
Forbidden Fling by Skye Jordan

melly2508's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this novel. Jordan writes fantastic characters, and this story is no different. The hero and heroine are both smart, funny, "damaged" and caring, and you can really get into the plot. I gave this 4 stars only because I thought the ending was really abrupt. A short epilogue or something would have made this a 5 star story (and is also something that could totally already be added to the final publication that wasn't included in the ARC). I am looking forward to reading what I assume will be Avery's story.

**ARC provided by author through Netgalley

mandy_pandy's review against another edition

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I loved this book! Delaney + Ethan = super hot! I loved these two and especially the steamy scenes between them. I can't wait for the next book in this series!

chroniclesofabookreader's review against another edition

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**4.5 Stars**

Delaney and Ethan have a wickedly daring forbidden romance, and I don't mean the 'he's my boss' or 'she's my best friend's little sister' type of forbidden. No, I mean that their families have immense bad blood, spanning all the way back to teenage-youth. There is a delicious small-town drama in FORBIDDEN FLING that ratchets up the angst, added to the already deep wrath between the two warring families placing it in overdrive, but in the best way. Delaney's wild youth lends her to making rash decisions, and Ethan's unfamiliar face (and hot body) only further the issues she's embroiled in. The bar is truly the least of her problems when it comes to the man she can't resist.

I loved the way that Ms. Jordan spun this story. Delaney was such a kick-ass heroine who could work in a man's world with the best of 'em, and she had this take charge attitude that led her to being a spitfire. And Ethan, well, that poor guy is stuck in a family that has far too much power and time on their hands. There were times where he really skirted the line of honor and honesty, and his struggle was palpable. Considering he was between a rock and a hard place, I'm glad that Ms. Jordan made him edge that line as it suits him and his upbringing.

There's something to forbidden loves that can really make it irresistible, and I felt that all throughout this story. It had my heart pounding and stomach dipping when it wasn't making my heart fall in love. The beginning started a bit slow, but man, once it got going it never stopped. FORBIDDEN FLING is another great Skye Jordan story that captivates and romances you into falling in love with its characters and their story.

**Received an early copy in exchange for an honest review**

shai3d's review against another edition

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When Delaney receives a notice from the city of Wildwood that her late father's bar, The Bad Seed, either needs to be demolished or renovated, she heads back to the one place she swore she would never return too. Either way she decides, it is going to cost her a pretty penny. At least with renovation, she has a chance of coming out ahead and she has the skills to see if through.

Ethan, Wildwood's building inspector, has been run ragged by his father's demands. It's always one 'favor' after another and ensuring that his father's friends follow the law and the building codes is always a barrel of laughs. And now Delaney, the girl who starred in all of his teenage fantasies, is back in town.

Delaney and Ethan are wildly attracted to each other but there are some huge issues around them getting together. Ethan's family blames Delaney for the death of his cousin and well, she not planning on staying in this town any longer then she needs too.

I very much enjoyed watching Delaney learn that she can depend on and trust someone other then herself And Ethan had to learn just how manipulative his family is and how if he wants to be his own man that he needs to cut them loose. They are both great people, warm and caring. They just needed that little push to discover it.

I do recommend FORBIDDEN FLING to my readers who enjoy a hot contemporary romance. I just want to insert a gentle warning that the heat doesn't stop at the bedroom door so probably not appropriate for kids.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

aquariandancer's review against another edition

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Wildwood Book One

Delaney Hart is returning to her hometown under duress. The bar her father left her has fallen behind in repair and is being condemned. To save herself and her sisters a lot of money, she is trying to decide if she should renovate. As a successful woman in the contracting business, she just might be able to pull it off. However, the death of a member of the town's most influential family might be her downfall. Ethan Hayes has several reasons to want Delaney to fail in her renovations, including his family's loss several years before.

If you're looking for a fiery battle between two people who have everything to lose, this is the book for you.

aquariandancer's review

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Wildwood Book One

Delaney Hart is returning to her hometown under duress. The bar her father left her has fallen behind in repair and is being condemned. To save herself and her sisters a lot of money, she is trying to decide if she should renovate. As a successful woman in the contracting business, she just might be able to pull it off. However, the death of a member of the town's most influential family might be her downfall. Ethan Hayes has several reasons to want Delaney to fail in her renovations, including his family's loss several years before.

