
Forestium by Christopher D. Morgan

hyperashley's review

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I like a good fantasy book and I think this was a good one. I liked the overall concept of the book and thought this world was very well done. I liked the world that was created in this book and how the author described everything.

Joshua has been told all of his life that his father died a heroic death but he doesn't believe. Despite everything he's been told he believes his father is still alive so he sets out on journey to find him. He finds out he must find three orbs to be able to reach him. So with his new found friends he set off to find the three orbs and then his father.

imzadirose's review

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I received this book from the author for my honest review.

Forestium is the story of a boy on a journey to find his father who he was told was killed but he believes alive because of a series of dreams. The boy, Joshua, sets off on his journey and finds old and new friends along the way. He learns he must find 3 orbs to open the Portallas to find his father, but doing so with require a sacrifice.

The Good:
The story was cute. It moved along VERY quickly with short choppy chapters. It seems like the book is much shorter because it's such a quick and easy read.
The quest to find his father, the finding of the orbs and what the orbs are/do are interesting and keep you engaged while reading.

The Not so Good:
The characters were flat and uninteresting. I didn't really care about any of them, perhaps because it was such a short book. If there was more character development than maybe I would have. However:
The characters did NOT read as 16-17ish. I had to keep telling myself he was 17. The book doesn't read like YA. It reads more like MG and if not told the character's age I would have guessed 10-11, 13 at the MOST.
Which made the "insta-love" super creepy. Even at 17, them professing their undying love was pretty creepy. I'm not a fan of insta-love anyways, so in this book it did NOT fit and I would have liked the book a LOT better without it.

Overall it was a good, but not great, book. Had it been classified a MG book and without the "romance" it may have been a 5 star book for me. But the flat characters and insta-love took it down a few notches for me. I couldn't see them as 16-17ish so all the romance was icky to me. The journey and the quest itself was great, the romance wasn't needed.

bookwormbunny's review

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***I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my unbiased review of it. The opinions stated are solely my own and no one else’s. ***
Forestium is a book by Christopher D. Morgan and is the first in the Forestium series. In this book we are quickly thrust into a world of where danger is running rampant in a city. There is a sickness and a man and his wife and two children are looking for a creature who will help them because one of their children is sick and if they can find no help the child will die. But there is even more danger at hand…an evil is in the land and he will stop at nothing to bring about pain and destruction and he has eyes everywhere. While they are able to find the help that they seek the evil that all fear comes and begins capturing many in orbs of light and disappearing with them.
The husband is able to escape but only after his wife and children are taken even though he believes that they and all others who disappeared in the balls of light were killed. But he himself escapes into an orb after a stranger uses it and disappears. Years later we are introduced to another character who the story focuses on and around…Joshua. He keeps having dreams about his father who disappeared years ago. He wants to find his father and decides to set out to find him. There is much that he must endure not only along the way but in order to meet the end of his quest.
I really enjoyed this book and since it’s short I don’t want to give too much away by telling much more. This is a unique and interesting fantasy book. It has some well crafted and put together elements even though there are spots of where I wish that there was more detail or that we were told more about the situation or the scene that we’re in but all in all this is a book that I really enjoyed. There are definitely some spots of where it keeps you guessing a bit but if you are into YA Fantasy books that are also a bit of a coming of age then I definitely recommend this book. I look forward to the next book in this series to see what happens. I give this book 4.5 out of 5 stars.