
Never Alone by Linn B. Halton

javamama38's review

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When I first started reading Never Alone, I had no idea what to expect. I was familiar with Linn B. Halton’s bent towards the Paranomal and Psychic phenomenon. After all, as my first Twitter friend and fellow author on Love a Happy, we’d been in contact for years. However, what I didn’t anticipate when I loaded the ARC on my Kindle, was exactly how compelling the book would be.

From the first moment estate agent, Holly Atherton sets foot inside the Bisley Rise property, you feel sucked into her world. Imagine what your life would be like if you actually started seeing those shadows that you always sensed were there but wouldn’t acknowledge. Halton does an excellent job of making the reader feel every moment of Holly’s panic, and self-discovery. If you’re looking for horror, or “push you to the edge of your seat” paranormal, this is not the book for you. However, if you have an interest in the afterlife and how fate can direct us in ways that we never imagined, this book is what you’ve been waiting for.

Never Alone, is a solid read, with interesting characters that will hook readers and a plot that will leave you questioning your own life choices! Then again, this type of intriguing, well-written fiction is exactly what we’ve come to expect from author Linn. B. Halton. Five stars to Never Alone, for sheer originality and intense reader engagement.*

*Although I did receive an ARC of this book it in no way influenced my rating.