
Stalag-X by Mike Ratera, Kevin J. Anderson, Steven L. Sears

ljrinaldi's review against another edition

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Tits and Ass? Graphic Violence? Lots of Blood? Women being "mind" raped? Yup, all there, and more.

If that gets you excited to read this story, great, go for it.

I found that I just wanted to read the story, not see all the rest of the stuff that was going on. Women dressed in tantalizing clothes for no other reason than they are.

The story, itself, is somewhat interesting. Aliens are trying to figure out the best way to destroy the human race? But, really, the evil doctor has an eye monocle? Is that so we can tell the aliens apart?

Too much violence, blood, rape, and tits and ass for me. I'm sure there are others out there who would enjoy this.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.

carroq's review against another edition

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Disclaimer: I was provided a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Kevin J. Anderson knows how to write a good sci-fi story. This one is set in a future in which humanity is at war with an alien race. When the crew of a starship is captured by the aliens against all common belief, it provides an opportunity to build the conflict in an interesting way. Sure, there is plenty of violence in this book, but I like what it does with two sides. There are a couple of rogue elements that don't quite fit into either side clearly too. I just like the setting a lot. The world where most of the action takes place is sort of bleak and ultimately is both not important and very important for what happens there. The way Joe Human (that name might just be the worst thing about this book) seems to be a catalyst for a lot of the events that take place and, despite being sort of a dirt bag, I want to read more about him.

The art is pretty good. I recall a few moments where it becomes kind of sloppy. For the most part, it captures the brutality of the war that is going on while highlighting some of the more interesting elements in the story. Even if I don't like every image, that synergy with the story that is being told makes it work.

jmanchester0's review against another edition

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A creative idea. And while I enjoyed it, there wasn‰ЫЄt anything that really drew me into it. It was an interesting story. Anderson is a good writer. The idea was pretty original. The art was decent - the aliens were pretty creative. At least, I thought so. But there wasn‰ЫЄt a lot that really pulled me into the story.

I get really frustrated rating things like this - I didn‰ЫЄt love it, but then again, there was nothing in it that I could point to that made me not love it.

To be honest, and to be fair, the short story at the end (Deacon‰ЫЄs Story) was much more interesting. I‰ЫЄd probably give this book about 3.5 stars - but the story at the end will bump it to 4.

Thanks to NetGalley, Diamond Book Distributors, and Vault Comics for a copy in return for an honest review.

lenamjohnson's review against another edition

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I liked it. I love the concept of a POW camp set in a science fiction alien setting. The authors and artist do a fantastic job of showing how horrible it is. The entire thing moves slow in some parts, too quickly in others. Some of the scenes with the main character, Joe, were unsatisfyingly short.

Still, the setting was fantastic and I hope the creators team up together in the future to build on these characters and the war.

erin_boyington's review against another edition

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The art is okay throughout, though I didn't much care for the way women were depicted. (Aren't we over everyone missing half their shirts and being the same Barbie body type yet?)

If you're looking for a horror-y alien novel, this will work. I think the Krael are fairly one-dimensional bad guys. It's said that they are hierarchical and can't operate if the leader is killed, but we never see what that would actually mean. They're mostly an excuse to draw teeth and tentacles, which is cool with me. I think the whole human extinction angle is only fascinating if there are humans you can care about, and none of the prisoners in the camp rose to the level of fully-developed people since Joe Human's interactions with them were all antagonistic.

Finally, I didn't fully buy Joe Human's arc from survival-motivated loner to selfless hero. It's clear from the beginning that we're missing his backstory, but each of his actions (especially in the first quarter) don't fully add up to the decisions he makes at the end.

It's set up for a sequel, but meh.

Received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

etienne02's review against another edition

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Good and original scyfy world. The illustrations didn't really stand out of the ordinary, but are still good looking. The story was good, with just enough density too it, to keep it going but not being too simple or boring at the same time. Well dosed!

arodriguez283's review

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*I was provided with an advance reader copy by Net Galley in exchange for an honest review*

As far as graphic novels go, this one was pretty average. I give it 2.75 stars, not quite three stars in my opinion. This art style and plot are not usually what I prefer when I read graphic novels. I enjoy science fiction and space themed works, this one was just not very unique. The plot centers around the war between the human race and the Krael race. The main character is captured by the aliens and taken to prison camp for captured humans. The Krael's purpose for capturing the human is to experiment on them in order to answer the question, what is human? I didn't enjoy any of the characters really, and I felt that a lot of the animosity that the other prisoners felt for Joe was random and didn't make any sense. I thought that the parallels between this and World War II were and interesting addition and made the story a bit more interesting. Overall, I felt that the pacing was too slow for the plot at the beginning. Towards the end things get better, but the ending raises more questions then it answers. I didn't feel compelled to pick up the next volume after finishing this. Even though it ended with a cliffhanger, I just don't care enough about the characters and the plot to want to continue reading. I have very mixed feelings about this one...

aoife26935's review

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A gritty, fast paced sci fi thriller, with plenty of gore and discussions about what it means to be human. Parts of it reminded me of the old 'V' TV series - not the recent one, the original from the 80s. The art was very good, it was easy to tell the characters apart, including the aliens. I've always liked Kevin Anderson's writing.

An intriguing story that left me thinking afterwards.

Receiving an ARC did not alter my opinion in any way.