
Tall, Dark and Dead by Tate Hallaway

meri's review

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a pretty good Bit Lit read, I quite liked Garnet and the witchcraft element to the story. A decently crafted world. Not so keen on the astralogical charts and planets but points for it being a new twist.

reader44ever's review against another edition

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This story turned out to be kind of "meh" for me. It had interesting characters, but both they and the plot left a bit to be desired. I liked Garnet, the MC, but one minute she was hot for Sebastian, the next minute she was horrified by him, and in the end he was "someone I trusted so profoundly." All I could say in the end was, "Uhm. . .what, now?"

Also, the spine of the book says that this is a Paranormal Romance. It wasn't. Sure, there was sex in this book, but romance? If Garnet had stuck by Sebastian and believed in him throughout the book, then I might have felt that this book deserved the genre label of "paranormal romance." Instead, though, she
was so upset by how he behaved with Feather that when Parrish showed up in her life again, she had sex with him!

(And to make matters worse, Parrish
sort of fizzled as a character after Sebastian got his grimoire back. Garnet left his presence, and that was the last we saw of him.

I had thought going into this book that it was a paranormal mystery, but that didn't work for it either. There was a bit of a mystery, or rather a bit of suspense, caused by the Vatican Agents being after Sebastian's mysterious formula, but everything just seemed to fall flat for me. Mostly because of Garnet's in-lust-with-Sebastian--hate-for-Sebastian feelings.

There was one line that made me laugh early in the story, on page 15, but if anything, this line makes Garnet's subsequent pull-back from Sebastian all the more annoying to me. The line that made me laugh? . . .
"Fuck me," [Sebastian] swore. While I was thinking, Yes, I'd like to. . ."
:-) So I had high hopes that Garnet and Sebastian would hit it off, and they did, but then Sebastian
was grievously wounded and, as a result, indelicate when taking blood from Feather. (He was a hell of a lot more than "indelicate," (my word choice, not the author's), but he was majorly wounded for crying out loud!)
So Garnet's pull-back from him, though I understand her reasoning, just aggravated me no-end. And Sebastian wasn't much better. He went from being rather nice (and hot) to being a douche and a loser. . . Only to once again be in charity with Garnet by the end, such that he was the "someone I trusted so profoundly." *ARGH!!!*

Perhaps needless to say, but though I liked this book (it was sort-of good, just aggravating), I do not plan to read more of this Garnet Lacey series. This first story just aggravated me too much and it didn't really flow very well.

But if I do someday decide to revisit this series, in the end, Garnet and Sebastian
performed The Great Rite (they had sex) to give his formula the magical boost it needed to work, and it worked (it also seemed to give Garnet the power boost she needed to put Lilith into hibernation inside herself). Sebastian is once again sun-resistant and presumably back to full "health." (He's a vampire, so he's dead, so how fully healthy can he really be?)
He was safe.
We were safe.
And we only had two bodies to bury.
I could live with that. [fin]

I must say that I had to put a bit of thought into figuring out who the "two bodies" were. It came to me pretty quick, though:
"Leader Guy" and "Sensitive" were killed by Sebastian when he and Garnet returned to his house to perform the ritual for the formula. Their trap for Sebastian needed a little work, hence their deaths.

This reminds me, though. . . Rosa and the Guy with the Bow (or whatever Garnet called him), the two remaining Vatican agents. . . Did they really buy Garnet's show that
she and Sebastian were dead? Mátyás knows they're not really dead, and he left with them.
So . . . ??? But . . .

No, I am not going to read more in this series, so I guess, sadly, I just don't care.

adrienner's review against another edition

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Got this read over a couple of weeks. I had it on my wishlist because ... well, I thought Tate Hallaway had contributed to Whedonistas (under a different name?).

This was a fun, easy read. I'm not sure if I want to continue reading Garnet Lacey books. While I can lose myself in fictional settings, certain things in fictional settings bother me (more now than they used to.) I'm finding some of those things in these books. Plus, I'm beginning to feel like while there is some new twist to the vampires in this book, vampires are starting to get overused.

adrienner's review against another edition

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Got this read over a couple of weeks. I had it on my wishlist because ... well, I thought Tate Hallaway had contributed to Whedonistas (under a different name?).

This was a fun, easy read. I'm not sure if I want to continue reading Garnet Lacey books. While I can lose myself in fictional settings, certain things in fictional settings bother me (more now than they used to.) I'm finding some of those things in these books. Plus, I'm beginning to feel like while there is some new twist to the vampires in this book, vampires are starting to get overused.

wanderinglynn's review against another edition

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Tall, Dark & Dead isn't the worst book I've ever read. That being said, the book completely fell flat for me. While the story does have a momentum, which kept me reading until about 3/4 of the way through, the characters were flat, the dialogue forgettable, and the descriptions mostly too detailed on mundane or irrelevant things. The biggest problem I had with the book is the characters just seemed to just plod along without any real passion or emotion for each other or anything. Overall, the characters and the story felt very one dimensional, as if the author really didn't care about her characters or their lives.

meri's review against another edition

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a pretty good Bit Lit read, I quite liked Garnet and the witchcraft element to the story. A decently crafted world. Not so keen on the astralogical charts and planets but points for it being a new twist.