
Beneath the Earth by H.S. Stone

skavansieur's review

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*A free ebook version was given in return for an honest review.*

A fast-paced story that surpassed all my expectations.

I expected a Young Adult book, something twisted and a story-line that was predictable. Instead, it was like a rollercoaster - you think that all is going well and the next moment you're heading towards an unexpected drop. One moment you think that Laura and her friends are having a good time, the next moment everyone is screaming and running for their lives.

The story was descriptive. Earlier in the book, Stone described the surroundings well and familiarize the readers with the setting of the story. We were given the impression that Aislado Island was just like any old island, surrounded by nature and the perfect getaway. The boys' and the girls' cabins were separated from each other and no school trip is complete without the teacher with them - it was all very typical. The students settled in really well and some even went exploring to have some alone time away from the adults, that's when the first attack happened.

I like that it was written in first person from Laura's point of view. It delves into the mind of a teenager who cares about her popularity, friendship and relationship. Although it was not the primary focus of the story, it played a huge part in the way Laura acted. In my opinion, Laura was a likable character. She was brave, intelligent and a great friend, but when it came to the opposite sex, she made the wrong choice of dating someone for popularity but it added on to the character growth.

As for the story-line, I love that there was no instance where it was boring. One moment the characters are caught up with teenage drama, the next moment they'll be running away from the monster. One big aspect to why I enjoyed reading Beneath the Earth was because of the resourcefulness of the characters. This story really emphasized on the importance of being resourceful and having survival skills. Also climbing trees, that's important too!

What I didn't like was the unnecessary romance towards the end of the story. As much as I love their chemistry and how the two of them resonated with one another, it felt unnecessary. Although, I do see and could understand the reason behind it. I personally believe that Laura is a brilliant person and it is totally alright with her not ending up with anyone, even though the romance was extremely cute.

This review was first published here at

beckiebookworm1974's review

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Beneath the Earth review banner

4 Stars
Arc Book Review
Release Date-10/5/18

"Beneath The Earth" is a YA Novel that totally surprised me.
I was extremely interested in the overall premise here so decided to give this a stab.
Well, it managed to hold my attention no problem whatsoever and I read this in one continuous sitting.
This is not an incredibly complicated story but it really didn't need to be.
The onward momentum of the action here easily managed to drive this along in terms of retaining my focus and I was pleasantly entertained by this unexpected little YA gem.
The core of this novel centres on Laura and "Beneath The Earth" is narrated from her POV.
So, Laura and her classmates are on an annual senior camping trip to an isolated island.
There's been an earthquake in the immediate area but it doesn't seem to have affected the island's structures so the trip is still a go much to the delight of all the students.
It's not long though before the senior class and its teachers realise something is lurking beneath the surface ready to devour them whole.

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So this was a YA Creature horror that definitely kept me in a state of constant angst.
This was fast-paced and frantic throughout and this is one that I really did enjoy.
I imagine this will appeal to both adults and adolescents alike it really did have something for everyone.
If you have ever watched the Cult classic film Tremors then this has a very similar concept but combined with the pressures and politics of the younger generation.

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The only minor faults here for me were some of the characters portrayed in my opinion could have done with some slight fleshing out: this got away with it because the focus here was so bent on the commotion caused by the surrounding action and fear that it wasn't major obvious until you actually looked deeper.
Also, I thought the ending was a trifle pat in nature which to me came across a tad unrealistic overall.
All else was fabulous and you also have to remember that at its heart this is a YA novel and not one marketed essentially for a more adult audience: in that respect, this is age appropriate.
So that's it: this was a really great read that I am happy to give a thumbs up to.
Thank You to the Author for providing me with a review copy of "Beneath The Earth" of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.


Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

nikkiethereader's review

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I really enjoyed this book quite a lot. It had a really good vibe and storyline to me. I could have kept reading about the events on the island. In fact, if they had played it right, I could see this turning into a series. It had really great potential. It was enjoyable and a fresh and unique angle. I kind of got a Tremors does YA feel about it.

That being said, I have to admit that there were a few flaws in the story. It could really use a good polish to really give the story it's full potential. The build-up and the intense moments could really use a bit more flare. A lot of the cases, the moments just fall flat. Also, there are a few inconsistencies in the story that I noticed. Nothing major. Just small things like the number of people. The last thing I want to address is the fact that it felt a bit rushed to me in many places. You don't really get the full character development I feel the story needed.

Overall, I still recommend this story highly. It's a great story with great potential. While I'm sure it's going to be a standalone, I do feel it could have been a great series. It turned out great either way. It took all of my efforts not to devour this entire book in one sitting. That's the price I pay for being busy though!