
Return of the Dragons by R.S. Williams

debbieh2109's review

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Elijah adventure continues after finding out who he really is and what he can do and trying to not get killed by the master gets pretty intense at times. He and his companions have to find the relics and keep them out of the master's hand. They will have overcome lots of trials and obstacles on their journey. Finding out who are friends and who are foes. Having the relics then losing one sets them all on a different course where the adventure continues. Outstanding 2nd book in the series. A real page turner. Looking forward to reading the next in the series.

briarrose1021's review

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I received a copy of this book from StoryOrigin in exchange for an honest review.

When we last left Elijah, he had survived the attempt on his life, claimed his heritage - sort of - and proposed to Sienna. This book picks back up not long after those events. Unfortunately, Elijah is struggling with the transition from being an elite palace guard to being the crown prince and the fiance of the princess. Not making things any easier is the fact that Ivan is still around. Though he is being kept around as a stand-in to protect Elijah, Ivan seems to have given in to the illusions of grandeur and is trying to actually take Elijah's place - even going so far as to attack and poison Elijah in his own room.

Thankfully, the attack doesn't work, but it does reveal that there are still enemies around. In addition, the Master seems to be stepping up his own plans. When Elijah finally gets the full story about what happened and why the Master is so fixated upon him, it is decided that Elijah will leave the castle to gain possession of two artifacts that were given to the elves by the dragons for protection. Of course, we all know that it wouldn't be a very good story if things went swimmingly, so, of course, there's some trouble on the journey.

Though we learned in the previous book who Elijah really is, there's still a lot of mystery surrounding him and his magical abilities. The author did a wonderful - if not slightly annoying at times - job of slowly revealing more of that mystery, both to Elijah and to the readers, not the least of which was the bombshell as to the Master's true identity and his connections to Elijah's companions.

As with the first book, there was lots of action in this book, though it is handled well and there interspersed with enough "down time" that it doesn't feel harried. In addition, we meet several new characters; some of them we get to know fairly well, while others remain mysterious. I can say that I was glad to finally leave the castle, because I was beginning to hope that Ivan would just die already. I'm also not sure what to think about Lilliana. Yes, she was helpful in the first book, and perhaps in this book, but there still so much unknown about her. I did enjoy learning more about Maegar in this book, but I'm with Elijah with regard to his frustration at not being given information that he should definitely know.

I was a little more frustrated by the ending of this book, as it was definitely more of a cliffhanger than in the first book. However, the scene we got in the epilogue was *chef's kiss* and I absolutely will be reading the next book.