
The Design by R.S. Grey

mrose21's review against another edition

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This was pretty good actually.

Not my favourite from this author but still very enjoyable.

marineb09's review against another edition

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Perfect like every other R.S Grey books !!!
You are back with Cammie and Grayson from The Duet (secondary characters in this book)
They are lovable, reliable, funny and sweet and when they love they love fiercely !!!

I love the fact that Brooklyn and Jason are part of this book !! I love them, The Duet is one of my favorite I am so happy for them !

Plus you have some sentences in French haha =)

akel104's review against another edition

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This was a novel I picked up purely because it was free on the Kindle Unlimited deal. I’ve been piss-poor for a good week now and been having withdrawals from reading like a drug addict from crack. I honestly didn’t expect much from it, the front cover didn’t appeal to me at all and I don’t trust free stuff so I kept my hopes low. Luckily for me though, this novel is awesome. It’s totally tame compared to some of the books you’ll find on my blog – I’d consider it Contemporary Romance more than New Adult, although it pains me to say so. It’s a short novel, less than 300 pages with everything you need really, humour, suspense, hot guy to dream about – need I go on?

Grayson Cole is both typical and unlike any other ‘Tall, rich and drop-dead gorgeous” male character you’ve read about. He’s got the brooding, commanding presence down just like they all have, with the sharp suit, the genius mind and his very own million dollar Company plus he can get a hot chick with a click of the finger but who does he want? Our girl, thats who! But quite rightly too in this instance. Oddly enough, however, he’s not the reason I loved the book.

Cameron Heart has got to be one of the few different female protagonists i’ve ever had the pleasure of reading about. She’s hot-headed, stubborn, determined, intelligent and full of wit and sarcastic comments. She is everything I wish I could be rather than everything I can relate to and that’s pretty unusual in some books. She’s been crushing over her older Sister’s friend Grayson since she was a teenager, drawing sketches of him in her books, privately hanging onto his every word…oh yeah…and following the very same career path as he just because hearing him talk about his passion for architecture was so beautiful to Cammie she just couldn’t help herself.

Little does Cameron Heart know that Grayson’s been harbouring his own naughty feelings for the adorable rebel for just as long.

Oh yeah.

I really enjoyed the way this story unfolded, I loved her quirky little thoughts and his obvious exasperation with her, the little reoccurring moments that made them two people who should just be together rather than just a couple with an undeniable amount of sexual tension. Her honesty with Grayson was refreshing because, y’know, if I haven’t mentioned it before, i’m not a fan of all the will-they-won’t-they B.S and I admired Cammie’s commitment to not taking any B.S from him.

The suspense surrounding one incident is both cringe-worthy and taunting, I had to flick through a few pages because i’m useless with build-ups and I would have been shouting at my book at 1 o’clock in the morning if i’d read through it, but it was a great storyline with an interesting twist and I liked that it surrounded Cammie directly and affected her relationship with Grayson via the situation. I’m sorry, I just skipped around a big plot moment and didn’t explain any of it! I don’t want to include spoilers so you’ll have to take that with a pinch of salt.

Mostly I found The Design really enjoyable. An easy read with fantastic characters and a perfect ending.

wchappus's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

laisarjona's review against another edition

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This book has so many problems, SO many.
SpoilerFirst, I can't accept the way Grayson interfered in Cameron's life, and I can't accept even less that she simply forgave him. Being controlling is not romantic, disrespect someone's right to make decisions is not romantic.
Also, Cameron running away to Paris with no plans and no perspective was absolutely unrealistic, it makes no sense for a grown woman to do something like that instead of trying to prove herself she was worth and talented after being betrayed by the man she loves.

