
Gambit Vol. 3: King of Thieves by James Asmus

pickett22's review

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I really, really love this run. I so wish there were more of them. Also, I wish I owned them. Also, I would have just LOVED to see X-23 pop in at some point, as she and Gambit have such an awesome relationship. I'd be interested to see how Asmus would have interpreted that from Gambit's point of view. It was SUCH a cool aspect of the X-23 run.
I love how sexy this book is though. Such fantastic art.

lberestecki's review

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3.5 Stars.

renatasnacks's review

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Five stars to this for its depiction of Gambit stepping out of the shower and immediately cuddling his cats. I LIKE FEELING CATERED TO.

Also it's just really fun... if you like Gambit... which it seems like most people I know don't. But have you seen him get accidentally transported to a faerie realm and excitedly start talking about Harry Potter? Maybe you would like him more. I'M JUST SAYING.

I also liked the ending of his solo arc--returning to the school with mild sass from Wolverine & Kitty Pryde, then immediately joining a basketball game & offering himself for "skins." Hahaha what a douchebag, I love him.

sarahc_98's review

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This was a much better ending after a rocky start.

themockingbird's review against another edition

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Unfortunately I couldn't get my hands in volume 2 of this series, so reading volume 3 was a little confusing since I've only read volume 1. Overall a fun enough read, but a little lackluster.