
Welcome to Romero Park by Amber Michelle Cook

ladypalutena's review against another edition

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I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This novel ends at the setting of the first of the three days of the Harvest Moon. However, the first book in a series needs to be able to stand on its own. Look at Harry Potter, Inkheart, and Magyk, to name a few. In every one of these, the villain is vanquished and wrongs are set right, even if the reader knows it will only be for a little while. I am sorry to say that Welcome to Romero Park does not succeed in this.

The author spends 3/4 of the book making the reader trudge through dull and relatively uninteresting backstories and fluff, leaving them in the head of so many characters that it is impossible to feel any sort of attachment to any of them. We get bits and pieces of cliched backstories, but the characters are unoriginal and bland, and there is nothing that gives us a true connection. Her narrators are spread so thin that the story feels clunky and disjointed. It is often very hard to figure out any sort of timeline in the first part of the novel, but in the later sections it is much easier to see that everything is happening simultaneously.

The biggest grievance in this book, however, is the author's assumption that her readers have never encountered a book before and therefore must have everything spoonfed to them. All throughout the book, things are told to the reader instead of shown to them, which is the biggest sin an author can make. If things are shown, it is only for a very brief moment and then the entirety of the next scene deals with a character explaining in detail what happened in the previous scene. This is especially prominent when the reader first arrives at the Helgram house, Highland Hall, in chapter 6 of part one. It extends to the prolonged judgment of Mrs. Helgram as well. I think the use of telling was most prominent when
SpoilerSophie Dorchester ran away nearly in tears after the scene in the sitting room near the end of the book. I had not picked up on any slight so monstrous as what she perceived, so it took Rosemary Helgram's callout of her brother in the next scene to truly understand what had happened. This scene is particular could have had so much more tension in it, but as mentioned before, it is hard to feel any real sympathy for any of these characters, because they are so lacking in things that set them apart.

Another thing that goes along with the "show, not tell" is the author's absolute delight in hitting her reader over the head with foreshadowing. It is all so painfully obvious (
Spoilerand indeed, actually PLAYS OUT predictably instead of just being a red herring!!
) what is going to happen all throughout the novel, particularly
Spoilerif you've read Jane Eyre
. the author so loves writing her bad boys and wants you to know EXACTLY what they are up to.

Be forewarned that the language used will really begin to grate by chapter four. She is trying so hard to sound Austenian, but takes it too far. It also shows that, while the author's love for archaic language comes out hard, she completely avoids the British "u" in words like color/colour. It's a very small thing, but it stands out glaringly over the course of the novel, particularly when compared to the author's enthusiasm over everything else.

I was really excited for this novel and was disappointed. There is so much fluff in the first two parts of this novel that it could've easily been cut down by 2/3 and nobody would've been the wiser. Stuff really didn't start happening until I'd hit 82% in the Kindle edition! I understand it's meant to sound Austenian, but Austen had a purpose for everything she wrote. Nothing was fluff. I spent an entire course studying Austen and her writing style, and while the author tries, it falls short for a few reasons:

1. There just is not enough character development for the reader to care about anyone, and the characters are all cookie cutter lifted from other novels (Mr. Dorchester, for example,
Spoileris totally Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre
, and Mrs. Helgram is
Spoilera dead ringer for Mrs. Bennet from Pride & Prejudice
, and Miss Helgram reminds me of
SpoilerMarianne from Sense and Sensibility

2. The author puts so many things in your face while keeping minor things infuriatingly vague (
SpoilerGeorgie's condition, for example; does he have fainting spells? What's up with him? He's never been bitten or encountered anything unnatural; let us know what his problem is!


Had I not read Jane Austen's novels first, and if I hadn't studied them and other Gothic novels nearly to death during my time as an English undergraduate and graduate student, I might have felt okay with giving this book 3.5 or even 4 stars. As it stands, though, I've thoroughly studied (and thoroughly enjoyed!) Austen's work and the work of the Brontë sisters over the past six years (I'm due to graduate with my English MA in May 2018), that I cannot ignore what is going on here.

I feel like there is potential for this book, but as it stands now, I feel like the only reason I would read the others in the series would be to see if the author can possibly wrap this up in a satisfying way. The end of book one was not satisfying, and the "preview" of book two at the end actually turned me away from attempting the next one.

2/5 stars.

aly36's review against another edition

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Undead in Victorian times. Interesting! I think this book was good for me. I was not sure what to except from this book but I enjoyed it. It had a little bit of something different for me. There were times it was bit slow but for the most part this book was good. * I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

triciab04's review against another edition

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I wanted so bad to love this story, Pride & Prejudice meets Zombies, sign me up! Ultimately though it just wasn't for me. I'm okay with a slow burn, I don't mind waiting awhile to get to the payoff, but I never really felt like I got there by the end, unfortunately. To be honest the real build up didn't even seem to come into play until the second half of the book and it just never quite delivers on the action I was highly anticipating.

Besides the lacking action I had wanted, I also found it hard to connect with any of the characters as they all seemed so similar to me and there were so many of them they all kind of blobbed together. It was written well, and there was a lot of potential and a few enjoyable scenes, but in the end I was left wanting and not in a good way.

* I received a copy of this book from the author and this is my honest review *