
Fractured Memories, by Jo Schneider

justasking27's review

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Hard to put down.

lonewolf6693's review

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Unfortunately I DNFed this book at 20% It did not interest me at all. I thought the set up for the book was too quick and I didn't particularly care for the main character or plot.

sagek's review

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*I received a digital copy of the book from Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.

Fractured Memories is an action packed, fast paced, dystopia. It's a world where a disease called 'starvation' (because once you eat 'bad food', you starve no matter what you eat) kills half the world's population and turns many into 'Skinnies' (they're basically zombies. They eat raw meat) until they too die. It's where said Skinnies attack Wendy's compound on the day of her 16th birthday and kill everyone she knows. At least, she thinks so. She can hardly remember the event after being rescued by people of another compound lead by a man named Mike. And from there begins Wendy's plan for revenge.

The Skinnies were downright creepy. At one point, they talk and it gets clearer that they're not in their minds. Who would be after suffering such a disease? But either way, they're much like a pack of rabid wolves, lurking in packs and attacking any food source they come across. Even if that food source stands on two legs and a had beating heart.

Which brings me to say that the action? Yeah, it was fantastic! Just from reading I've learned so much more about fighting. Mainly because the main character, Wendy, is best at fighting (since she's had to fight practically every day of her life by either training or protecting her compound when she was old enough) and so her observations and new techniques are something we really pay attention too. Mainly because we're rooting for her the entire time. We also get to see different styles of fighting though, during training and during the fights Wendy takes part in. She's skilled in thinking quickly and finding a way out of a bad situation. She can flip men thrive her size! She's strong but weak as well, breaking down at times and having all those flashes mess with her sanity. That's what makes it easier to connect with her and envoy the story.

Wendy is actually a really great character. She's practically overcome by the need for revenge when she realizes she's the only survivor. She wants whoever did this to her to pay and she ready has an idea of who did it. They won't be getting away this time. She has a fantastic hold over her emotions and control, and she can easily take five men down. How badass is that?! She's also really strong both mentally and physically. She's terrifying when angry though. Which helps her in the long run because no one sees her coming when she's angry. They hardly see her coming when she's in control.

I also really liked the other characters. Especially the group Wendy grew to call her friends. Cal, Kev, and Arie are probably the best group of friends for Wendy to be a part of. They're loyal, they care, and they even followed her in the end because they wanted to make sure she was all right. They're good for her and have helped her a lot. I'm definitely excited for the next book just to see them all together again!

Overall, I really enjoyed Fractured Memories and I definitely recommend this to you lovers of action, dystopia and post apocalyptic books.