
Adicta a ti by Laurelin Paige

jacksonbt19's review against another edition

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It was okay … I had a lot of questions as I went through it of why H was okay with Elena’s craziness.

snowy4's review against another edition

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asloyola's review against another edition

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Alayna cada vez que aparece Hudson:

Ahora supongamos que tu hermano te abandona a tu suerte y tienes 2 opciones:
1-Aceptar la propuesta que te hizo el nuevo dueño del club donde trabajas. Dicha propuesta consiste en fingir ser su novia para que se cancele su compromiso y él se encargaría de pagar tus préstamos estudiantiles, ya que tu hermano dijo que no continuaría pagando tu apartamento y con el dinero que haces en el club te alcanza para el apartamento, pero no para los préstamos. Cabe destacar que desde un principio dijiste que no sería prudente aceptar su oferta debido a tu trastorno obsesivo, pues podrías terminar obsesionándote con el dueño y la cosa no terminaría nada bien, como otras relaciones que has tenido. También es importante señalar que vas a terminar teniendo sexo con Hudson, porque seamos sinceras, es en lo único que piensas y porque él dejó muy claro que quería hacerlo contigo.
2-Aceptar un trabajo en una de las oficinas corporativas mejor pagadas que te persiguieron al graduarte.

Entonces tenemos una opción que está llena de complicaciones, pero continuarías trabajando en el bar que es lo que quieres, y la otra es lo más simple del mundo y lo que cualquier persona en su sano juicio hubiera decidido.

Ufff que decisión tan difícil.

Por lo tanto qué decide Alayna??? Tachaaaaannn

Pero claaaro, si hubiera elegido la opción 2 este libro no se hubiese escrito.

En cuanto a Hudson simplemente no me gustó. Es que después de saber acerca de su personalidad no pude creerle nada de lo que decía o hacía.

Estos dos se quedan juntos porque esto es ficción, porque una relación como esta está condenada al fracaso. ¿Un sociópata y una codependiente? Sip, definitivamente puedo ver el romance.

Estamos hablando de un hombre que seduce a las mujeres para que se enamoren de él, simplemente por diversión, por deporte y después que lo hacen simplemente las deja. Hay una parte en el último capítulo en el que Hudson habla de lo que le hizo a Celia, que es supuestamente su amiga y la conoce desde la infancia. Dice así:

"I’m the reason she got pregnant, Alayna. Because I spent an entire summer making her fall in love with me when I felt nothing for her. For fun. For something to do. And then, when I’d completely broken her, she became destructive—sleeping around, partying, drugs. You name it, she did it. She didn’t even know who the father was.”

¿Y cuál es la reacción de Alayna cuando él suelta todo esto?

"But even though I could concede Hudson had a role in the situation, it didn’t scare me away."

Hija de Dios si eso fue lo que le hizo a su amiga de la infancia qué quedará para ti. Pero no, claro que no, a ella nunca le haría eso porque ella es especial, diferente, porque él se lo dijo

reneej05's review against another edition

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staceycarr1060's review against another edition

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2.5⭐Didn’t like this book - almost DNF but pushed through

willowwitchy's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars

**ARC received for honest review**

I really enjoyed this book, it was so easy to read and it kept me interested all the way through. I will say that that it is book 1 and whilst its not a real cliffy ending it certainly leaves you wanting more.

The story is told from Alayna's point of view, Laynie as she is known to her friends is not your normal main character, she has issues yes, but they are different from the usual stuff you expect. Although now several years clean, she has obsessive tendencies and those tendencies landed her a restraining order. You see Laynie obsesses over the men she thinks she's in love with, that's right - she's a former stalker.

After therapy Laynie can now see the patterns and triggers to her stalker tendencies. She now places men in two categories.

" The first category could be described as f**k and forget. These were men who got me going in the bedroom, but were easy to leave behind in necessary. It was the only group I bothered with anymore. They were the safe ones, David fell into this category.
Then there were men that were anything but safe. They weren't f**k and forget - they were "oh, f**k!" They drew me to them so intensely that I became consumed by them, absolutely focused on everything they did, said and were. I ran from these men, far and fast."

