
Personality and Personal Growth by Robert Frager, James Fadiman

alexauthorshay's review

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This was the textbook used in my PSYC 233 (Personality) class. Between taking 2 introductory psych courses, psych 30 in high school, and reading The Psychology Book, almost the first half of the textbook was nothing new. I was actually surprised that this class didn't go into any further detail than the introductory course, being a higher level course with a more focused subject matter. Skinner, Maslow, Bandura, and a few others were new, though.
My teacher uses this textbook primarily for two reasons. The first is that the last 3 chapters and a small portion of chapter 12 are "transpersonal" psychology, or non-Western. It focuses on Yoga, Buddhism, and Sufi. It gives a glimpse into non-American (and non-European) views of the world. She also uses them because throughout each chapter are little exercises you can do that are supposed to help you look deeper into yourself while also helping you understand the content that you just read. You have to choose 3 to do, one from each third of the book.
The content itself is easy enough to understand, though having to read a whole chapter at once was pretty dry at times. I was just disappointed with the lack of new content or more in depth content with psychologists we know very well, particularly Freud and Jung.