
Be Your Anything by Jillian Liota

read_on_reader's review

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Lucas is perfection and the most loyal human ever; he really had my attention in book one but in his own book he held that attention and kept it there. He tries to be a great big brother, son, friend, boyfriend, etc. but he puts so much on his own shoulders that he puts his own happiness on the back burner. I loved everything about him, and my heart hurt for him at times and then other times I wanted to smack him upside the head. Lennon was awesome, but she tried too hard to be the perfect person to everyone and lost herself along the way so when she finally found her backbone again I was so happy to see it even if her heart was being broken at the time. The author has a way of pulling you into this group of friends and family to make you feel like you are one of them and I can’t wait for more.

originalbooknerd's review

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Be Your Anything -Hermosa Beach Book 2- Review

Couple: Lennon Day & Lucas Pearson

Author: Jillian Liota

Tropes: Friends-2-Lovers. IT Couple. Taboo. Role-Play. Secret Affair.

Review: Book 2 focuses on Hannah’s brother Lucas. The book in angsty and taboo in many ways.

Lucas is a taken man who is in a relationship that is “OPEN”. He is the popular and rich surfer who has a lot of growth to be done. I enjoyed his character some in book 1 but not as much in book 2.

Lennon is the IT girl. She is successful and smart but lacks confidence in herself in personal areas. She LOVES Lucas and this is the one fatal flaw in the story.

The book was good but I had trouble getting into it since the idea of the “Open Relationship” and the way Lucas took advantage go Lennon upset me. While, I felt bad for Lucas and understood in ways where he was coming from, I wanted Lennon to grow that backbone sooner.

I felt like we did not see enough tension when the conflict came to a head but overall the characters built off each other. It was also nice to see more of Hannah.

Rating: 3.5/5. These tropes are not my favorite but the development was there. It was a good segue into the other character stories.

breeze_books's review

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My opinions on this book were all over the place throughout the book.
Okay, so first off...I know the concept in this book is not considered cheating. But sometimes it just felt...icky.
I could understand why Lennon felt like a secret. It was a very unconventional situation.
Second off, it took way too long for Lucas to finally get his head out of his ass. I have a feeling we’ll get more of the story in the next book as to why he felt obligated to stay with Remmy. But I don’t like her. I hope my feelings will change...
Third, I was halfway through the book and I kept wondering when is Lennon going to stand up for herself? I was so frustrated by her at that point I wanted to jump in the book and shake some sense into her. BUT, I will say that the second half made up for this frustration immensely. It was really awesome seeing Lennon become brave and unapologetic. She realized her worth and would not settle for less than she deserved.
Finally, I was anxious about how Lucas was going to redeem himself with Lennon. I knew whatever it was, wouldn’t be easy. But I really like how the ending played out. Lucas and Lennon were meant to be, OBVIOUSLY.

So, four stars because I believe the author really came back from the first half well. I believe it was just setting up for what was going to happen. I was just a little impatient.

alwaysreadingreview's review

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This is Book #2 in the Hermosa Beach series. I love reading series. You get to read more about the previous characters and learn more about the ones in the current book. We met Lucas in book #1 when he brought his newly founded half-sister, Hannah, to Hermosa Beach. This book drives right in about Lucas has been dating Remmy since high school. She goes off to college and eventually asks for an open relationship. Lucas agreed. Lennon and he has been friends since high school. She is a secret. Should Lennon be the one to get her guy?

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
Recommend this book? Yes! Author? Yes!
Read more from this author? Yes!

Happy Reading!

rotellareads's review

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It kills me to say this because Jillian Liota is one of my favorite indie authors in the New Adult genre and I've absolutely adored every book I've read of hers to this point. But, Be Your Anything didn't do it for me. I don't know if it was the characters or the slow progression of the story line but it was an okay read for me. Like not love.

Lucas, who I adored despite his flaws from the first book in the series, just came off as an indecisive, "have your cake and eat it too" schmuck. Yes, his loyalty to his family and friends was still very much there but his romance life was A MESS!!!! I couldn't wrap my brain around how he wanted the relationships he'd built and felt like that was normal or acceptable. His blinding love for Remmy had me so angry with him, I wanted to throw my kindle more than once. Dude needed a serious reality check and I'm so glad that Paige verbally slapped him upside the back of the head on numerous occasions.

