
Die Physik Des Unmöglichen by Michio Kaku, Hubert Mania

kafiro_ka_kafka's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging funny informative inspiring mysterious fast-paced


  •  One of the easiest & best explanation of Physics concepts. 
  • Fun read with a lot of information. 
  • But many things and concepts have changed after 20 years. 
  • Good book to start reading pop-science. 
  • Fun book. 

fleece30's review against another edition

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Although a bit dated, it still offers an amazing dive into the sci-fi concepts I’ve been enamoured by for years! Definitely worth a read!

pepper_mind's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective fast-paced


hjswinford's review against another edition

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Incredibly interesting. It took me a while to read this one because I was continuously researching people and theories that were mentioned and not expanded upon. Kaku gives a lot of great information for people who love Sci-Fi and wonder about how possible ___ thing might be, but doesn't do a lot more than skim the surface of a lot of things. I will be delving more deeply into certain subjects, but this was a fun introduction. Recommended for someone whose interest in theoretical physics (like mine) is just blooming.

Warning: While I'm super glad to have read this book, I picked it up because the TARDIS was on the cover. Doctor Who was not mentioned a single time, even though many pop-culture things were. I found this confusing. Certainly not a big deal, just a thing.

goodkoopa's review against another edition

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Kaku really breaks down the physics into understandable English. The chapter about the multiverse utterly blew my mind.

vip8888's review against another edition

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Good book, but already felt slightly dated with references to the LHR going to become operative etc. Still very much worth reading though.

mrgrifter's review against another edition

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Just read the chapter on Time Travel.

insertsthwitty's review against another edition

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I practically devoured this book in one sitting. Its writing and explanations are accessible and helped me understand some pretty convoluted concepts in physics with more clarity. I really like Michio Kaku's writing; add science fiction concepts to it and I'm sold (or so thought the commissioning editor of this book). (He does seem to have a bone to pick with Stephen Hawking. Or is it ego as some people here pointed out?)

As some reviewers pointed out, it is full of way-out-there conjectures. For me, though, I know I'm on the right track if a pop science book invokes my critical thinking. So, hurray.

arooshadehghan's review against another edition

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بیاید بشینید پای ممبر که می‌خوام تجربیات ارزنده‌م از شش سال حضور در مجامع آکادمیک + دو سال حضور در مجامع غیر آکادمیک فیزیک رو همینجوری مفت در اختیارتون بذارم؛ باشد که پند گیرید!
در جامعه‌ی فیزیک‌پیشگان (شامل فیزیکدان و فیزیک‌خوان) همیشه گروهی هستن که مردم غیر فیزیک‌پیشه عاشقشونن و فیزیکی‌ها سایه‌شون رو با تیر میزنن. یکی از این افراد جناب میچیو کاکوئه که فامیلیش هیچ ربطی به شیراز قشنگمون نداره.
آقای کاکو از بنیانگذاران نظریه‌ی ریسمانه ولی شهرتش به خاطر برنامه‌های تلویزیونیش و بازگو کردن مفاهیم فیزیکی به زبان خیلی خیلی خیلی ساده است؛ همون چیزی که فیزیکی‌ها به خاطرش ازش متنفرن چون آسمون ریسمون رو به هم می‌بافه و انقدر از فیزیک دور میشه که فقط یک جنبه‌ی نمایشی از همه چیز باقی می‌مونه؛ تازه گاهی اون هم درست نیست! البته نه اونقدر نادرست که در درک عمومی از فیزیک تغییری ایجاد کنه ولی قابلیت این رو داره که فیزیک‌پیشه‌ها رو دیوانه کنه.
هدف کاکو در این کتاب اینه که نشون بده ناممکن یک مفهوم نسبیه و خیلی از چیزهایی که بشر نشدنی تصورشون می‌کرد الان دست‌یافتنی شدن. بعضی چیرها هم هستن که ناممکنن چون قوانین فیزیک رو نقض می‌کنن و اگر بتونیم ثابت کنیم این‌ها امکان پذیر هستند یعنی قوانین فیزیک مشکل داره!
مطالب این کتاب در مجامع علمی جایی نداره و صرفا تخیلات نویسنده از آینده و ممکن شدن ناممکن‌هاست.
نمیگم این کتاب به درد نمی‌خوره و اگر بخونید سرتون کلاه رفته یا وقتتون تلف شده. قطعا مطلب زیادی داره که دوستش خواهید داشت. اگر اطلاعاتتون از فیزیک کمه این کتاب می‌تونه شما رو علاقه‌مند کنه تا سراغ پژوهش‌های بهتر برید
از اون کتاب‌هایی نیست که خواندنش رو توصیه کنم؛ به تمام دلایلی که بالاتر گفتم.

gapagrin's review against another edition

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I've always been a big science fiction reader, so a book exploring the technology and science of science fiction was right up my street. Kaku divides the 'impossible' things into three different categories: Class I things are most likely possible within the next hundred years or so provided we develop the right kind of technology, Class II don't violate the laws of physics and so are technically not impossible, but might require hundreds or thousands of years to develop, while Class III impossibilities are those that violate the laws of physics as we know them.

Not that that means that we'll actually be seeing time travel or be able to move faster than the speed of light, as 'impossible' here literally means 'violates the laws of physics' and there's not really a lot that does. But Kaku also goes into great detail about how they don't violate the laws of physics and what exactly we'd need to do make any of this a reality. He has a way of writing that draws you in to the subject and gives you all the information you need while not requiring that you have a PhD in physics in order to understand. And who knows? Maybe we'll be seeing force fields and phasers in the next hundred years or so.