also get to see more of Keenan in this book and get a bit of background as to why he is. While I was apprehensive at first when I first got a glimpse at where it was headed, his backstory was beautifully crafted and I found myself completely enthralled by it.


Mclachlan does a fantastic job of weaving this world in your head. The city this book takes place in feels like one you could easily go and visit, despite it being an alternate Victorian-style city where half the population can read minds. The telepathic gifts in this are fascinating. There are multiple branches to it, most notably shown with the three houses, but how the telepathic gifts are demonstrating is beautiful. Every person’s mind has a unique structure and aesthetic. While one person may have clockwork, another’s mind may be a meadow. I found this a really interesting way of describing minds, as they reflect the character’s personality and makes me wonder what everyone’s minds would be like in real life.

Final thoughts

As the second book in this series (The Memory Collector series), this is a fantastic continuation of the story. Thrilling, sensual and impossible to put down, murder mixes with romance in Pawn of the Phoenix to create a unique and fascinating novel. The next book in the series cannot come soon enough.

marie_thereadingotter's review

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3.5 stars

kellyc3c976's review

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A huge perk to being published (besides all the obvious ones) is getting to know other authors you share a publisher with. In developing these relationships, and in this case, friendship, you are able to receive advanced copies of their books. Such is the case of this highly anticipated second installment of The Memory Collector Series, Pawn of the Phoenix. The book is due out in February, so at least you won’t have to wait long.

If you haven’t read the first book, Mind of the Phoenix, what in the world are you waiting for? I mean seriously, you can get it on Amazon, Kobo, B&N, iTunes and Paperback.

The Memory Collector Series is set in the fictional city of Braxton maybe around the turn of the century, early 1900s. Empaths are slaves to the Elite and work in one of the houses (dream, memory, or pleasure) or are privately owned. The infamous self-described Phoenix plants persuasions in select citizens’ minds that are triggered by a delivered letter. These persuasions involve suicide or murder, usually of an Elite member.

While Mind of the Phoenix set up the story and introduced the main characters, Moira and Keenan, Pawn of the Phoenix delves more into the backstories of the main characters, furthers the plot along with a couple more murders/suicides (and even an execution), and deepens the relationship between Moira and Keenan. In case you didn’t read the first book (again why?????) or read my review of it, I will explain a little about what’s going on. Detective Keenan Edwards is leading the investigation to find the Phoenix. He’s stoic and controlled, at least until his blocked memory is released. Moira is an empath who has killed her master and has been offered a deal to get out of prison in exchange for her assistance with the investigation by using her special gifts.

The story is well-paced and interesting and although it’s the middle-child of the series, it doesn’t feel like filler. There’s more romance this time around and even some schmexy time (although relatively mild to middling), but the investigation still leads the way even though the clues are few and far between. I was a little disappointed we didn’t find out who the Phoenix was at the end of the first book, but we do get that little tidbit in the Epilogue of Pawn. I’m not a fan of cliffhangers usually, but THIS IS HOW YOU WRITE A CLIFFHANGER. I now know who the Phoenix is, but there’s so much intrigue left that I find myself in more anticipation of Rise of Phoenix (book 3) than I was for Pawn. Woe is me for having to wait.

In case you haven’t picked up what I’m putting down, I highly recommend this book (and series) to anyone who enjoys speculative fiction, historical fiction, mystery, intrigue, or even romance.