
Web of Death by Jennifer Estep

roseanswers's review

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This short story was interesting, but not really anything particular. I liked it, though.

It's five weeks after Fletcher's death, and Gin's on her way home, when she discover a hooker from Roslyn Phillip's night club, being beated up. She saves the girl from the evil men.

I think this story was a little bit extraneous, because this was mostly just a "book" you would read if you liked the series - it has nothing to do with the actual books or anything.

bookfessional's review

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3.5 stars

This short is from Gin's POV and takes place between books 1 and 2. YES. That's right. You can read this one in the chronological order.

It's been so long since I last read this series that I don't know what it has to do with setting up the next book, beyond letting us know that retirement does not suit Gin. Not even a little bit.

Also, I don't recall her being so pragmatic when it comes to saving the lives of hapless innocents she stumbles across, so maybe this was supposed to lay groundwork for future character development. *shrugs*

Either way it's short, and it's always fun to watch Gin kill people--they always have it coming.

You can read it for FREE on Estep's website:

xakyr's review

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This was a very short story that showcased some of the changes that the events of [b:Spider's Bite|6611038|Spider's Bite (Elemental Assassin, #1)|Jennifer Estep||6805023] forced on Gin. She also seemed harder in this book, less forgiving. While she ends up saving the victim in this story, she does it to further her own aims. Will be interesting to see how this carries out in later books.

redhairedashreads's review

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Series: Elemental Assassin #1.5
Rating: 3 stars - I liked it

A short scene with Gin taking out some trash that found its way onto her property. I like that she is considering retirement but also working pro bono on case potential, like this one.

lpcoolgirl's review

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Really great and sweet short story! I enjoyed a whole tone! So great, and I need to read more!

laurla's review

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free on authors website.

coris_corner's review

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reader44ever's review

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This was a rather fun story. It shared with us a moment of Gin's retirement, in between books one and two. Her now-famous curiosity led her to save a woman. :-)

My only problem is. . . Wasn't it in book two that she learned about Fletcher's altruistic leanings? So her mention that she learned about them recently is a bit of a continuity error. :-/