
The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker by Leanna Renee Hieber

crisanja's review

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Nice follow up to strangely beautiful. Will eventually read the next one.

reginaexmachina's review

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I seem to be in the minority here but I did not find this sequel as interesting as the first. I felt like it moved really slow and the romance felt too easy and perfect. I was glad when Percy finally found some spine in her but it seemed too few and far between when she did. At the end it seemed to pick up and got more interesting but, without giving away a spoiler, I felt like there was an added plot point I was growing tired of. I mean couldn't it have waited a few books? It seems like every book with a romantic thread in it has been using that device and it is just something that's getting old with me.
Anyways so while the ending got interesting I just thought this book a little blah for me. Kinda disappointing but maybe I'll have better luck elsewhere.

mackle13's review

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A bit more 3/5 than 4, but I up-graded this one.

After finishing 'Strangely Beautiful', when I found out this story was already out, I simply had to run out and grab it. This book concludes the arc started in 'Strangley Beautiful', but also leaves threads open for a continuation of the series. I have no idea what the plans are in this regard, but I will say that I've become so enamoured with these characters that I will definitely keep an eye out for future installments.

This story still mainly revolves around the relationship of Percy and Alexi, our brooding hero and damsel of the first story, but it focuses more on the big battle between Light and Dark and less on their "but I love you, but I can't, but I must" drama of the first book. This is both a plus and a minus. A plus because another book of that would be a bit tedious, but a minus because the author doesn't seem to capture the emotions of the battle quite as easily as she does the more romantic notions.

This story also gives us a bit more of the secondary characters, and makes nice little resolutions for them and their lives as well.

Alexi was, well, a bit much in this story - but at least his asshattery is explained a bit by circumstances and forces. And, the best part, Percy grows a spine and stands up for herself, even when having to scold her sometimes intimidating other half. She still relies on Alexi to be her protector, which is nice (as I'd hate for her to suddenly become one of those "I don't need no man" chicks) - but she gains her own inner strength as well, which was a nice change.

Overall, while it didn't have quite the same resonance of the first, and it did still suffer from some of the cheesy dialogue, etc - not to mention one of my most hated plot devices (i.e. I'm not going to give you all the information that would make you understand what I'm doing, because that would take all the drama away) - it was still a good story, and nicely resolved.

Oh, also, while it was still mostly predictable, the reveal of the previously prophecies betrayer did come as a bit of a shock. That was nicely handled.

And, for a final gripe, there is a part of the secondary characters story that happens "off-stage", and will be in a short story contained in some collection or another. I kind of hate when authors do that. I will not buy an entire collection of short stories to read one part of it! Maybe I'll pick it up from the library some day, though.

Despite my complaints, the story has lingered in my mind. When I was finished reading, I half wanted to pick it back up and start all over again. I am quite attached to the characters, and look forward to continuing the story.

carlyoc's review

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I'm actually reading the combined "author's preferred edition" of this and the first installment, published by Tor, but that version doesn't seem to be on goodreads. I really think they are just two parts of one story and are better off together, meant to be read back-to-back rather than separated.
In this second and final book of the saga, Persephone, like her namesake, must make a trip into the the world of the dead, though that world is also bleeding over into the realm of the living. But first she has to enjoy her wedding and honeymoon with the ever devastating Professor Alexi Rychman.
The only thing I didn't love about this book was the trope of the angsty, over-protective male lover (see Twilight, Deborah Harkness' All Souls Trilogy, etc.). I feel like Alexi lost much of his characterization to be reduced to a stereotype. Though his behavior is explained away by the influence of the Whisper World, and is a throwback to similarly mercurial classics like Mr. Rochester and Mr. Darcy.

vallevia's review

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3.5 Stars - contains spoilers for prequel "The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker"

It's not that I'm disappointed. It's more that I was less enchanted than I was while reading it's prequel, "The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker". I realized how annoyed I was with Percy's submissive attitude. It didn't seem as annoyingly obvious in the prequel, given the context surrounding her and Alexi's statuses. I think it's completely fine to have a heroine that doesn't have the qualities we'd expect in a fantasy-action style story, but her lack of confidence and leadership do get old pretty fast. Not to mention Alexi's patronizing and aggressive actions (however unintentional they are).

I was craving some more of that intense passion that was so crucial to the ending of the first book. It never really came back. There are some passionate scenes but they're so sparse that I was just left wanting more. The story focuses back and forth on the romance between Alexi and Percy (and a tiny bit on the side character's love stories), and then on the impending apocalypse. It feels like both the romance side and the action side are lacking. I would have loved more romance, or more action, or ideally more of both.

Much of my love for the previous novel was based on the magical feeling I got while reading. Since this sequel is missing some of that magic, I really didn't like it as much as I'd hoped. Still a good read, and I'll most likely come back to it in the future. For now, I'll go on to the next one of the series. Let's see where that takes us.

leakelley's review

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Spoiler for book one ahead!