If you're looking for a fiery battle between two people who have everything to lose, this is the book for you.

bananatricky's review

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I received a free copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

I just don't know how to rate this book, it reads like I have missed a few books from a series but now I see it's the first in a series, so the unexplained just gets more irritating.

Delaney Hart has come back to her home town, years after she ran away, in order to save her family's sole asset - a run down bar - from demolition. She has a hot and steamy one-night stand with a gorgeous guy, one who knows her but she doesn't recognise, only to find out the next day that not only is he the building inspector but also Ethan Hart, son of the family which blames her for the death of his cousin Ian in that same bar years ago.

This is a novel about small town prejudices and overcoming the roles which society assigns to you as a teenager.

So, I liked the story but it was too focused on Delaney and Ethan, we never really know what happened the night that Ian died. Also I don't really understand how Ethan's family can blame both Delaney AND Ethan for Ian's death. In fact, overall there was a whole lot of plot that just seemed to get junked at the end, as if Skye Jordan ran out of time and just decided to write "The End". I read the final chapter three times because I couldn't believe that I had missed the resolution of so many plot threads, but no they are just left hanging - maybe for the next book?

sgrizanti's review against another edition

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Delaney and Ethan have the sort of shared past that happens in a small town. Where you know of each other, even if you haven't personally connected. Unfortunately, their shared past is full of tragedy and their families hate each other. Their cross purposes don't stop them from acting on their intense attraction for each other.

This was ok. I really enjoy Jordan's writing and I like the characters. The characters are almost too likeable, actually. It's angsty, but I didn't feel like it was completely warranted. The deep dark past isn't all that dark. Mostly though, the book just dragged for me. The "solution" at the end seemed pretty obvious from the beginning, but it took a long time to get there. Also, it seemed like the ending was rather abrupt to me.

*Thank you to NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.*

nikkisbooknook's review against another edition

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Delaney and Ethan are complicated and lovingly written characters.

Delaney ran from Wildwood, leaving as a wild child and has returned trying to claim back her family legacy, a local watering hole. But it is in worse shape than she thought and neither of her sisters seem interested in helping.

Ethan is the son of the Mayor and can't seem to get clear of the family's shenanigans and machinations. he just wants his brewery to get off the ground and then he can get from underneath his fathers thumb for good.

Both characters are strong willed and determined with a less than pristine family life. They have a shared tragic event and both deal with the trauma in their own way. The plot is well written and the characters are engaging although I felt Ethan was just a tad wimpy - I usually like my heroes a bit more alpha! Hoping to enjoy the rest of the series.

beckymmoe's review against another edition

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A new-to-me author I'll definitely be reading more from in the future!

I really liked both Delaney and Ethan, and the angsty they-can't-be-together aspects of their relationship were nicely done. The chemistry between the two of them was great; they probably could have shown a tad bit more restraint but on the whole I'm glad they didn't ;) I loved that she was in construction and that she got where she was without a fancy college degree, too.

The omniscient small-town atmosphere and the longstanding family feuds were very believable. I also enjoyed the families you're born with vs the families you choose for yourself theme, and the one of choosing to start over. There were some very enjoyable secondary characters--Delaney's Aunt Phoebe, her sister Avery, and Ethan's grandfather especially--to keep things interesting.

All good stuff!

What did make me a little crazy though, was the lack of communication between the hero and heroine. I don't quite understand why Ethan didn't tell Delaney about his brewery idea (and why didn't it occur to her? It kinda seemed like the next obvious step for him to this reader). Other than helping out with the relationship black moment, what was the purpose of that? I also still don't understand why
Ethan didn't keep his appointment to inspect her work site. It felt like it was totally out of left field, and he never really gave any reason for it. WTH??? Made. No. Sense.

Really, though, the fun parts of this one far outweighed the aggravating ones. It's first in a new series (future heroines to be Delaney's sisters, I hope? Since most of Ethan's family are less-than-heroic...), and on the strength of this one, I'll definitely be in line to check out book two.

Rating: 4 stars / B

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.