ryan_lieske's review

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As an "un-churched" believer, as Massie refers to us, I found this book quite comforting. Massie speaks very passionately about her belief that God is bigger than any one religion or set of spiritual guidelines, and that our search for God is, ultimately, a personal one that can only be defined by ourselves. And I agree with her 100%. While I do "believe," I am still seeking. And that can be a lonely, sometimes treacherous path—some of those who practice and adhere to more traditional beliefs can be very unkind, at times, to the "unsure."

Full disclosure, I was interviewed by Massie for one of the chapters in this book. But, at the time of that interview, I did not know the breadth and depth that she was bringing to the topic. I was quite moved by the results. Those of us who are unsure don't often know where to go with that lack of surety. Within these pages, I found a communal embrace that I have been bereft of for far too long.

Whether you agree with Massie's ideas or not, you cannot deny the fervor behind them. Her writing is clear, conversational, and free of pontification. I felt as though her and I were discussing the topic in a coffeehouse. And while Massie isn't afraid to bring up problematic topics as they relate to her thesis, her voice is always one of compassion, love, grace, and hope. I found her point-of-view akin to that of Pastor Jay Bakker. If you read this book, I hope you come away with a better understanding of those of us who choose to walk our own path. Ultimately, love and compassion are the answers. And I have yet to meet anyone who can argue against that.