[b:The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker|7135014|The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker (Strangely Beautiful, #2) |Leanna Renee Hieber||10863349] is the sequel to [b:The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker|6571771|The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker (Strangely Beautiful, #1)|Leanna Renee Hieber||6764853], and it picks up moments after the first book left off. The Guard have temporarily defeated their enemy, but visitors from the Whisper-world soon warn them that an even larger battle is coming, a battle in which Percy must play a key role.

Readers who enjoyed the first book will also enjoy the sequel, which has the same characters. One difference is that instead of fighting one enemy, in the form of Miss Linden, The Guard must defeat Darkness itself and all the minions of the Whisper-world.

The other key difference [not kidding about book one spoilers:] is that in this book, Percy and Alexi are in love and get married. One of my favorite things about the first book was the tortured romance, and I confess to shedding a tear when Alexi was forced to deny Percy. What I like about this book is that we actually get to see their wedding and the early days of their marriage. Most novels end with the first kiss or the wedding, so it was nice to watch these two characters actually adjust to a life together.

Fans of the first book will not be disappointed, and should definitely read [b:The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker|7135014|The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker (Strangely Beautiful, #2) |Leanna Renee Hieber||10863349]. Though the story is tied up neatly at the end of the book, I would personally be eager to read more books in this series.

rosetyper9's review

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This book is somehow better than the first book in the Strangely Beautiful series. It started out a bit slow and I really didn't get into it until about half way through but...once I made it to a certain part (you will know when you read it) I was hooked and not letting go, it also seriously makes up for the slight slowness. This book picks up the storyline quite a bit, and it helps fill in some gaps about who Percy is and what she is meant to do, I love that about this book.

As with the last book, the characters and the writing are absolutely beautiful and there were so many moments where I was cheering and saying "GAH FINALLY" and jumping and there were also some moments when I was sad for the characters and even a point where I cried, yes people, I cried; such is the talent of Ms. Hieber, I don't easily cry at books. This is such a great book and such a great series...please check it out! Perfect for anyone who loves a great story. Period.

prationality's review

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I can say with full honesty that Hieber's second tale of the most unusual Persephone Parker is every bit as intriguing, genuine and delightful as its predecessor. The opening prologue is set during the first book, following a minor character as she watches the events of The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Persephone Parker unfold (with choice epitaphs). Chapter one then picks up very soon after the events of book 1 and wastes no time in setting things in motion.

What I enjoyed most about The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker is that while the story is linear, we follow several different threads as they weave in and out of the main (that being Persephone Parker). The myth that is the foundation for the 'ancient vendetta' between Light and Darkness is put to use more heavily in this novel, with Percy alternately dreading the past she can't remember and wishing she understood her role better. Though Percy shows more backbone and spirit in this book, she is still as uncertain and unsure as ever. Several factor make her doubt Alexi, or perhaps not doubt so much as worry over, and his feelings for her. Plus her fate seems tailor made to end in an unfortunate demise at nearly every turn.

The rest of the Guard (Michael, Elijah, Jane, Josephine and Rebecca) receive more depth and time to stretch their own stories more. As Alexi and Percy grow closer, and rely on each other more, the others see this unique chance at their own freedom in different ways. Elijah dreads what will become of a promise he made to Josephine years before, Josephine is a twitter at the possibilities, Michael desperately tries to both convey his affection for Rebecca while also trying to keep it hidden out of fear, Jane retreats further and further into her 'miracles' and Rebecca...half torn by the fact she can never have Alexi now, she is also tremendously frightened that her feelings of bitterness and jealousy will be the undoing of the Guard's hard work. I felt the worst for Rebecca, though I felt keenly for Jane. We learn a lot more about her, a bit about her past.

My one irritation was with Percy and her endless worrying. She is, by far, one of the most fragile girls I've ever read about. Sometimes she seems quite capable and self-assured and ready to take on anything that presents itself. However the slightest change in attitude towards her--whether it's Alexi or someone else--and she begins to doubt everything. Alexi's love, the Guard's treatment, her role in Prophecy. That sort of fragility puzzles me, seeming entirely extreme given all the evidence to the contrary.

The ending of the novel is guaranteed to make you choke up, or in the very least get misty-eyed. It's fraught with tension and upsetting events. The epilogue is more hopeful, and Hieber's website lists a short tale will be available in the winter as part of a collection, so I look forward to seeing how the circumstances work themselves out.

kateminasian's review

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I've really been enjoying stories with modern day Persephones or continuations of the Persephone/Hades myth. This novel had that in spades, and was quite enjoyable. At times it dragged, but the ending was exciting and tied up most all of the loose ends, which I appreciate.