
Secret of the Souls by Terri Rochenski

chrysfey's review

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I didn’t read book one, Eye of the Soul (I know, shame on me!), but despite that I was still able to get into the story and the characters in "Secret of the Souls."

Hyla, a Seer, can see people’s Auras and I liked the extra insight her power added to the story. Knowing the color of everyone’s Auras, indicating how they felt, was interesting, and how their Auras changed from moment to moment added a neat element to the scenes. Hyla is a great character. I felt for her and her situation with being a Seer, which forces her to hide from humans.

Jadon, Hyla’s Protector, has amazing sword skills. He’s strong, fierce, and feared because of his abilities. His connection with Hyla is intriguing. I liked his determination to protect her. Conlin, the Soul Walker, also brings something special to the story every time he soul walks, which is quite often. He secretly loves Hyla, and seeing the budding love between Hyla and Conlin is a sweet.

Aside from Hyla, Conlin, and Jadon we are given glimpses into the perspectives of kings and lords. While it does become difficult to keep straight who is who, their motives and secrets are all entertaining.

Each chapter offers something new as war approaches, secrets unfold, and Hyla is put into situations she’d rather avoid. There’s romance, and suspense due to impending war and other events that put Hyla, Conlin, and Jadon in danger. There are a lot of entertaining twists. The ending was a perfect conclusion that tied up all the loose ends and answered lingering questions.

If you read “Eye of the Soul” you’ll be pleased with this sequel. If you enjoy Adult fantasy, these are two books you should pick up!

*I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.