And again, there was no development, R. S. Grey didn't develop the relationships, not between Cameron and Grayson, not between Cameron and Brooklyn and not Cameron as a person. Everyone is as imature at the end of the book as they were at the begining.

skylarwalsh's review against another edition

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Yikes. I figured this would be a good read after finishing The Duet. Boy was I wrong! Cameron was INSUFFERABLE. She was so completely self-absorbed that it was hard to get through this. After being told she deserved the job but that her soon to be boss was attracted to her but would not date his employees, she made it her mission to make him do exactly the opposite. Then, when she makes the choice to go behind his back and forge his signature, she KNOWS it’s wrong and hesitates for maybe .01 seconds before doing it anyway. And honestly, by the end, I didn’t feel that she learned anything from it. Her sister and boyfriend only continued to enable her.

rlp78's review against another edition

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I had loved Brooklyn and Jason's story and was really excited to read about Cameron and Greyson. I was so sad this fell short for me. This is a book that could have majorly benefited from the male point of view. Cameron's voice was a bit immature for my tastes and I found myself not liking her at certain points. I do think it came together nicely in the end but not enough to bump it up a star. I really loved seeing Jason and Brooklyn's wedding. I also think the author has a strong talent for writing comedic scenes. I think the flaw in this one was the heroine.

chroniclesofabookreader's review against another edition

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Wow…another one just knocked out of the park. As I’ve mentioned before, I stayed up all night finishing this book–that’s how easy it was to read. I find some books you really have to focus and try to get into the book, and with Ms. Grey, it is simply easy to begin on page one and before you know it you’ve hit the end. But you don’t want it to end. My first foray into her books started with The Duet, and I loved that book so incredibly much, and was really anticipating The Design. It did not disappoint.

“We didn’t speak once at that dinner, yet over the following two months, he morphed into the perfect hero in my mind. He was the Mr. Darcy to my Elizabeth Bennet, the Prince Charming to my Cinderella, and most importantly, the Ron Weasley to my Hermione Granger.”

Cammie is the youngest between herself and her sister, Brooklyn. When their parents died she went off into a tailspin of reckless behavior instead of grieving. She quickly turned herself around with her sister’s help, but she still had no idea what to do with her life. Her catalyst for her future began with Grayson Cole. A 17-year-old’s schoolgirl crush on a just-graduated-from-college man began, and literally mold her. Fast forward many years later, and Cammie has graduated with a Master’s Degree in Architecture. Who is she interviewing with for her new job? Grayson.

“‘My night was fine too,’ I volunteered. ‘Thanks for asking. I went to a strip club and then I robbed a bank with a bunch of strippers. We didn’t take much, since y’know strippers don’t tend to have many pockets.'”

Grayson Cole is the CEO of his highly successful architectural firm. He’s all business, and very, very good at what he does. He also has a way of making Cammie feel intimiated and weak-kneed. Two people who have avoided each other for years are finally thrust into each other’s faces day after day. The tension is palpable. The sexual attraction has reached nuclear levels. Grayson is much too professional to date an employee, but Cammie isn’t willing to take no for an answer.

“There are only so many times you can throw yourself at a burning star before you learn that sometimes stars are better left untouched, far away in the sky.”

I loved Ms. Grey’s humor that she always puts into her books, and her quirkiness. I like to think that these characters are much like her–a ball of firecrackers that would have you in stitches constantly. But aside from the humor, she also writes great characters. She can get into the character and really flush them out, and show strengths along with weaknesses. She can also write great sexual tension that will have your face heating and your heart beating faster. You also get such emotion, good and sad, while reading her books that you can relate and sympathize with her characters. I think she’s an author to watch out for, and this was another of her amazing stories.

**Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**

mags_louise's review

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A sweet, light, easy and enjoyable read with two likable characters in Grayson and Cammie, and certainly worth a read.

elegantfantasy_blogs's review

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“You know I’m not intimidated by you.” “Perhaps we should fix that, Ms. Heart. Shut the door.”

The beginning of the book with the above mentioned quote sucked me in and I really loved Cameron because she was hilarious. But as the plot progressed her behaviour became childish, irrational and unprofessional. Grayson was no better either.
Spoiler He continued to parade the OW around her even after they finally acted on their attraction and kissed each other, which infuriated me a lot. So cry me a river if I didn't believe that he had been obsessed with her the moment he met her.
I just felt like both the main character were not well developed and as a result, I failed to feel a connection with them. This author is a hit or miss for me and while I have loved some of her previous works, it seems like the new ones I'm picking up are not working for me tbh.