
The Bus Ride: A Zany Busnapping Adventure by Joanie Chevalier

absorbedinbooks's review against another edition

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"Live the Dream. Never stop living the Dream."

A group of people board the Bus No. 225 going to Grassburger, Nevada. Frustrated with their lives, they were all contemplating how to handle the curveballs life has thrown at them, when one of the passenger gets up and declares that the bus is now hijacked. Not wanting to address the passengers by "Hey you!", he assigns each one a nickname, he himself being the FakeBusDriver. The narrative constantly shifts through characters and time, as we learn about the circumstances that lead each of the passengers (and driver) to board Bus No. 225 that fateful morning. 

The POV shifts in every chapter. But it is never revealed straightaway which character's backstory is being told. Sometimes, there are clues from the beginning, pointing towards the character, and other times Chevalier waits until the end of the chapter to reveal the character. I loved this aspect of the storytelling very much. 

As the story progresses, this quirky group of people become a family, and fight and stand up for each other, and discover themselves in the process. This book will make you laugh and tug at your heartstrings at the same time. Some of the problems the busnapped people aboard the Bus 225 might seem unrealistic, but you'll find yourself rooting for them nonetheless.  

I am in love with Chevalier's storytelling and writing style. The characters are well written and realistic. The novella is well paced and the reader is hooked throughout. I read this book in one sitting, unable to put it down. I felt yanked into the lives of the characters and traveled with them on this exciting bus ride that changed both their lives and mine. 

"He patted his breast pocket to assure himself he still had the drawing Lil’ Princess had shyly handed to him before they left. It was a colorful drawing of a bright yellow bus with smiling people inside. He grinned as he thought about it. He’d be sure to frame it as soon as he could. It made him feel happy. Doug felt a bond with each one of them. And he missed them all."

Like Doug, our RealBusDriver, I too feel a bond with each of the characters of the book and they'll stay with me for the time to come. Read this book, you'll gain a new perspective on life when you're done. 

tonikayk's review

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Certainly not your usual community transit ride. People in private desperation isolated and desperately alone. Don't read this book at night, because, the great characters and the loyalty of friends not met with, will keep you awake planning to be a better person and smiling. A wonderful trip from here to maybe there. I suggest this book to everyone, especially if you just finished a crime novel full of angst. Read it tonight.

jessica42980's review against another edition

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I received a copy as a part of the blog blitz. My review was on January 20, 2020.
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked this one up and it ended up being a very pleasant surprise! Though it is a short novella at 128 pages, this is a complete story. I became engrossed in the story and wanted to know how it was going to end. You are caught up in every character’s life story and even begin to root for the busnapper. Each distinct character ends up with a unique to them nickname during their situation, and not all characters end up being what they seem!

The Bus Ride is an entertaining and quick read that takes place over a very short time period. Take some time and pick up The Bus Ride and next time you get on a bus you may see your fellow riders in a different light!

pixiejazz's review

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Review coming soon!

booksteacupnreviews's review

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You can read all my review on Blog - Books Teacup and Reviews

The Bus Ride was a humorous busnapping adventure that revolved around a bus driver, a busnapper and 5 other passenger and a family. It was about unlikely friendship, never stop trying to live better life and what you desire, let other help you, and confronting problem.

Writing was great. Joanie’s storytelling style was captivating that pulled me in characters’ story from the very first page. The Bus Ride was third person narrative from multiple perspective that changed in every chapters. Whole story take place in one day started at early morning with Doug taking his bus through route no. 255 and ending at night with a life changing adventure.

All characters were eccentric, dealing with their only problems, frustrated with life, lonely, and wanted to live their dream. When one of the passenger took over the bus and changed the route, instead of being worried and frightened they just went along with it! I chuckled at their bizarre situation and reaction. I kept thinking what if it was real hijacking, would they react the same way!

It was fun the way they were given their nicknames. The Real-bus driver, The Fake-bus driver, The Lonely Boy, Spyman, Muffintop mama, and The Bold girl. We know most of the characters by their real name and their story earlier while some characters’ names and their stories were revealed later in the book. Even though synopsis has mentioned all the real name it was fun to discover who was who, what they were going through and what role they played in this adventure.

Devon’s car was stolen and he needed to meet the deadline to get what rightfully his and so he faked hijacking the bus. He wanted to show his family he was not loser. When they reach his destination it was so amusing to read how his brothers reacted. At the same time I felt for Devon.

Doug, the real bus driver, who worked overtime to pay bills and meeting his wife’s demands, had anticipated his day a normal and the usual tiring but it unusually turned out to be adventurous and shocking. When Devon took over the bus he saw it as an opportunity to get some sleep he desperately needed. He dreamed a better life but lacked confidence and courage to confront his problems. I loved how his confidence returned with help of others. His insight about not blaming a person for their action at the end was great.

Frankie was 12 years old lonely boy who unexpectedly became hero at the end. His story was most interesting. I felt sad for him. His decision was reckless at the beginning but he made it right by doing right thing.

Dave was mysterious spyman who was on one day leave, sought justice and equality in his department. He didn’t expect the work free leave would turn out adventurous and would help him to prove his worth and accept what he really was.

Gloria was loving and motherly to all passengers. I loved her crossword puzzle hobby. She wanted a family that she found on this trip.

Garcia family was a surprise. When they were first introduced as a family illegally entering in US, I didn’t know how they were related to the bus and in this adventure. I didn’t expect them the way they made their entry. They were most eccentric of all. I laughed at their unique entry and the mayhem it caused and that mama turning into ninja was most hilarious. I liked the way they found their way back once they saved a family member they came for.

Last was Autumn’s story. She was typical foster teenager who struggled to fit in foster family and in school. But she was bold and knew how survive in the world. At the end, she learned to love and found a true family she never had.

I loved the way they all developed at the end. This little, a day’s, adventure changed their life and their view, helped them to live their dream. End was good and the epilogue was most interesting.

Overall, it was fun, entertaining and enjoyable busnapping adventure. I highly recommend this to all readers who love short stories and entertaining travel adventure.

*** Note: I received e-copy this book as a part of blog tour, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Rachel and author. ***