
Hot Pursuit by Lorie O'Clare

melaniebopp's review

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I have to be completely honest. The main reason I wanted to read this book was the cover. The plastic model of a hero, the most relaxed boat-ride hair I’ve ever seen on the heroine, and they both look so bored! Then I read the synopsis, and said to myself “Huh, that could be interesting.”

Well, just to let you know, the synopsis is actually not at all what happens in the book. Not really. And their lovely boat ride on the cover? I just flipped through the book again trying to find a boat ride. Lots of motorcycles, very few boats. And for a good portion of the book, the heroine is kinda beat up. Literally. Also, there is an entire other couple whose romance (read: sexy fun times) takes place at least half the time, and they aren’t mentioned on the back cover at all. Which is sad, because of the two couples, I liked the second couple more.