
Blood on the Moon by Jennifer Knight

poppycasgabs's review

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Awesome. A perfect blend of werewolves and vampires. But this is mostly a werewolf book, because they are the good guys here. My friend told me to read this, so I did. And it was really good. The cliffhanger at the end was just gahhhh. And then she made a second book. Which had the same reaction at the ending. WHY? Great book, read it.

cloramagone's review against another edition

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lmao i was obsessed with this in middle school

lazygal's review against another edition

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Imagine Twilight mixed with Nightshade and you've got Blood on the Moon. Set in Colorado, we've got vampires, werewolves (who are the good guys), love and friendship - all the elements of today's paranormal romance/suspense genre explosion.

The problem for me was that I've read it all too often before: there was nothing really new here. The writing wasn't (at first) overly dramatic, which kept me reading in hope that there'd be something new or different to grab on to... but no, there wasn't. The only real surprise in the book doesn't have any relevance to the overall plot. Still, for those that simply can't get enough of these books, this isn't a bad example. And yes, there will be a sequel, if not more books.

ARC provided by publisher.

jmeyers888's review against another edition

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I actually quite liked this book. The story was entertaining and kept me interested. The main character, Faith, was a complete dimwit, which usually ruins the story for me. But it seemed like it worked in this book. Sure she got on my nerves, and I'd rather the main character be written differently, but it didn't subtract from my enjoyment of the story as a whole like other books I've read where the main female character is an idiot. Overall it was quite good, and I look forward to reading the other books in this series.

kirbs419's review

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I'm not planning on continuing this series...

slc333's review against another edition

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This was ok but not great. I read a lot of reviews comparing it to Twilight or calling it a rip -off and I can see the similarities but I also I think that in this genre (YA paranormal) it is hard to be original. MANY YA books have the heroine who just doesn't fit, the broody mysterious guy who blows hot n cold, and it 100s of yrs old but never felt love til he meet this one special teenager (I always have a prob with that) the best friend in love with the heroine, no parents or absent parental figures etc. So the reason I didn't love this one has less to do with the similarities to Twilight (or any 100 other YA books) and more to do with poor editing and annoying characters behaving like whiny children. I found Faith quite annoying, yes what happened to her was awful and I can see the trust issues but to decide love doesn't exist cause her step-father attacked her - how ridiculous. Did her Mom not love her? What about other friends & family. What about the parents of her friends (who didn't attack their kids). Derek annoyed me as well. 'You wont be my girlfriend so we can no longer be friends even though we were best friends long before romance entered the picture'. I get that he needed some time but her never tells Faith that, he just chucks a tanty cause she wont be his girlfriend and doesn't talk to her anymore. Then Faith - I wont be yr girlfriend, I can never trust you, why can't we be friends then screams at him in public if he dates someone else. Also I have major trust issues and cannot tell my friend/boyfriend I love him ( the reason for Derek cheating in HS) but I will accept drinks from a stranger in a nightclub and hope blithely into his car for a lift home even though I have just met him and know nothing about him. Broody glaring Lucas was annoying but I actually liked him once he stopped glaring and was interacting with Faith. He actually had a personality then. I did find his insistence on dealing with Vincent himself incredibly selfish though. For 300 yrs we will battle, innocents being hurt each time but because you are MY enemy only I am allowed to kill you despite the fact that I have a pack ready willing and able to help me end this sooner thus saving many innocent lives. Even though The story itsel wasn't bad and I am mildly curious to see what happens with Derek and Faith's powers but I don't care enough about these juvenile and stupid people to read on.

morrib's review

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I am currently struggling to read this book. It is a rather painful Twilight ripoff...seriously, the first scene between the female protagonist and the male love interest has them sitting in class while his eyes are a strange color and her presence bothers him then they are paired up as partners for a class project and then she goes to eat with her friends who talk about how weird the guys family is before he walks in...REALLY??

I wanted this book to be interesting but considering that half of the characters have talked about people they dated in the past or are currently dating but they don't even know their names I feel like I'm stuck in a disaster.

introreads's review against another edition

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I started this book feeling irritated with Faith. She was a very frustrating individual. By the time the book ended I liked her better, and I was excited because it seemed like my ship is going strong.

acascadeofbooks's review

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I heard about this book from as they were allowing you to read the ebook free off their website until the 1st of August. I had never heard of this novel nor did I have any idea what it was about but I thought I would give it a go anyway. I finished this novel in 2 days as it wasn't very difficult to read.

The plot basically revolves around a girl called Faith who has just started her first year at college. She only really has one friend, her best friend for basically her whole life, Derek. Things get complicated for Faith when Derek wants to be more than friends and things in Faith's past start to affect her again. Also a mysterious classmate is stirring up emotions in Faith she has tried to smother.

The plot had one major problem and that was that it was an almost carbon copy of the plot to Twilight. To me it felt as if the author just thought that by changing the main focus from vampires to werewolves, we would all look past the major similarities in the novels. Frankly this really annoyed me as I want to read a new novel, not a copy of another one. Some of the similarities were; the mysterious dark love interest Lucas was so similar to Edward, he looked at Faith as if he hated her, he never talked to her, wouldn't even look at her, a vampire sworn enemy sets his eye on Faith to spite Lucas just like James does with Bella, a large chunk of the novel is taken up by Lucas taking Faith to meet his (not really) family and how she is worried about what they will think, Derek is a friend that creates a love triangle (Jacob). Of course there were some differences, the novel is set in college instead of school, the main love interest is a werewolf and the enemy are vampires.

In terms of speed it was quite a fast paced novel, that did an alright job of keeping me interested and the ending was something I wasn't expecting, which is great.

I had mixed feelings about the main character Faith, in some ways I liked her, she could stand her ground, and stand up to people, and she had an interesting back story. She also had a weird thing that she got an electric shock from touching things. I really liked this twist and I was disappointed that this wasn't really focussed on and didn't get explained at all. Faith also seemed a bit naive and this was annoying as I had figured things out miles before her and this frustrated me.

Her best friend Derek annoyed me too as he didn't seem to understand what no meant. He seemed childish and didn't seem to have any character traits that made him seem like a person you would like to be friends with.

The other main male character is Lucas, who is Faith's main love interest. He was annoyingly similar to Edward in Twilight, which was annoying and just seemed like a waste.

Overall I gave this novel 2/5 stars and this was mainly because of its similarity to Twilight and the fact that I didn't really connect with the characters so it didn't rate very highly.