Lucas' girlfriend Remmy who lived hours away and wanted an open relationship was.... Ugh. That's all I can say about her character. I disliked her in the first book. That escalated to a deep loathing in this one. I can't say I liked a single thing about her character. From the bits and pieces of her past that were revealed, it seemed she'd been through some trauma but it didn't redeem her actions or behavior in the slightest for me.

Lennon. Poor sweet Ditzy Day. She was basically a doormat for 90% of the book. It made my heart ache. She was so much more than he gave herself credit for or allowed. She took the bits and pieces of love, affection and attention that people would offer her and let herself believe it was all she needed. She deserved SO much more than everyone in her life gave her, aside from maybe her BFF. But her acceptance of being Lucas' side piece finally had me feeling less sorry for her and more angry with her. She knew what she was getting herself into, yet let it continue. But, the heart wants what the heart wants. When she finally grew a backbone, I wanted to high five her. I was bummed it basically took the entire read but in the end she finally showed her true worth and made sure others acknowledged it as well.

I loved the ending, how the characters' relationship came back around. Things fell into place and resulted in the outcome I was hoping for. It was just a super slow progression and basically took their entire worlds burning to the ground before the H and h figured it out.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author for providing an honest review.

thebookishren's review

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This was heartbreaking for me. I know what unrequited love feels like. But this book isn't that. It's a book about self-discovery and worth. Watching Lucas come to terms with his feelings and watching Lennon realize her worth was beautiful.

briewhale's review

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After the awesomeness of “Promise Me Nothing,” my expectations were high. Yet, somehow, “Be Your Anything” managed to surpass them. Truthfully, my favorite character in book 1 was Lucas, so I was really excited for this one. And that first chapter was just... WOW. So hot! In fact, Lucas and Lennon were on fire throughout. There was just so much chemistry.

But nothing about their relationship is easy. There is so much love, but also heartbreak. Lucas is clueless and selfish at times, but he truly has a heart of gold. He doesn’t intentionally hurt anyone, but is willing to work hard to fix things. He’s also incredibly in tune with emotions, both his own and in others. His sensitivity just adds an extra dimension to his hotness.

It was great to get to know Lennon as more than just the popular, rich, gossip girl. She is so much more than that: she’s smart and creative and brave. I loved watching her stand up for herself. She was a total boss.

What I love about this series is that it builds an entire world. That it’s about more than the romance. Lucas and Lennon both deal with family, work, and personal struggles as well. I was hoping for a bit more between Lucas and Ivy, but I’m so glad they are finally connecting.

By the end, I had correctly guessed who our next couple would be, but I definitely never saw things starting out like THAT. Dang! The downside to reading a book while it’s new is that now I’ll just have to suffer patiently while I wait for the next one. *Sigh*

gwensreading's review

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I received an ARC from the author and I am happy to give my honest opinion.

I'm not a huge fan of New Adult romances but I love everything Jillian Liota writes. I was eager to get this book as it's a continuation of the Hermosa Beach books and I wanted to see how the gang was doing.

We met Lucas and Lennon in the first book. Lucas is Hannah's brother and I wasn't a huge fan of him in the first book. He brought her to California to connect as siblings but then kind of abandoned her. The ending of the book did redeem him a bit for me and he did try really hard to bond with her in this book.

Lennon moves home to assume a role in the family business. Honestly, I really loved seeing a working woman in this book. The other characters, like in their friend group, felt shallow and Lennon worked hard to be successful. She had such a great character arc in coming into herself and standing up for herself.

Here's a trigger warning: Lucas is in an open relationship with his girlfriend and is in a consistent sexual relationship with Lennon. This felt a lot like cheating and wasn't my favorite part of the book. I did "allow" it because I knew where Lucas and his girlfriend were coming from but it was pretty uncomfortable. It was also the major source of angst/drama for the book and the resolution of it felt easy (but not easy to the characters - it was a really tough choice).

Overall I would recommend this after reading the first book in the series. I can't wait to see how these characters grow and what happens next.

mayghen's review

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I received this book as an ARC, and I really enjoyed it! I loved getting to know the characters in her first book, but I really feel in love with them in this one. I can’t wait to read more.

reading_between_reality's review

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I really don't love the main character.