
Killed by Thomas Enger, Kari Dickson

mpr2000's review against another edition

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This is the ending, the last piece of the Henning Juul story and how he risked his life again and again to discover the truth about his son's death. Ready?

In this tense crime noir book we will learn that Henning Juul can not trust anyone, every time he shares his discoveries someone appears dead, so he will try to protect his loved ones no matter what, even if he has to die. In this book, Henning starts grieving the death of his son, he wants answers but we will feel that he is starting to heal about the guilty and the sadness of loosing a child so young. And in the end he is not searching for vengeance, simply the truth.
This had been a dark read, not only for all the crime and conflicts that we read in the book, but the feelings that moves inside you; we read about people without conscience, that if they have money nothing more matters, but at the same time some normal people like you or me that when their family is being threatened they resign their moral. I can just wonder what I would do in those cases, but I would like to think I would go to the police instead of selling my conscience.
The story is told by multiple perspectives, making the story more real and easy to follow, let me say that I will miss them, but this is a great ending, a must read.
I don't want to say too much about the plot, simply that this is a non-stop crime book, perfect for any book reader, but start from the first book! ;)
Ready to kill or be killed?

noveldeelights's review against another edition

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Such conflicting times these are. On the one hand, being delighted to see the return of Henning Juul and on the other hand, knowing this is the end of the line. It’s sad to see this series come to an end but what a thrilling ride it’s been and I’m delighted to have been a part of this journey.

I accidentally jumped into this series with Cursed, which was book four. When the opportunity to join this blog tour came my way, I was determined to read the other three books first and I’m so glad I managed to do that. There is some amazingly intricate plotting throughout this entire series, which you can only appreciate when you’ve read all the books in order, and to see all the pieces of the puzzle come together was just incredibly exciting. So do yourself a favour and start at the beginning so you too can enjoy the full experience and see the various threads unravel. It’s so worth it!

Killed is an intense and thrilling adventure as Henning Juul continues his search for the truth about the fire at his flat. Will he finally find out who’s been calling the shots? I don’t want to say too much as I’ll be giving away information from the previous books but suffice to say there are a lot questions that still need to be answered. The prologue kicks things off in nail-biting fashion and immediately grabs your attention. Those few pages alone already had me on the edge of my seat and I had to fight the urge to skip to the last page to see what the outcome would be. This fifth and final instalment is a fantastic addition to an utterly brilliant and gripping series. With a strong pace and multiple characters in the mix, I was glued to the pages and couldn’t put the book down.

Watching Henning Juul’s character develop and mature has been an absolute privilege. While it’s of course a shame to see any series come to an end, I will always prefer it being done in this way with a most satisfying conclusion, instead of having it dragged out and end up going nowhere. The ending is fitting, just perfect, and I’m glad the author chose to wrap things up the way he did.

Thomas Enger is responsible for my introduction to the Scandi-Noir genre and for that reason alone, the Henning Juul series will always have a special place in my heart. So all that’s left for me to say is farvel ogg takk. (If I did that correctly, it should say “goodbye and thank you”.)

yvo_about_books's review

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Finished reading: July 5th 2022

"Henning looked over at the candle that was still burning down on the desk beside him. It reminded him that his time was steadily running out."

I've been slowly working my way through the Henning Juul books these last couple of months, and Killed is book number five and the final book of the series. Which means that I've finally managed to cross another pending series off my list again! And what a finale it was... There is no doubt that this series ended on a strong note and Killed is probably one of the best books of the series. The ominous feel of the previous books grows even stronger and the sense of danger is sky high while you race through the pages of this final book. What a way to end the series with a bang! This is definitely a series to read in order though, because each book makes multiple references to what happened before and Henning's investigation into the death of his son basically spans all five books. On top of missing out on important background information, you will also come across major spoilers if you read them out of order! Killed itself feels like it has a faster pace than the previous books, which probably has a lot to do with the fact that there is so much tension and danger lurking around every corner... No character is safe and you are wondering how on earth Henning will be able to find a way out of the whole situation. There were without a doubt a couple of twists I didn't see coming at all! Killed turned out to be a very strong end to a successful series, and Thomas Enger is firm on my list of favorite Nordic noir authors.

thebooktrail88's review against another edition

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Killed locations

Visit the locations in the novel

A gripping and fitting last book in the Henning Juul series. This packs and punch from the off and the fact Henning is getting closer to the truth about what happened to his son is gripping. You feel the pain of this man, you feel his confusion and anger and every emotion in between.

The story flows nicely and jumps at you with one twist and punch to the gut after another. Oslo’s streets are mean! But this time, there’s an international flavour with Natal in Brazil and the massacre in Izbica Poland bring an international and even more deadly angles to the already loaded story.

This is a very fitting end to a great series. I just hope there might be more of this type of novel from Thomas very soon!

bibliobethreads's review against another edition

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Thank you so much to Anne Cater, Karen Sullivan and all at Orenda Books for inviting me to be a part of this blog tour. When Anne contacted me via email to ask if I was interested, all I needed to do was read that synopsis, notice it was Scandinavian crime fiction and I literally jumped at the chance. Then I found out it was the fifth and final book in the Henning Juul series and I have to admit, I was a little worried. I get strangely anxious about wanting to read things in order, however I've relaxed the reins slightly in recent times and have read a few books "out of order," where it hasn't mattered a jot and I was crossing my fingers that Killed would be exactly the same. Well, let me assure you there is no doubt that it can absolutely be read as a stand-alone and, better still, provided at the beginning of the novel is such a handy little character list that it was very simple to keep track of who was who in the grand scheme of things.

