
One Summer Weekend by Juliet Archer

marie_emilia's review

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Habituée des chick lit, c'est avec plaisir que j'ai commencé ce livre de Juliet Archer. L'auteur a su rendre ses personnages attachants dès les premières lignes, j'ai apprécié que l'histoire se déroule notamment dans le Lake District et j'étais curieuse de voir où tout cela allait mener (même si le dénouement était prévisible dès le départ)... Le hic dans ce livre est le passage avec Troy. Dès son apparition, les personnages principaux ont un changement de personnalité, particulièrement Jack. Alors qu'il était charmant et sympathique jusqu'à ce moment, sa réaction lors de *l'incident* (trop farfelus) fut complètement immature et beaucoup trop forte pour la cause. Le dénouement arrivant très (trop) rapidement par la suite, je n'ai pas pu lui retrouver ce charme qui m'avait conquis au début du livre. L'héroïne est facile à oublier, elle manque de profondeur. Alors que j'étais complètement emballée par ce livre, c'est sur une note semi-amère que je le termine.

#OneSummerWeekend #NetGalley #IndigoEmployee

sarahs_bookish_life's review

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One Summer Weekend focuses on Alicia when she meets Jack from a company who have taken her on for her coaching skills. It's obvious there are sparks between the two as soon as they meet, although Alicia tries to fight it all the way.

Alicia does come across as being quite frosty and Jack certainly has his work cut out trying to thaw her. The business trip to the Lake District makes for an idyllic setting and was quite envious of Alicia having a hunky man and stunning views.

Jack was a good love interest being good looking, self assured and someone basically I'm sure most of us would happily fall for. I was certainly interested in getting to know him better.

One Summer Weekend is a novella so didn't take long to read at all. It's ideal if you want a quick and engaging read. With a lovely summery feel cover, it will certainly have you wanting to pack your backs and swan off somewhere nice.

My thanks to Rachel at Rachel's Random Resources for an advanced readers copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in anyway.

jessbookishlife's review

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This was the first Juliet Archer's book I have ever read and I quite enjoyed it.

The book starts with the first meeting between executive coach Alicia Marlowe and Jack Smith, her new client. Alicia is completely dedicated to her job and from the very beginning is well aware that this job is going to be a hard one. And I must say that I don't know much about the world of a executive coach, but I found the concept of the it all quite intriguing.

But things are not mainly about the coaching, it's also about the chemistry between Jack and Alicia. However, Alicia and Jack’s interactions and relationship's development was fun to read. I loved seeing Alicia's and Jack's development as the relationship began to grow, it made the story a lot relatable and real. And when we get to the weekend... That was amazing and I just got pulled in more.

The descriptions and the way the author writes just made everything much more visual and it made it possible for me to enjoy the book and see all the colors and images in my mind. That, plus the fast pace in the storyline played with my emotions and I liked getting to know the characters and learning about their pasts and thought as I read the book.

Since I'm from Portugal and I haven't traveled that much, I love reading about other places and reading is the best because it makes it possible for me to just "travel" (in my mind) and have fun in an adventure. When the place I'm reading about truly exists, I always do a Google search and try to learn more about that place, and that's what I did with this book. I had never heard of this Lake District before, so I was curious because it sound so lovely, and after my search, I'm even curious.

It was beautiful, more than I had imagine. I can see why Juliet would use that setting for her book, it really helps creating the perfect atmosphere that the storyline needs to get things moving.

"One Summer Weekend" is a wonderful story that truly get us to this weekend moment and is a fantastic read for Summer time. Actually, I recommend it for a relaxing day on the beach, or at home, wherever you like to read.

Thank you Juliet and Rachel for this book and the opportunity to read and give my honest review of this book as part of the blog tour.

katie_83's review

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One Summer Weekend
By Juliet Archer
4 stars
Reviewed on behalf of 3 Degrees of Fiction Book Blog

The first thing that drew me to this book was actually the front cover. I thought it looked really serene and tranquil, a great representation of an English country retreat. This was also my first read by this author and I enjoyed the story. It did start out a little slow for my liking but it picked up along the way and I did really like the characters, especially Jack! I liked the push and pull of the characters, even if Alicia irritated me a little at times because of her stubbornness. Jack certainly persevered with her! I have to admit I may have fallen for jack a little bit - he is the perfect book boyfriend!

One Summer Weekend is a nice novella that’s well written and is perfect to read on those long summer days!

zooloo1983's review

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In this novella, we meet Alicia (again what a fab name), an executive coach, who has been tasked with a new client. In walks, Jack Smith, who is arrogant and if you listen to the tabloids is a player with the ladies. Alicia has already written him off and is strictly business with him, Jack likes to flirt and joke around - Alicia does not find this acceptable.

In order for Alicia to help Jack, for some reason, she has to go away for the weekend with him on a business trip. The client, are also good friends of Jack, and Alicia has to pretend for the weekend in the Lake District that she is his girlfriend, what could go wrong?

Being a novella, you know things are going to progress and quick. We learn quite a bit of their backstory, but there were still some gaps that I would have loved to been answered. Due to Alicia 'researching' Jack, she had made a judgement on him before she had met him and wrote him off as a womaniser. I mean I get we would all do that, but she shut him down completely at the start, then when they got to the weekend away after a couple of wines she kissed him. I thought it was progressed probably a bit too quickly in terms of their feelings for each other with the little time they spent together. The judgement she had made on Jack was based on "him", the mysterious man from her past, who left her completely heartbroken and turned her into the Ice Queen, cue the drama for later on in the book. I did love Jack, albeit the arrogance, but he had a huge heart and knew his flaws.

I did LOVE the walk they went on in the Lake District, as the descriptions of the views sounded breathtaking. For someone who has never been there, but always longed to, I felt like I could picture it perfectly.

This is a perfect read, sitting in the garden in the early evening with a nice glass of wine (well we have to keep up with Alicia and Jack!)

*Thank you so much to Rachel at Rachel Random Resources and the author Juliet Archer for a copy of this book for my honest and unbiased opinion*