
Demon Royale, by Jill Cooper

katrinamarie's review

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Natalie can't catch a break. There is always something happening in her little town. She not only has to deal with vampires, but she also has to find out who's murdering people in the most gruesome way.

In Dream Slayer, Natalie and her "alter" faced pretty much the same problem. The actions happened in both dimensions. With Demon Royale, the slayer and Natalie are facing two different problems. The characters are the same, but there are different obstacles.

The only characters I really connected with were Natalie and Michelle. Natalie begins to doubt everything about her, and goes through a range of emotions. Michelle proves that she's not completely selfish, and actually cares about her friends. I didn't care for Tristan's attitude. He was a downer, and not like his normal self.

There are a ton of mind games at work in the sequel. You learn a few things that may change your opinion of some characters.

Most of all, you're left with these questions: who is Sammy, and what is Damien's angle????

ctorretta's review

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I really liked this book. It’s very much like Buffy the vampire slayer! Just the feeling you get, the characters and how they razz each other but when things get serious, so do they. It’s fun and then it’s serious but what it does maintain is a sense of action that keeps you turning those pages.

Kenneth checked off a few boxes on his clipboard.

“Ms. Jonson, your dismount was less than stellar, and while your staking was efficient, you forgot to issue the requisite one-liner.”

“I didn’t forget.” Natalie’s lips set in a straight line. “I didn’t think it was appropriate. A man died.”

Kenneth’s face remained unchanged. “His fate doesn’t change whether you issue the witty remark or not. And you were breaking protocol.” He sighed and tucked the clipboard under his arm. “As your probation officer, I am forced to remind you that the quicker you prove to me that you are ready, the faster I can approve you for field duty. Then we can both go back to our lives.”

In the dream world I was a little shakey. I’m sure that wasn’t Jill’s writing but my getting acquainted with which Natalie was talking. That threw me off a little and watching the characters do things they didn’t do in the other world. But it really doesn’t detract from the story. It doesn’t take long to figure out what’s going on.There was a lot that is thrown at you and it’s great. Definitely maintains the stamina all the way through.

“The bastard got the best of me, but I did what girls do best when in a fight.”

“What’s that?”

“Tore out a chunk of his hair.”

and another of my favorite lines…

“I’ve seen quite a few ‘its’ in my time. It is a very overused pronoun.”

The characters, as I said above, are a ton of fun. Natalie is the most interesting for me and as much as she is like Buffy, she is definitely her own person. I’m very curious what is next for Natalie and can not wait to read Awakening Dreams. I’m sure it’ll be just as good as The Demon Royale!