
Captive Bride: The Complete Series by Stella Gray

keller6690's review

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Captive Bride: The Complete Series by Stella Gray is my first Stella Gray book. I wish I would have been prompted to have read Dante and Marco’s trilogies prior to reading/listening to Armani and Kandi’s trilogy. I would have enjoyed the series a bit more. It took me until chapter 4 to figure out this was a mafia series. The characters needed a bit more back story development. Aaron Shedlock and Stephanie Rose narrate all 3 stories in the trilogy. I had a very difficult time listening to Stephanie Rose as Kandi. Her voice was almost robotic with forced emotion not a natural sound/rhythm. Aaron Shedlock was better but he seemed like he was forcing the sternness because Armani is a mafia boss. I wanted to know the end of the story so I continued and finished the trilogy.