So our main character in the series is Henning Juul, an investigative crime journalist who has recently lost his small son, in a horrific fire at his flat. As the story begins, he is desperately trying to piece together what happened to his son and more importantly, who was involved. He finds out quite quickly into the narrative that his sister Trine was on the scene just before the accident occurred but why? Furthermore, there are hardened criminals both at home in Norway and abroad that are determined to keep their wave of crimes silent and therefore, anyone who stands in their way or gets a bit too close to the truth has to be dealt with as quickly and as quietly as possible. Henning finds himself in a very real race for his life to uncover the mastermind behind a string of suspicious deaths so that he can finally put old ghosts to rest. He just has to be careful he doesn't become a ghost himself in the process.

I mentioned before that I enjoy Scandinavian crime fiction and Killed is up there with some of the most gripping thrillers I've had the pleasure to read from that beautiful area of the world. I love the darkness, the brooding characters and even Norway almost becomes a character in itself with the picture perfect surroundings and the often freezing conditions. The dark and the cold is just a fantastic setting for any crime fiction and Killed chilled my heart at times with the beauty and brutality of our setting. Of course, this is my first introduction to Henning Juul as a character but I'm already inclined to believe myself a little bit in love with him already. I love the dedication he shows to his work, the memory of his son and his sheer stubbornness in never giving up, even with a couple of bullets in his body! I can't speak for the rest of the books in the series but I thought the ending was pretty much a perfect way to round everything up (although he did give me a little heart attack when I thought he was taking the story a whole different way!). My only concern with the Henning Juul books, and it's a purely personal one, is that I feel I've missed too much of Henning's back story and I only wish I had made time to read the previous four books before starting this one. However, that just means I've still got four more to enjoy now I feel I know the character so very well!

For my full review and many more, please visit my blog at

markhoh's review against another edition

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“It felt like an eternity since he’d been that person. And it had been a long and painful journey. He was exhausted. Damaged. Tired of constant pain, tired of the hunt. But he finally found a peace, inside”. p286

The saga of Henning Juul culminates in ‘Killed’, the fifth and final novel by Thomas Enger in the series that has chronicled the incredible two year journey that Juul was thrust on following the tragic apartment fire that saw the death of his beloved son, Jonas and left him burned and scarred both physically and mentally. Enger has taken us on a journey through Burned, Pierced, Scarred, Cursed and finally Killed as Juul closes the loop on the events that transpired around that fire that came to define his life. It’s a tragic story, bearing all the hallmarks of Nordic Noir that sees the entire quintet of books firmly take its place among Norwegian best.

I really appreciate that Enger took the time in this final novel to explain everything and summarise the first four books succinctly. The plot is somewhat complex in any ways and for someone like me, stretching out my reading of these novels over four years, it was excellent having a summary and list of characters including who and what they were at the beginning of this book. I also liked the prologue that set me on a certain path in my mind as I embarked on this final novel.

Killed takes us to the heart of some of Norway’s crime underbelly that extends over many years, ultimately lining the pockets of the select few through unscrupulous and deadly means. Greed, as always, lies at the heart of this and Enger skilfully weaves all this into a story that may or may not be believable but ultimately that doesn’t matter. It’s a great read and the book finishes this saga really well.

A beautiful touch on the last page is Juul returning to his beloved piano, where he was the night of the fire and has not been able to return. Enger has recorded and provides the SoundCloud link for the most melancholy lullaby that he wrote for Jonas, Juul’s son, written by Juul on the night he found out that Nora was pregnant. Beautiful and poignant and a fitting reflective end to a fantastic series.

steph1rothwell's review against another edition

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With thanks to the publisher for the copy received.
Killed is the final book in the series that features Henning Juul and is the second that I have read. The story follows immediately after the previous book Cursed , if you haven’t read any of the series I would recommend that you at least read that one. Juul is intent on getting answers related to his latest discovery into the circumstances regarding his son’s death. From the prologue you know that he got his answers and more with tragic consequences.
Many threads are tied up in this novel from the earlier books. Despite not having read them from the beginning I could follow it reasonably well with the help of the character listing at the front.
Many of the characters are criminals, some you know who they are, but some have their true personality hidden. As is usual, much of the corruption that occurs is connected to money but there are also other reasons for the crimes that are committed. Anybody familiar with European history will appreciate the need to find answers about the past. And how a person who needs to know can be manipulated.
Whilst the prologue brought fear and resignation the epilogue brought poignancy and farewell. A flawed character whose desire for the truth had a cost. I will miss him

zzzrevel's review against another edition

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The finale of a 5-story arc and it was a fitting
end. The one nit I have is that it had been so
long since I had read #4 that I forgot some of
the great plotting in the past four books.
Nonetheless, this fifth entry does a fairly good
job of recapping spread throughout the story;
it would just be a mistake for a first-time reader
to pick this one up having missed those fiurst
Anyway, it was a typical Henning Juul novel,
complete with melancholy regarding his

dakegra's review against another edition

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A fitting conclusion to Henning Juul's story.

rly18's review against another edition

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A fitting ending for an awesome series! Full review coming soon