
SLAM by Tash McAdam

maxpearl's review

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Slam is an interesting, intriguing, and entertaining read. The world you find yourself in, as you follow Serena, who is a gutsy, courageous and driven teenager, is believable and fascinating. From her struggles to finally pass the test, to her adventures rescuing someone in trouble, I was kept on my toes by the action. The concepts of telepathy and telekinesis are a central part of the story, but don't overtake the character development or world building.

I'm looking forward to reading whatever is next, and finding out more about this world Tash McAdam created.

hyms's review

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Slam is a novella which means that it’s very short. It was a quick read and did exactly what it was supposed to: it made me want to read the book. The story is mainly world building but I loved it. The world is exiting and well described. I hated the fact that Google was used as an ancient God of some sort and that the MC used the word ‘nuke’ as a swear word. It seemed weird and didn’t fit the story at all.

The last part of the story was nerve-wracking and I was at the edge of my seat. The story is believable, the danger is almost palpable and I hurt when the MC was hurt. Despite the linguistic lacks, I really liked it and I look forward to getting my hands on the book and once again dive into an intense and captivating dystopian world.

dalidja's review

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Yes, just.. yes.
I really wish Slam was a full novel, and I can't wait for Maelstrom. I could see this series being a hit. I was a little thrown by the use of third-person present tense narration, but that's a writing choice, and the story itself was awesome.

Netgalley read.