
The Scar-Crow Men by Mark Chadbourn

lyndiane's review

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3.5 stars

After thoroughly enjoying the Silver Skull, I had great expectations for the sequel. I had to settle for mild disappointment. Although the writing was fairly skilful, significant parts of the narrative fell prey to exaggerated plot development which led to fractures in the overall credibility, and the repetitive use of the phrase "pale skin" became rather irritating. The pages are also over-filled with gratuitous violence which detracts from what should have been another excellent offering.

Though I would like to complete the series (I fervently hope there isn't a 4th novel in the offing), I have decided to give myself a good long break before tackling the further exploits of Will Swyfte, Earl Launceston, Dr Jond Dee et al

markyon's review against another edition

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When The Sword of Albion/The Silver Skull came out last year, I was very impressed: so much so that I rated it as one of my favourites of 2010. Fast paced, nicely scary and good fun.

In Book 2 things move on apace. It is now 1593, five years after the first novel. It is clear that things have changed since we last saw Will Swyfte and his compadres. Sir Francis Walsingham, the old spy master, has died and been buried in relative obscurity. In his place is Sir Robert Cecil, seemingly a less effective leader, or at least one that is beleaguered by other factions and political groups.

Things are clearly not well in Elizabethan England. This is a darker tale than The Sword of Albion. Plague spreads across London’s streets and the Queen has moved her court out of London for fear of catching the disease.

This one starts off fast: there’s a grisly death involving big spiders in Saint Paul’s Cathedral, followed by the death of one of Will’s closest friends. Will is seen as someone clearly upset by this and also under suspicion of becoming more susceptible to atheist ways. Will is convinced his friend’s death was not in a common bar brawl but seems to be being covered up. Convinced that the murder was caused by men who wish Will no good, Will investigates why his friend was killed and by whom. And there seems to be a scheme to kill England’s spies: with Will being the best known spy in England, he’s a major target. The Unseelie Court seems to be making a move, and Will seems to be in line for assassination.

Now accused of being Britain’s biggest traitor, Will’s escape leads him to have to deal with occult magic, secret societies, zombie-like enemies and rooftop battles. Fortunately he’s got the help of Grace, his long-lost beau’s sister, and his friends John Carpenter and Robert, Earl of Launceston amongst others.

This one is darker and more troubled than The Silver Sword/The Sword of Albion, but it’s all exciting, well written stuff, with its fast pace intertwined with dark deeds and betrayal. Again, Mark wins me over. His eloquent phrasing is combined with detailed research that enhances, yet does not overpower, the tale. The streets of Elizabethan London are nasty, dirty, smelly places, filled with refuse, death carts and disease, and our hero traverses them, facing both expected villainy and unexpected supernatural danger.

There is a nice sense of ‘being there’ in this novel. Mark has always created a great sense of place in his novels, and this is no exception. The world-building is as ever excellent as we go through lots of lovely set pieces, from St Paul’s Cathedral to the plague pits of London, the Bedlam Asylum and the rooftops of Elizabethan England. Interestingly, this time Mark broadens this sense of place by involving an international element as the French are involved in trying to upset the stability of the English society. Paris is quite sinister.

Similarly, Mark usually does ‘nasty’ very well. As well as spiders and things that scuttle in the dark, the social hierarchy of the Fay are given a not too unsympathetic perspective here, if uncomfortable. Mention here must be made of an apparently possessed character that Will goes to for information who is one of the creepiest people I’ve read in a book for quite a while.

The dialogue is also great. In James Bondian fashion, Mark is never afraid to throw a quip in, yet wisely is able to rein it in when necessary and does not over-egg the pudding.
The ending is as exciting as you expect it to be and the scene is set for the next book in the series.
By the end, with some interesting setups for the next book in the trilogy, it was clear that the read was worth it. Another cracking, and (dare I say it), a ‘Swyfte’ read, Mr Chadbourn!


krisrid's review against another edition

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I really liked the first book in this series. This second one didn't draw me in quite as much and I'm not sure really why.

The only thing I can point to in why I didn't love this as much as the first book is that it felt relentlessly dark and heavy and violent. I understand that this is a dark world, and that dark things are going to happen. But somehow, the first book didn't feel *quite* so oppressive to me. It felt like there was a bit of humour and that helped to lift the feel for me and balance out the dramatic aspects of the story. That felt missing in the second book.

To be fair to the book, it may also be that I am simply not in the right frame of mind for a really heavy story at the moment. There's drama in my real life that I'm dealing with, so possibly, I just can't manage angst and depressing stuff in my fiction too.

The book was well-written, as was the first. And the world the author's built is impressive and offers plenty for sci-fi readers. I feel you need to be ready to dive deep into the dark side of things to really appreciate this book.