
Possession by Jennifer Lyon

emhof96's review

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Overall rating: 3 stars

Plot: 7/10
Ending: 8/10
Writing: 5/10
Hero: 8/10
Heroine: 7/10
Humour: 5/10
Steaminess: 7/10
HEA: series-n/a

dolcezzina21's review

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Steamy, sweet, and a tad over the top, but it is still better than Fifty Shades. If you like Fifty Shades, you will definitely love this! This is not really my genre of choice, but it has been enjoyable and I will read the conclusion to the trilogy in September when it becomes available.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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I thought I was burned out on the concept of the trilogy, and then along came Jennifer Lyon and Possession and I’m once again in love. Seriously the story is so good, I found myself looking to see how much I had left going both I need to know what happens and at the same time freaking out because I knew I wasn’t going to get my happily ever after yet. This is the second book, and I definitely recommend reading the first, and I know I’ll be clamoring to download the last story as soon as it releases.

There is something about Kat, she’s such a strong character heroine and so well fleshed out, that I’m cheering for her to kick some ass. She’s amazing, and Ms. Lyon does such a great job building this character that I can love and want to trade places with, or at least be best friends with.

Sloane, is plain sexy, add in his troubled past and the complex life that created the man he is today, and he’s a very well fleshed out character. Watching him fall in love and reevaluate what’s truly important out of life because of Kat and her love is an amazing experience.

The scenes between Kat and Sloan are explosive, there is no doubt that their chemistry is off the charts. They are two characters who are meant to be together, and it’s especially evident with the way they help each other grow and become better and stronger people.

There is a cast of secondary characters in this story that is superb. They add to the story and enhance Kat and Sloan’s world. I highly recommend this series, if you don’t like cliffhangers wait until the third is out and read them all in one sitting. I will say that I don’t think I lost anything by reading as they came out, and I would gladly wait and read these again even knowing that I have to wait for the happily ever after. They are just that good.

Reviewed by Sheri for Cocktails and Books

mimireadsromance's review

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I'm kicking myself right now. I said I'd wait until the final book came out before reading this. I just couldn't was tempting me daily. Now I'm in total meltdown mode. I need book 3!!!

pebblespenguin1's review

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I cannot even express in words how evil it is to leave me hanging like this Jennifer! Ok now that I have said that! Wow, wow, wow, what a sequel! There was drama, suspense, actions, and lots of hot sex. Sloane and Kat make one hell of a team. I really love this story and the fact that Sloane is helping Kat face her fears and helping her overcome her panic attacks. This really hits home with me. I have struggled with panic attacks for years after becoming very sick. It wasn’t until I met my fiancé that I really learned to get them under control. I still have them occasionally but I know how to handle them and I know I will be okay with him by my side. So that aspect of the story really pulls at my heart.

Jennifer always managed to do it again. That’s right folks, she made me cry. Or at least tear up considering I was at work and was trying to keep it together. Sloane’s story about growing up and finally finding out about Sara, oh my, it just brutally ripped out my heart.

These endings are going to make me a crazy person, let me tell you! I thought the suspense in the ending of ‘The Proposition’ was bad. The ending to ‘Possession’ was so intense and so brutal. I NEED to know what happens next to them! I am dying over here! Sloane and Kat are begging for you to tell me more Jennifer LOL!

In all honesty though I really did love this book, the writing was beautiful. The story was told brilliantly and I really cannot wait for more. Jennifer Lyon has talent like no other. She can write any type of story she wants and make the characters come alive for you. Not too many authors out there can do that today.

Major kudos to Jennifer Lyon for keeping true to herself and being amazing at it, I highly recommend this book. It’s a brilliant, sexy, need a cold shower after reading this, kind of book that you will not be able to put down.

Read it, I dare you!

jennegg's review

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4.5 stars ... loved the entire series. I love the bad boy/good girl scenario.

misty24a8a's review

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Putting same review on all 3 parts of trilogy as I own it in a boxed set.

Wanted to say first that I LOVED the supporting characters! Kellan and Drake were amazing and hope we read more about Ana.

Favorite notes:

Drake leaned slightly to make a face at Sloane, "Hear her? The popsicles are mine." "What are you five?" Sloane stuck the promised treats in the freezer. "I'm the man who can kick your ass if you touch my popsicles."

"Oh shut up. Do you hear yourself? Did that accident unleash your inner martyr? Cuz she is seriously unattractive. Kill that bitch off and bring back my prickly Kit Kat."

"Broke his nose, according to Sloane. He said, and I quote, 'it was fucking beautiful,'" A stupid-ass grin surprised her. "What a poet."

"Men refuse to acknowledge Dirty Dancing because of the lift. Most men can't do a controlled lift of a woman over their head. They're threatened by it."

Ends at 99% on my Kindle. Approx 6219 locations on 3 part box set.

Shelf tags:
Heroine wounded injured: suffers leg injury from violent mugging
Hero cries/Made me cry:
you know the character is going to die but ohhh you feel the pain right along with Sloane and Kat

poisonivy70's review

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Full disclosure: I detest cliffhanger series. Lately, and especially since the success of 50SoG, there are too many authors that insist on breaking up one book into a trilogy. I despise reading half of a story that is left open for what is so obviously a money grab. There have been so many substandard books that I have started to read, only to find out that I got part of a story. It immediately makes me feel annoyed and there are stories out there that I simply don't know how it concludes because I refuse to continue with them.

And yet - this is a genuinely good story, good enough that I was happy that I read it anyway. This review covers both books released so far, the Proposition and Possession.

Sloane is a great hero - protective, alpha but his true strength is that he makes Kat stronger by helping her help herself. Kat is a heroine who could have easily been annoying and cowering, waiting for the big strong man to save her. But she doesn't want that, and I really admired her determination to move on from a devastating attack that left her scarred, inside and out.

It is a refreshing take on a very common theme for romances nowadays, and the setup is excellent. In this installment, there is enough character development and the cliffhanger is dramatic without leaving me completely dissatisfied.

The only thing that stopped me from giving this another star is that I truly wish the author had held off and combined all three parts into one amazing story, a book that I would happily pay a decent price for, instead of releasing it in sections.