
Waiting for Dusk by Nancy Pennick

gabs_myfullbookshelf's review

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2.5 stars

**A free copy of this book was received from the author in exchange for an honest review.**

Waiting For Dusk is the kind of book that I should love. I love time travel stories, and the blurb made this book sound amazing. So why didn't I enjoy this one?

The big problem I had with the story was Kathryn/Kate/Katie. I didn't connect with her at all. I thought that she was a bit Mary Sue-ish.

Another problem was that the book didn't teach me too much about life in the 1920s. This was what I was honestly really hoping for; a pre-depresssion era book. But though I learned one or two things about 1927, I didn't learn as much as I wanted to.

Third, the way the characters talk, even when Kate's in modern days, sounds much older. It didn't sound real; at least, to me it didn't.

Here's one example I noted;

"Gee, Erin, I hadn't thought about it."

There's more, but this is the only one I wrote down.

The whole story moves rather slowly. There are a few parts that show promise of picking up the plot, but I flet like they didn't get used too much.
SpoilerI thought the author was going to turn Ty into a creepy, dangerous stalker, but sadly, that didn't happen.

The book gets a lot better when it's nearing the end. In fact, the end was probably four stars worthy. I was on the edge of my seat, wondering what was going to happen. But the last couple pages weren't enough to completely redeem the story in my eyes.

I didn't hate this book; but I didn't really love it either.

bookish_satty's review

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I got this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side!

Firstly I would love to thank Nancy Pennick, author of Waiting of Dust for giving me this wonderful opportunity to read and review her book which I truly fell in love with.

It was great and new experience for me because this is the first time that I read a book which included time travel. When I read the blurb, it really excited me and I quickly enrolled my name for getting a copy of this but my expectations were limited as I didn't quite knew about this time travel part but the story was BANG ON GREAT!

The author quite efficiently pulled out the explaining and descriptive part when it came to both the different times that the story includes and the reader won't ever find it confusing at all.

It was fast paced and didn't bore me at all but this new and unique concept of time travel will really grab your interest and you'll go on and on till you finish it.

The main character Katie was realistic and believable and very bit a young adult with all the general flaws and imperfections and she was really lovable and adorable. Well I was a bit jealous of her because I wanted her precious book.

All in all a great read and is great for people belonging to any age group, so grab your copy and enjoy it!

faerietears's review

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Review MAY contain minor spoilers - nothing I don't think you'd guess just from reading the synopsis though!

4.5 Stars

When I first picked up "Waiting For Dusk" and started reading, I was sure I wasn't going to like it. The first couple of chapters were kind of boring and Katie was just irritating. But oh boy am I glad I stuck with it! After those first couple of chapters, once the story got going, I was SUCKED in!

When Katie complains about being bored because all of her friends have "abandoned" her for summer vacation, her mom gives her a book to read. Katie isn't too thrilled, she hasn't read a book that wasn't required for school in forever.

However, Katie does read the book then falls asleep... and wakes up in 1927!

I'll start with what I did NOT like about the book:
As I said above, the story didn't grab me right away. I love a book that hooks me from the first chapter or, even better, the first page!
I also didn't really care for Katie's attitude, she acts like a typical teenage brat - which is fine - except that I don't think an 18 year old mature boy, like her love interest is, would be into that.
I also thought that the characterization of Tyson was strange. I get the importance of his character arch, but it just seemed to come out of nowhere, I feel like Katie should have had a clue about how he felt about her considering they'd been best friends since they were 8. He came on too strong. But hey! Maybe I just didn't like Tyson! I also wish there had been more interaction between Katie and Drew before they begin professing their love for each other, it is implied that weeks have gone by, but we don't really SEE much of that interaction. I wanted to read more about their courtship.

What I DID like about the book:
While a lot of the story was predictable, it was still very fun and there were still twists that I did NOT see coming! I loved the supporting cast in 1927. I can't put my finger on it, but there was something in this book that just grabbed me and would not let go. I literally spent almost an entire day laying in bed reading this book, getting up only to feed my child and change her diaper. I read it aloud to her when she craved my attention, because I couldn't put it down.

If you have read the Time Travelers series by Caroline B. Cooney (Both Sides of Time, Out of Time, For All Time, Prisoner of Time) you will LOVE the Waiting for Dusk series. It's got a lot of the same elements without repeating the same story that Cooney told. I would happily have both sets of books on my bookshelf.

I'm looking forward to reading Call of the Canyon, the second in this series, because the end of Waiting For Dusk left me craving more. (OK, who am I kidding? I literally finished this book and then went and downloaded the second onto my Kindle!)