
Jade by Sarah Jayne Carr

sarasbooktalk's review

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The way the book is written had me sitting on edge from the start to finish. I gasped, I sad 'hell no', I ugly cried, I laughed, I loved everything about this book. Rumors are dangerous and u shouldn't trust every rumor.

readingromancehea's review

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Jade is a masseuse. She found out her boyfriend at the time cheated on her from a client. Seth is someone who does crazy impulsive things and got caught up and forced into this wedding. Now Jade the maid of honor in her step sisters wedding and Seth just so happens to be the best man. What do you do when you're told that someone is bad news? You don't listen and jump. You have to be brave enough though.

Miles has a smart mouth. Annelies and Paige are terrible people. The dress shop was a nightmare. The pub night wasn't much better. You should NEVER drink and drive. The talk with Lucy was not good. I felt bad for Jade at the diner. The pool was definitely different. The Bachelorette party was a nightmare. Eli is definitely not what I expected. The accident should have been enough to wake up Seth but of course it didn't. Talking without fighting is a thing you know. Napkins are important with them. The wedding was a train wreck that no one saw coming. The truth about Lucy and Sienna was not what I expected. The ending was crazy. This is a SLOW burn. This whole book was a wild ride.

staceybroadbent's review

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Another phenomenal book by Miss Sarah Jayne Carr!

Jade is a bit of a hot mess. She's running from a past she can't forget, and she's trying to be a different person because of it. She's a bundle of nerves and emotions just waiting to explode.

Her soon to be step sister is getting married, and Jade has the all important role of matron of honour, only she doesn't really want to be there. Anal eyes, as the bride has so lovingly been nicknamed, makes constant remarks as to the state of Jade's finances and not being able to afford things, and her friend Paige, the bridesmaid from hell, will do and say anything to aggravate Jade, including corralling none other than Miles McCullough to walk down the aisle with her.

Miles is a seething, broody guy who happens to show up everywhere Jade is. He's been getting on her every nerve, and she can't stand him. But what makes it worse, is that everyone in Cannon Cove seems to know some dark secrets about the mysterious Miles, but no one will tell Jade.

These two must come together for the sake of the wedding, but their personalities clash like nothing else. Sparks certainly fly with these two.

There's laugh out loud moments, times you'll want to throw your kindle/book across the room because you're so angry (with a certain bridesmaid in particular), and times when the old heart strings will get a little tug.

Another well written book with so much attention to detail. I'm a little jealous I didn't write it myself.