
A Glimmer of Hope by Steve McHugh

curls's review against another edition

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This arc has a lot of things going for it. It’s got a strong main character and starts off strong. There’s a villain POV and he’s a redcap. I liked how there were more monsters of fantasy in an urban setting, like redcaps and trolls.

Also the idea of a soul scroll was interesting.

But this book dragged after the halfway point. This book is set in a previously established world, and fans of the other series will like this addition to it. I’d recommend if you are in the mood for no romance urban fantasy.

mojadeadejokun's review against another edition

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Kinda fun

I love fantasy and this one was really good but I felt it went really fast at some points and threw some characters at you. However super good!

booksncurls's review against another edition

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Great Story!

I received their book from Amazon Prime First Reads. I finally decided after a few months to read it. The cover was very captivating as was the book summary. I was definitely not disappointed. Steve McHugh's work definitely reads very easily. I enjoyed all the characters. I was a little worried the book would be too violent for myself, but found it was a good balance throughout. I cannot wait to read book two!

bibliophile90's review against another edition

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**ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review**


I'm always on the lookout for a new Urban Fantasy series to read, and when I read the blurb of A Glimmer of Hope I was intrigued. The thing with first books in a new series is, that there is a lot of information you have to take in as a reader. You are introduced to a new world and have to get used to the writing style of the author. I liked the beginning and was looking forward to seeing what would happen to Layla. She is attacked and brought in front of a mythical creature. From there on she is introduced to a new 'secret' world on earth. While she tries to escape she accidentally becomes a vessel for spirits, which includes having inhuman powers.

Around 35% I still hadn't been able to fully get into the story. There was a lot going on and the world didn't pique my interest as much as I thought it would. As a reader you are introduced to so many characters, which in my opinion slowed down the story a bit. However, the author came up with a very interesting and original world and story. I think the story will pick up more in the upcoming books, and I do want to find out what Layla will go up against next. I am also looking forward to seeing her grow as a character. So there is a high chance that I'll continue this series to see what the author has in store for us.

jscarpa14's review against another edition

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Okay, now I need to read the other series....

I found this book because I was looking for a kindle Unlimited title with audio that I could play on the Alexa to help me sleep. I wasn't really expecting anything because book you choose when tired aren't necessarily desirable reading when you're wide awake. I made it through about 2 chapters before the sleep plaguing me got it's way and thought I'd give it more attention today, mostly to put it back... then I started reading. I read the rest in one sitting and I loved the way it managed to be part of a series and still give the reader a satisfying conclusion to the first book. I loved the characters and the world and can't wait to finish this series and find its predecessor. Highly recommended.

booknookie's review against another edition

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You will find more of my reviews at my blog The Book Chick.

First of I want to thank Midas Public Relations, who contacted me and asked if I would be interested in reading and reviewing Steve McHuge’s new book A Glimmer of Hope. The first book in his new series The Avalon Chronicles, that will be released 1st April 2018.

Second of I want to say, I freaking loved this book and I’m so happy that I got the chance to read it. It is highly energetic, action filled book of pure fun and I really enjoyed it. It is a greatly written, easy but still deep story not anything like I have ever read . It is highly imaginative and it is hard to anticipate what will happen next. The book is intriguing and exciting and I liked the way it was build from page one. It was suspense to the verge where I actually could not sit still.

Imagine that every horror story you ever read actually are real. That monsters under the bed, is not a imagination of a young mind. That warewolfs, warebears, shapeshifters, demons, and other mythical creatures is walking among us. Some are good, some are bad and some are even worse. Imagine all of this put in ONE book, melted together in one incredible story.

I only have one problem with the book, and it is unfortunately big enough to lose one star because of it. And that is the middle of it. The story lost some of it’s *ompf* and actually got a little boring. But I do feel that it was necessary since there was some things that needed to be explained, but maybe the explanations could have been done with a little more finesse, depth and without the juvenile behavior from Layla. I lost some of my reading energy because of it and it was hard to get back in the story. As soon as I did tho, I never lost it again.

I will definitely read the second book when it comes out. There is still a lot of questions I want to see pan out, and the world still needs saving. I can only imagine that it will be a bumpy but incredibly fun ride to read.

One other thing I would like to mention is that I love when publishers think another step forward. I was expecting a boring cover under the dust jacket of the book. I certainly did not expected that they have though about it and made it so beautiful. That was one more exciting, unexpected thing with the book.

diaryofthebookdragon's review against another edition

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Lately urban fantasy really suited me, so I picked up A Glimmer of Hope although I didn't know anything about an author or haven't heard about this book before. I was hoping to discover new favorite uf series...

✔ Pretty cover. Thas the first thing that got my attention. Blue my favorite color. Nice composition big focus on girl promises kick ass heroine
✔ Strong heroine. One promise that cover fulfilled. The story is focused on Layla and most of the chapters are from her point of view. We get a glimpse into her life before and after she discovers new abilities and how she fares with them.
✔ Realistic. We get a lot of inner turmoil from Layla, so she feels like real person
✔ Something new. New interesting way of getting powers. Unique idea
✔ Lots of paranormal creatures: Ogres, Japanese ghosts, Redcap

✘ Too much inner drama too little action. I am big bang girl. I like action adventure and here was too much talk and discussion. I felt they more talked then did something.
✘ Villain POV didn't add nothing. I think the story would have felt smoother without it.
✘ Set in the same world as previous series so I feel like maybe it would have felt familiar if i read it too. Sometimes I felt like I was missing some data about the world...

In the end, I am on the fence about this series. I must read another one to feel how it goes. A Glimmer of Hope was just a big intro.

Disclaimer: I was given a free eBook by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

sadiecass's review against another edition

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For me this was a slow burn initially...which is odd because there was plenty of action....but it took about 250 pages for me to practically yell FINALLY!!! (I was at work, so I didn't...but yeah).

I really liked all the characters...although I did have trouble keeping them straight once they were all in one place. There were a lot...but their personalities came through and it got less confusing.

I have NOT read the other related series (Hellequin), and was not confused at all. The world building was great, and kept me in the loop.

Looking forward to book 2, A Flicker of Steel.

*Received a copy via netgalley. Opinions are my own*

astepp88's review against another edition

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Slow but good

It was hard for me to get into at first, but I always try to finish a book. After getting about halfway through I was hooked.

gillothen's review against another edition

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Painfully bad

Poor writing and worse world building, I started reading in hope and ended in despair. I got it free, and it was definitely worth what I paid for it.