David is the manager of the club where she works, she sees him as safe, she sees herself marrying him and running the club together. Laynie has just finished school, something she was doing on the side to keep her busy, to keep the tendencies at bay. She now has a business degree that she believes will help her move up in the club.

The club has just got a new owner, Hudson Pierce, rich, young and hot. Unfortunately for Laynie she feels an intense reaction to him:

"Two seconds after locking eyes with this man I knew I should be running"

But Laynie's problems are just beginning. Hudson has a proposition for Laynie. He needs her to be his fake girlfriend in order to brake off an arranged engagement, he will of course pay her. Laynie knows this is a bad idea for her, and decides she's not going to do it, that is until her brother Brian decides to cut her off. She has student loans to pay and so feeling she has no choice, she accepts.

Hudson makes it clear that he doesn't do romantic relationships, he says he's incapable. Being his fake girlfriend is a job, nothing more. He does decide however that he wants her body:

"I want you to know that whether or not you decide to help with my situation, I will continue to seduce you. I'm a man who gets what he wants. And I want you"

"I will have you beneath me. In a bed. Where I can adore you properly"

It's a bad idea for Laynie, but can she turn him down? I loved the way she argued with herself over this. That she recited in her head a check list as to whether she was slipping into old tendencies. I loved the push pull thing she had going on, fighting the intense need for him.

If that wasn't enough she has to deal with Hudson's mother too - a real bitch, but she holds her own the first time they meet.

Tell me Alayna were you first attracted to my son because of his money or his name?"
"Neither. I was attracted to him because he's hot. Though, I stayed with him because he's f**king awesome in bed"

On the surface Hudson is the typical hot, dominant millionaire we see so often in books now, but he is not just that he is hiding his own secrets too.

I think the stalker side of the story kept this fresh and interesting and I loved Laynie's character and her reactions to Hudson and the situations she's in.

I really can't wait to read more about Hudson and Laynie, I believe the next book will be out in October and until then I will be stalking Laurelin Paige's blog, Facebook page and twitter for any snippets of the next book, or anything Hudson and Laynie.

For more of my reviews go to The Romance Cover

cavityfila's review against another edition

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I didn't expect to get into this book. It seemed like the used up old formula, started by fifty shades that bored me to tears by now. Alpha male billionaire courts young beautiful impressionable girl=HEA. But there were so many good reviews I decided to check it out. What struck me as different here was the emotional backgrounds of these characters. She is an obsessive stalker and he is a master manipulator, both trying to get away from their pasts. The story is told from Alayna's pov, so you constantly hear her obsessive thoughts and her doubts of what is real and what is in her head. That made her very likable and vulnerable and had me rooting for her more and more. It had great drama and a nice level of steam.

dontgrumble's review against another edition

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Alayna has a not so great past. She became obsessed, stalked and now has a restraining order against her. But she is moving forward, she isn't that person anymore and with her newly acquired MBA is looking to start her new life.

Having always loved working in a bar, she really wants to progress to the management side of things but her chance is in jeopardy as the bar is taken over by a new owner who she has no idea if they will give her a chance.

Hudson Pierce is the sexy as hell new owner and he has decided that he wants Alayna, and what he wants he gets, always. She falls for him and discovers that he too has a past that is not soo pleasant, which makes him potentially bad for her. Can she cope with all of this without reverting to old habbits? Or does this infact mean that he is exactly the right type of guy for her as he can help her deal with her past?

I would definietly recommend it to fans of The Crossfire series by Sylvia day for the dominant tortured hero and the heroine with the equally messed up passed. It was sexy, passionate and although similar themes were addressed, was a completely new story to anything else i have read.

javalenciaph's review against another edition

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Individual rating: 4 stars
Series rating: 4.5 stars

You can read my complete review of the "Fixed" trilogy on my book blog, Bookaholics Not-So-Anonymous.

brea96's review against another edition

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